Faculty A-Z


Abbas, Houssam 2018, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Arizona State University, 2004
PHD, Arizona State University, 2015

Abbasi, Bahman 2017, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
MS, Southern Illinois U-Edwardsvil, 2007
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2010

Ables, Scott 2018, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
MDIV, George Fox University, 2009
MAIS, Univ of Oxford University Coll, 2012
PHD, Univ of Oxford University Coll, 2016

ABOUL-ENEIN, BASIL 2024, Instructor, School of Public Health
MS, U of Texas Health Science, 2008
PHD, A T Still Univ Health Sciences, 2014

Ackers, Steven 2000, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Fisheries and Wildlife
PHD, Northern Arizona University, 1997

Acock, Alan 1990, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Adam, Benjamin 2019, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
MS, RWTH Aachen University, 2012
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Adams, Christopher 2019, Assistant Professor, Mid-Columbia Exp Sta
PHD, Michigan State University, 2016

Adams, Dennis 2016, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Brigham Young University Main, 1999
MBA, University of Oregon, 2006

Adams, Julie 2016, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Siena College, 1989
MENG, University of Pennsylvania, 1993
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 1995

Adams, Kaley 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Pacific University, 2014

Adams, Darius 1995, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Adams, David 1972, Emeritus, Horticulture Extension

Adams, Paul 1980, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Adams, Ronald 1998, Dean Emeritus, College of Engineering, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Adams, Wesley 1978, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Adlam, Christopher 2014, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Wildland Fire Progm
BS, Foreign Institution, 2006
MS, Foreign Institution, 2009
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2020

Aduviri, Amas 2005, Exec Dir- Grant Funded Prog, Coll Assistnc Migrnt Prg
BA, Foreign Institution, 1989
MBA, Andrews University, 2000

Aduviri, Cheridy 2006, OSU Peer Support Coordinator, Academic Success &Engage
BA, Eastern Washington University, 1996
MA, Andrews University, 2000

Aghasi, Alireza 2022, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

AguirreNunes, Mariana 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Universidade Federal do Para, 2018
MS, Florida State University, 2023

Ahearn, Kerry 1976, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Ahern, Katherine 2011, Senior Instructor II, Ext Deschutes Co Office
BS, University of Puget Sound, 1987
MA, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 1993

Ahern, Kevin 1989, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Ahrens, Glenn 2001, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Clackamas Co Office
BS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1982
MS, Oregon State University, 1990

Aiello, Christina 2018, Research Associate, Fisheries and Wildlife
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2018

Ajeto, Jennifer 2002, Assoc Registrar, Ops&Compl, Office of the Registrar
BS, Oregon State University, 2002

Akins, Scott 2004, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Northern Arizona University, 1994
MA, Washington State University, 1999
PHD, Washington State University, 2002

Akula, Pavan 2020, Assistant Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Pondicherry University, 2011
MS, National Univ of Singapore, 2013
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2020

Al-Jammali, Zainulabdeen 2017, Instructor, Pharmacy
BS, Foreign Institution, 2012
D PHAR, Foreign Institution, 2013

Alani, Adam 2010, Associate Professor, Pharmacy
BS, University of Baghdad, 1989
MS, University of Baghdad, 1995
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007

Albert, Loren 2022, Assistant Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Reed College, 2007
PHD, University of Arizona, 2016

Albertson, Giselle 2007, Senior Instructor I, Fisheries and Wildlife
MAT, Pacific University, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Alcantar, Benjamin 2011, Instructor, Vet Biomedical Science
DVM, Autonomous Univ St of Mexico, 2005

Alcon, Tim 2014, Senior Instructor II, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Western Washington University, 1992
MS, Western Washington University, 1998
MS, Iowa State University, 2010

Aldrich-Markham, Susan 1983, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Aldwin, Carolyn 2004, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Alexander, Julie 2010, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Microbiology (Science)
BS, Univ of Mary Washington, 1999
MS, James Cook University, 2002
PHD, Montana State Univ, 2010

Alexander, Nathan 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Oregon State University, 2022

