Course Descriptions

Disclaimer:  All term data are continually updated and may change at any time as necessary. Refer to the Schedule of Classes frequently for the most current information. In particular, any courses that are designated as having in-person components are subject to change at any time before or during the term.

Refer to the glossary below for how to read each course description. Additional enrollment information, such as registration restrictions, fees and class notes, are available in the Schedule of Classes.

  • Subject Code – An abbreviation used with a course number to indicate an academic subject area
  • Course Number – Each course is assigned a course level. Courses numbered 100–499 are undergraduate courses (100–299 are lower division, 300–499 are upper division). Courses numbered 500 and above are graduate or professional/technical (500-699 are for masters or doctoral students and 700-899 are professional or technical courses for advanced degrees)
    • Some graduate level courses may be completed by senior undergraduates but interested students should consult their advisor or the department offering the course before enrolling
  • Credits – The number of quarter credits awarded for successful completion of the course
  • Description – A brief overview of the course content. If no description is listed, refer to the Schedule of Classes for details
  • Attributes – Courses that meet a specific educational requirement
    • Baccalaureate Core Courses (BCC) and Writing Intensive Courses (WIC) are indicated by attributes beginning with 'Bacc Core.' Titles with an asterisk (*) are BCC courses and titles with a carat (^) are WIC courses. All BCC and WIC courses are listed in the Baccalaureate Core section of this Catalog
      • PAC courses always meet the lower-division Fitness Core requirement and are therefore not indicated with the BCC attribute or asterisk
    • Core Education courses are indicated by attributes beginning with 'Core Ed' and titles with a plus sign (+). Core Education will replace the Baccalaureate Core in Summer 2025. Courses may carry both Core Ed and Bacc Core attributes and those courses include both the plus sign and asterisk in the title (+*). 
    • Honors courses for students registered with the Honors College are indicated by the HNRS attribute
    • Courses that meet the College of Liberal Arts core requirement begin with the LA attribute
  • Prerequisites – Courses or other educational requirements (eg. placement test) that must be completed prior to registering for another course or before proceeding to more advanced study.  Concurrency will be indicated if you are allowed to enroll in the prerequisite at the same time. Minimum passing grade is indicated in brackets or parentheses
    • If you do not meet the prerequisites but you believe you have the necessary knowledge to be successful in the course, consult your advisor. The department has the final say on whether you are permitted to enroll in a course without the specific prerequisite
    • Some classes may be restricted by campus, degree, program or class standing, or require departmental approval. Registration restrictions are indicated in the Schedule of Classes not the Catalog
  • Corequisites – Courses you must enroll in at the same time with another course
  • Equivalency – A course that is equivalent to the selected course. Credit will only be awarded for one of these courses. Crosslisted courses are indicated with equivalency and in the course description as ‘CROSSLISTED'
  • Repeatability – If the course can be taken multiple times for credit towards graduation, it will be indicated as “This course is repeatable for...credits”
  • Recommended – Suggested background knowledge or courses that you are encouraged to have completed prior to enrolling in the selected course. If you do not have the recommended background or equivalent, consult your advisor or the instructor regarding your suitability
  • Available via Ecampus – The course has been taught online in the past two years. Refer to the Schedule of Classes for current scheduling and campus availability.