AliNiazee, Mohammed 1972, Emeritus, Horticulture

Alix-Garcia, Jennifer 2017, Professor, Applied Economics
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1995
MA, Tufts University, 2000
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2005

Allan, Andrea 2005, Senior Instructor I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2005
MS, Oregon State University, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Allan, Robert 2004, Dir-Student Services, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Wittenberg University, 1995
MA, Minnesota State Univ-Mankato, 2000

Alleau, Yvan 1999, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Universite of Poitiers, 1997
MOCE, Oregon State University, 2002

Allen, Anna 2008, Instructor, School of Communications
BA, Oregon State University, 2010
MA, Oregon State University, 2012

Allen, Jennifer 2015, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, San Diego State University, 2006

Allen, Zackery 2021, Instructor, Graduate School Admin
BS, St John's Univ-New York, 2016
MA, Oregon State University, 2023

AllenJr, Thomas 1962, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Almuaybid, Ameer 2012, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2013
MAIS, Oregon State University, 2016

AlMusaly, Islam 2016, Instructor, School of Communications
BS, King Fahd Univ of Petrol Min, 2007
MS, Oregon State University, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Alston, Frances 2017, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
MSE, Univ of Alabama-Tuscaloo,The, 2003
MS, Southern Methodist University, 1996
PHD, Univ of Alabama-Tuscaloo,The, 2007

Alvarado, Beth 2015, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, University of Arizona, 1983
MA, Stanford University, 1985
MFA, University of Arizona, 1989

Amano, Matthew 1967, Emeritus, College of Business

Amort, Donald 1958, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Anand, Tejasvi 2015, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2015

Andersen, Daniel 2012, Instructor, School of Public Policy
BS, Western Washington University, 2005
MS, University of Oregon, 2008
PHD, University of Oregon, 2012

Anderson, Charles 2018, Instructor, School of Communications
BS, Oregon State University,

Anderson, Chelsea 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Oregon State University, 2013
MBA, Eastern New Mexico U-Main Camp, 2018

Anderson, Erika 2014, Faculty Research Assistant, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BS, Oregon State University, 2014

Anderson, Jeff 2014, Associate Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BA, Whitman College, 1997
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2006

Anderson, Jennifer 2016, Senior Instructor I, College of Education
BA, Whitman College, 1997
MS, Syracuse University-Main Campu, 2001

Anderson, Kim 1999, Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic, Department Head
BS, Boise State University, 1985
BS, University of Oregon, 1981
PHD, Washington State University, 1989

Anderson, Lorinda 2011, Associate Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy
D PHAR, University of Utah, 2010

Anderson, Nicole 2009, Professor, Crop/Soil Sci Extension
BS, Xavier University, 2003
MS, Washington State University, 2006

Anderson, Todd 2020, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Benton County Office
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2018
MS, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2020
PHD, Oregon State University, 2024

Anderson, Tyler 2019, Instructor, School of Public Policy
BS, Minnesota State Univ Moorhead, 2019
MS, Purdue University Main Campus, 2015

Anderson, Sonia 1968, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Anderson, Wayne 1986, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Andicoechea, Jonathan 2023, Instructor, Integrative Biology
BA, Amherst College, 2009
MS, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2012
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2023

Andrew, Isaac 2010, Instructor, School of VPDA
BMUS, Azusa Pacific University, 2005
MM, Cal State Univ-Long Beach, 2010

Andrews, Heather 2007, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, North Willamette Exp Sta
BSEE, Southern Oregon University,
BS, Southern Oregon University,

Andrews, Lawrence 1993, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, University of New Mexico, 1988

Andrews, Lindsay 2014, Instructor, College of Education
BS, Northwest Missouri St Univ, 2005
EDM, Oregon State University, 2018

Angima, Sam 2005, Associate Dean of Extension, College of Ag Admin, Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Andrews University, 1991
MS, Kenyatta Univ, 1996
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2000

Annalora, Andrew 2013, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, University of New Mexico, 2001
PHD, University of New Mexico, 2005

Antle, John 2008, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Antriasian, Anson 2014, Faculty Research Assistant, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2001

Antunez, Virginia 2024, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Western Oregon University, 2012
MA, Lewis Clark College, 2015
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2021

Anzinger, Dawn 1998, Senior Instructor I, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Oregon State University, 1999
MS, Oregon State University, 2002

Apte, Sourabh 2005, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, University of Pune, 1994
MS, Indian Institute of Science, 1996
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2000

Arar, Olivia 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Pharmacy
BA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2010
MD, Oregon Health Science Univ, 2023

Arbuckle, Scarlett 2013, Senior Instructor I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Long Island Univ-Southampton, 2003
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2012

Archer, Mika 2015, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MA, Columbia College, 1994

Arismendi, Ivan 2010, Associate Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
PHD, Universidad Austral De Chile, 2010

Arispe, Sergio 2014, Associate Professor, Ext Malheur Co Office
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2012

Armstrong, Jonathan 2016, Associate Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Lewis Clark College, 2005
PHD, University of Washington, 2013

Armstrong, Donald 1974, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Arnadottir, Liney 2009, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, University of Iceland, 2001
MS, University of Washington, 2003
PHD, University of Washington, 2007

Arnold, Holly 2014, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Vet Biomedical Science
BA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2011
MS, University of Oregon, 2013
DVM, Oregon State University, 2020
PHD, Oregon State University, 2021

Arnold, Mary 2000, Professor, Ext 4-H Yth Dev On-Cmpus
BA, Western Washington University, 1984
MS, Oregon State University, 1992
PHD, Oregon State University, 1994

Arnold, Stevan 1997, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Arocho, Ingrid 2014, Assistant Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, University of Puerto Rico, 2007
MS, North Carolina State Univ, 2008
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2014

Arora, Vipin 2014, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Agra University, 2003
MS, Jaypee Univ of Inform Tech, 2007

Arp, Daniel 1990, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path, Dean Emeritus, College of Ag Admin, Instructor, Honors College
BS, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1976
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980

Arras, Tracy 2000, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona, 1986
MS, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 1996
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Arthur, Jeffrey 1977, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

ArthurJr, John 1983, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Arthurs, Jonathan 2013, Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BBA, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1991
MBA, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1998
PHD, University of Oklahoma, 2004

Ashford, Scott 2007, Dean, Provost/Exec Vice Pres, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 1983
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1986
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1994

Ashford, Teresa 1999, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BS, Oregon State University, 1997
MS, Oregon State University, 2004

Ashton, Carolyn 2005, Associate Professor, Ext Benton County Office
BA, University of Arizona, 1989
MA, Michigan State University, 1994

Atamer, Zeynep 2020, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Food Science and Techno
BS, Middle East Tech University, 2003
MS, Foreign Institution, 2005
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2011

Ates, Serkan 2016, Associate Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Selcuk University, 1996
MS, Suleyman Demirel University, 2002
PHD, Lincoln University, 2010

Atkinson, Stephen 2010, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Microbiology (Ag)
BS, Foreign Institution, 2004
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2011

Atkinson, William 1987, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Auerbach, Marisha 2011, Lecturer, Horticulture
BA, Evergreen State College, 1998

AuYeung, Nicholas 2006, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, University of Connecticut, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2011

Ayres, James 1970, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Pharmacy

Azarenko, Anita 1986, Emeritus, Horticulture

Azizian, Mohammad 1987, Research Associate, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, University of Tehran, 1978
MS, University of Tehran, 1983
PHD, Oregon State University, 1993


Babb, Sandra 2015, Associate Professor, School of VPDA
BMUS, Florida State University, 1996
MM, Florida State University, 2000
PHD, Florida State University, 2010

Babbar-Sebens, Meghna 2012, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2002
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2006

Bachelet, Dominique 1989, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
PHD, Colorado State University, 1983

Baden, Evan 2015, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
MA, Columbia College Chicago, 2014

Bae, Harold 2014, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
PHD, Boston University, 2014

Baham, John 1979, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Bahde, Anne 2012, Associate Professor, Library
BA, University of Chicago, 2001
MA, Central Washington University, 2007
MLS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2002

Bahde, Thomas 2012, Instructor, Honors College
BA, Western Oregon University, 2002
MA, University of Chicago, 2003
PHD, University of Chicago, 2009

Bailes, Jack 1972, Emeritus, College of Business

Bailey, John 2005, Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Virginia Tech, 1983
MF, Virginia Tech, 1985
PHD, Oregon State University, 1997

Bailey, Mike 2004, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Purdue University Main Campus, 1975
MS, Purdue University Main Campus, 1976
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 1979

Bain, Alison 2023, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
BS, Carleton University, 2013
MS, University of British Columbia, 2016
PHD, McGill University, 2021

Baio, Joe 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2004
PHD, University of Washington, 2011

Baird, William 1997, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Baisted, Derek 1963, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Bakalinsky, Alan 1989, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Baker, Brian 2019, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Cal State Univ-Fresno,
MS, Cal State Univ-Fresno,

Baker, C Scott 2006, Professor, Marine Mammal Institute
BA, New College of Florida, 1977
PHD, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 1985

Baker, LeeAnn 2004, Instructor, Honors College
BA, Cal State Univ-Chico, 1998
MED, Oregon State University, 2005
MA, Cal State Univ-Chico, 1998

Bakos, Lindsey 2016, Learning Lab & Intntl Stdnt Co, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Metropolitan State Univ-Denver, 2011

Bakos, Yong 2016, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Northwestern University, 1999
MS, Regis University, 2014

Balasubramanian, Ravi 2011, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, National Univ of Singapore, 2000
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2006

Baldino, Katelyn 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of Georgia, 2020
MS, Oregon State University, 2023

Baldivieso, Pablo 2016, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MS, Portland State University, 2008

Baldivieso, Sebastian 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, Portland State University, 2020

Baldridge, David 2004, Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BGS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1986
MBA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988
PHD, University of Connecticut, 2001

Baley, Nichole 2013, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Klamath Basin Res&ExtCtr
BS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2012

Balhan, Krystle 2019, Instructor, Graduate School Admin
BA, Illinois Wesleyan University, 2005
MS, Colorado State University, 2008
PHD, Colorado State University, 2010

Ball, Patrick 2011, Senior Instructor II, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, University of Montana, 1991
PHD, University of Montana, 2000

Ball, Daniel 1991, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Ballance, Lisa 2019, Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, San Diego State University, 1981
MS, San Jose State University, 1987
PHD, Cal State Univ-Los Angeles, 1993

Balsa, Ingrid 2022, Associate Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, University of Arizona, 2000
EDM, University of Arizona, 2002
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2012

Baluch, Stephen 2022, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Crop and Soil Science
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2009

Banaitis, Aidas 2018, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Georgetown University, 1998
MA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2002

Banks, Michael 2001, Marine Fisheries Geneticist, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, Univ of Cape Town, 1981
MS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1983
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 1994

Banwarth, Peter 2010, Instructor, Mathematics
BA, Stanford University, 2007
MS, Stanford University, 2008
MS, Oregon State University, 2012

Barbar, Elisar 2003, Professor, Biochem/Biophysics, Department Head
BS, American University of Beirut, 1984
MS, American University of Beirut, 1985
PHD, Portland State University, 1993

Barbosa, Andre 2011, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Foreign Institution, 1998
MS, Foreign Institution, 2002
PHD, University of San Diego, 2011

Barbour, Philip 1987, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 1985
MS, Oregon State University, 1991

Barbour, Richmond 1992, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Barden, Jeffrey 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BA, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1992
MBA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1999
PHD, Duke University, 2006

Barnard, Andrew 1996, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Univ of S Carolina-Central Off, 1990
MA, Oregon State University, 1994
PHD, Oregon State University, 2001

Barnd, Natchee 2012, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Sonoma State University, 1997
MA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1999
MA, Univ of California-San Diego, 2001
MA, University of San Diego, 2001
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 2008
PHD, University of San Diego, 2008

Barnes, Blair 2020, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc

Barnes, Cheryl 2023, Assistant Professor, COMES - Newport Exp Sta

Barnes, Melissa 2023, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Colorado College, 2015
PHD, University of Oregon, 2022

Barnes, Jeffrey 1984, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Barnhart, Michelle 2009, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Stanford University, 1994
PHD, University of Utah, 2009

Barofsky, Douglas 1984, Emeritus, Chemistry

Barreto, Felipe 2015, Associate Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, University of Florida, 2001
MS, Univ of N Carolina-Wilmington, 2003
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2009

Barrett, Ellen 2019, Instructor, College of Education

Barrett, Johnner 1998, Senior Instructor I, Mathematics
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1996
MS, University of Oregon, 1998

Barrington, Picabo 2020, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2018
MA, Oregon State University, 2021

Barroso, Judit 2014, Associate Professor, Columbia Basin Exp Sta
BS, Foreign Institution, 1999
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2004

Barstow, Elizabeth 2016, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2001
PHD, Harvard University, 2010

Barstow, Geoffrey 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Hampshire College, 2002
MTS, Episcopal Divinity School, 2008
PHD, University of Virginia, 2013

Barth, John 1987, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Exec Dir-Marine Stud. Init, Provost/Exec Vice Pres
BA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1982
PHD, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 1987

Barth, Marita 2011, Senior Instructor II, Chemistry
PHD, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 2007

Bartholomew, Jerri 1990, Emeritus, Microbiology (Ag)

Bartini, Maria 2024, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, University of Georgia, 1999

Baskerville, Jordan 2011, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Oregon State University, 2005
MS, University of Oregon, 2009

Battaglia, Daniel 2008, Small Boat Prog Op Assist, VP for Research
BS, Truman State University, 1995

Batten, Belinda 1993, Sen. Adv. for Strat. Init., Provost/Exec Vice Pres, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1985
MS, Univ of Maryland-Baltimore Cty, 1987
PHD, Clemson University, 1991

Baumberger, Tamara 2018, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
PHD, Univ of Zurich, 2011

Baunach, August 1997, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BS, Oregon State University, 1977
MS, Oregon State University, 1992

Bawden, John 2023, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
PHD, Univ of California-Riverside, 2009

Baxter, Patricia 2019, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MAT, Eastern Oregon University, 2010

Bay, Brian 2000, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1984
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 1987
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 1992

Bayne, Christopher 1970, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Beamer, Jennifer 2008, Assistant Professor (Clinical), School of Exercise/Sport
BA, Cal State Univ-Chico, 1999
BA, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1999
MS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Bean, Maddison 2015, Instructor, School of Public Health
BS, Univ of California-Davis,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

Bearden, David 2001, Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy, Dean-COP, Provost/Exec Vice Pres
D PHAR, Univ of Illinois-Chicago, 1997

Beatty, Joseph 1974, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Beaudry, Christopher 2009, Professor, Chemistry
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2005

Beaver, Johnny 2019, Instructor, School of VPDA
BFA, Oregon State University, 2018

Beaver, Laura 1998, Research Associate, School of Public Health
BS, Oregon State University, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2002
PHD, George Washington University, 2008

Becerra-Alvarez, Aaron 2024, Assistant Professor, Horticulture Extension
BS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2019
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2024

Beck, Andrew 2015, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, University of Oregon, 2004
MFA, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007

Beck, Jessica 1998, Assistant Dean, Graduate School Admin
BA, Rutgers University-New Brunswi, 1995
MED, Oregon State University, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2001

Becker, Laurence 2002, Prog Dir, Environmental Sci, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Professor
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1981
MA, Stanford University, 1982
PHD, Univ of London, 1989

Becker, Lorene 2003, Senior Instructor II, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Pitzer College, 1981
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1999

Becker, Boris 1970, Emeritus, College of Business

Becker-Blease, John 2009, Associate Dean, College of Business, Associate Professor
BS, University of Florida, 1996
BA, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 1993
PHD, University of Oregon, 2002

BeckerBlease, Kathryn 2009, Dir-Sch of Pyschological Sci, Sch of Psychological Sci, Professor
BS, University of Oregon, 1998
MA, University of Oregon, 1999
PHD, University of Oregon, 2002

Beckman, Joseph 2001, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Bednarsek, Nina 2022, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
MS, Foreign Institution, 2005
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2011

Bee, Colleen 2008, Associate Professor, College of Business, School Head-Mktg Anlytcs Dsgn, FacultyAthleticsRepresentative, Provost/Exec Vice Pres
BA, University of Waterloo, 1998
MA, University of Waterloo, 2000
PHD, University of Oregon, 2005

Beechler, Brianna 2005, Assistant Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BA, Bucknell University, 2002
DVM, Oregon State University, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Beeson, Jeffrey 2009, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BS, University of South Florida, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Behan, Jeffrey 2001, Faculty Research Assistant, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BS, Northern Arizona University, 1984
MS, Northern Arizona University, 1997

Behrenfeld, Michael 2004, Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Eastern Washington University, 1987
MS, Oregon State University, 1989
PHD, Oregon State University, 1993

Beisiegel, Mary 2012, Professor, Mathematics
MS, Virginia Tech, 1998
MS, Foreign Institution, 2005
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2009

Bell, Jessica 2024, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Univ of Mary Washington, 2012
MA, Oregon State University, 2022

Bell, Randy 2012, Professor, College of Education
BS, Marshall University, 1984
MS, Duke University, 1987
PHD, Oregon State University, 1999

Bell, Samuel 2016, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Applied Economics
BA, Australian National University, 1998
BS, Foreign Institution, 1998
BSEE, Foreign Institution, 1999
PHD, Cornell University, 2015
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2015

Bell, Christopher 1981, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Bell, J 1962, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Bella, David 1967, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Bemrose, Rebecca 2015, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, School of Public Policy
BS, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 2013
MA, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 2015

Bengtson, George 1979, Emeritus, College of Forestry Adm

Bennett, Dennis 2004, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, San Diego State University, 1993
MA, Washington State University, 1995

Bennett, Andrew 1987, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Bennett, Max 1999, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

BennettJr, Cleon 1959, Emeritus, School of Communications

Benoit, Montaigne 2017, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Arizona, 1993
MA, Portland State University, 2010

Bentley-Townlin, Tracy 1990, Manager of Access Services, Disability Access Srvcs
BA, University of New Mexico, 1987
BS, University of New Mexico, 1987
MED, Oregon State University, 1994
PHD, Oregon State University, 2002

Berg, Laura 2011, Head Coach-Softball, Intercolleg Athletics
BS, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 1998

Berger, David 2008, AFIS School Head, College of Business, Associate Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Washington State University, 2003
PHD, Washington State University, 2008

Bergeron, D 1974, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Bermudez, Luiz 2002, Univ Distinguished Professor, Vet Biomedical Science, Department Head, Veterinary Medicine
MD, Federal Univ of Rio de Janeiro, 1978

Bernard, Kim 2012, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Rhodes University, 2001
MS, Rhodes University, 2003
PHD, Rhodes University, 2007

Bernardin, Susan 2017, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Princeton University, 1988
MA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1992
PHD, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1996

Bernell, David 2001, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, University of New Mexico, 1988
MA, Johns Hopkins University, 1994
PHD, Johns Hopkins University, 1997

Bernell, Steph 2001, Associate Dean, Graduate School Admin, Associate Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, American University, 1990
MA, American University, 1992
PHD, Johns Hopkins University, 1999

Berry, Pete 2013, Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BA, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019

Berry, Ralph 1968, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Bertini, Robert 2020, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 1988
MS, San Jose State University, 1991
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1999

Bertrando, Neil 2021, Instructor, Horticulture

Beschta, Robert 1974, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Best, Lincoln 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BS, Foreign Institution, 2005

Bethel, Jeffrey 2011, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1997
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2005

Betjemann, Peter 2005, AVP, Arts&Humanit & ED, PRAx, Liberal Arts Admin, Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Vassar College, 1995
MA, Princeton University, 1998
PHD, Princeton University, 2004

Betts, Matthew 2007, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, University of New Brunswick, 1999
MA, University of Waterloo, 1995
PHD, University of New Brunswick, 2005

Bhanoo, Sindya 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BS, Carnegie Mellon University,

Bhattacharyya, Sharmodeep 2015, Associate Professor, Statistics (Science)
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2013

Biedenweg, Kelly 2015, Associate Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Western Washington University, 1998
MS, Keene State College, 2005
PHD, University of Florida, 2010

Bierman, Melissa 2023, Instructor, Horticulture

Biesack, Ryan 2009, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BMUS, Univ of Wisconsin-Stevens Pt, 2006
MA, University of Oregon, 2009

Biga, Lindsay 2006, Senior Instructor II, Integrative Biology
BA, Denison University, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Bigelow, Daniel 2010, Assistant Professor, Applied Economics
PHD, Oregon State Higher Education,

Bildfell, Robert 1998, Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine

Binney, Stephen 1973, Emeritus, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr

Bionaz, Massimo 2012, Associate Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
MS, Foreign Institution, 2000
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2004

Birkes, David 1972, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

Bishop, Cecily 2002, Assistant Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Washington State University, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2006

Bisson, Kelsey 2019, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2013
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2018

Black, Andrew 2015, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BS, Metropolitan State Univ-Denver, 2008
PHD, Lehigh University, 2015

Blackburn, Timothy 2016, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Kansas State University, 2002
MA, Columbia University-NYC, 2008

Blackburne, Terrence 2019, Associate Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BA, University of Oklahoma, 2000
MA, Stanford University, 2003
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 2014

Bladon, Kevin 2013, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Foreign Institution, 2002
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2006

Blair, Lesley 1993, Senior Instructor II, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of Illinois Central Offic, 1987
MS, Univ of Illinois Central Offic, 1989
PHD, Oregon State University, 2002

Blaisdell, Amanda 2017, Senior Instructor I, Mathematics
BS, Texas AM Univ-College Station,
MS, Oregon State University, 2019

Blakemore, Paul 1999, Professor, Chemistry
BS, Univ of Southampton, 1995
PHD, Univ of Glasgow, 1999

Blanchard, Dan 2021, Instructor, Horticulture
BS, Clemson University, 2014
MS, Oregon State University, 2023

Blanchard, Nicholas 2007, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BS, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 2005
MS, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University,

Blanco, Lyzette 2022, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
PHD, Claremont Graduate University, 2016

Blaustein, Andrew 1978, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Blessing, Benita 2012, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MS, Monterey Inst of Internat Stud, 1991
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001

Bliss, John 1998, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Block, John 1966, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Bloomer, Sherman 1995, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Chancellor and Dean, Provost/Exec Vice Pres
BA, Rice University, 1976
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 1982

Blouin, Michael 1995, Professor, Integrative Biology
BA, University of Virginia, 1982
MS, Florida State University, 1986
PHD, Florida State University, 1989

Bluhm, Andrew 2000, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1993
MS, University of Georgia, 1997

Bluhm, Wilbur 1957, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Blunck, David 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BSME, Brigham Young University Main, 2005
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2010

Blythe, Linda 1978, Emeritus, Vet Biomedical Science

Boal, Nathan 2009, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Valparaiso University, 2000

Bobba, Rakesh 2014, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Birla Inst of Tech Science, 2000
MS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2007
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2009

Bobe, Gerd 2009, Associate Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
MS, Iowa State University, 1997
MPH, Johns Hopkins University, 2006
PHD, Iowa State University, 2002

Bobo-Shisler, Cora 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BA, Oregon State University, 2020

Bodfish, Erin 2019, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Oregon State University, 2019
MA, Pacific NW College of Art, 2022

Bodi, Emily 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Pharmacy
BS, Oregon State University, 2022

Boedtker, Olaf 1961, Emeritus, Physics

Boehme, Laura 1992, Instructor, College of Education
BS, Brigham Young University Main, 1990
EDM, Oregon State University, 2004
PHD, Oregon State University, 2020

Bogart, Kathleen 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Louisiana State Univ A M, 2004
MA, San Francisco State University, 2008
PHD, Tufts University, 2012

Boggess, William 1995, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Bogley, William 1990, Professor, Mathematics
BA, Dartmouth College, 1981
MS, University of Oregon, 1983
PHD, University of Oregon, 1987

Bohle, Mylen 1989, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Bohlinger, Joseph 2019, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of Southern California, 2017

Bohnert, David 1998, Director, EOARC - Burns Exp Sta, Professor
BS, Angelo State University, 1990
MS, Angelo State University, 1994
PHD, University of Kentucky, 1998

Bokil, Vrushali 2006, Assoc Dean-Rsrch & GrdStdies, College of Science Admin, Professor, Mathematics
BS, University of Pune, 1991
MS, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 1996
MS, Indian Institute of Technology, 1993
PHD, University of Houston, 2003

Bollman, Katie 2022, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy

Bollmann, Stephanie 2007, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Integrative Biology
BS, Kansas State University, 2002
PHD, Oregon State University, 2008

Bolm, Anna 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BFA, Univ of Illinois-Chicago, 2008

Bolte, John 1987, Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BS, University of Florida, 1979
MS, University of Florida, 1983
PHD, Auburn University Central Offi, 1987

Bolzendahl, Catherine 2020, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, University of Notre Dame, 2000
MA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2002
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2006

Bonady, Devon 2016, Instructor, Horticulture
BA, Dartmouth College, 2000
MS, University of Oregon, 2012

Bond, Barbara 1992, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Bondi, Michael 1978, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Bonham, Earl 1955, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Boock, Michael 2003, Professor, Library
BA, Univ of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1989
MLS, Kent State Univ-Main Campus, 1994

Boonstra, Michael 2011, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BFA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1996
MFA, University of Oregon, 2002

Boovy, Bradley 2012, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MA, Tulane University, 2003
MA, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2006
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2012

Bordelon, Kayla 2022, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Wildland Fire Progm
MS, University of Idaho, 2017

Boren, Blake 2006, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Borgir, Tharald 1967, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Borman, Michael 1992, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Borradaile, Glencora 2009, Int AsscDean-Fac&Staff Adv, College of Engineering, Assoc Dean-Graduate Programs, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Western Ontario, 2002
MS, Brown University, 2004
PHD, Brown University, 2008

Bose, Bella 1980, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Madras Christian College, 1973
MENG, Indian Institute of Science, 1975
PHD, Southern Methodist University, 1980

Bosma, Bret 2009, Research Associate, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2005
MS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Bosworth, Kelly 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Grinnell College, 2010
MA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Bothwell, Michelle 1994, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Purdue University Main Campus, 1989
PHD, Cornell University, 1994

Bottomley, Peter 1979, Emeritus, Microbiology (Science)

Boucher, Christopher 2016, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MFA, Syracuse University-Main Campu, 2002

Boudet, Hilary 2012, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Rice University, 2001
PHD, Stanford University, 2010

Boudinot, Victoria 2011, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Portland State University, 1984
MS, Central Oregon Com College, 2007

Boudraa, Nabil 2003, Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Foreign Institution, 1993
MA, CUNY Queens College, 1998
PHD, Louisiana State Univ A M, 2002

Bourdeau, Virginia 1987, Emeritus, Ext 4-H Yth Dev On-Cmpus

Bourne, Amy 2006, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Texas Tech University, 1996
MS, Texas Tech University, 1996
PHD, Anderson University, 2008

Bouska, Cassie 2004, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Coos County Office
BS, Oregon State University, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2004

Bouwma, Andrew 2012, Senior Instructor II, Integrative Biology
BS, Calvin University, 1996
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003

Bouwma-Gearhart, Jana 2012, Professor, College of Education
BA, Lawrence University, 1995
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008

Bouya, Farid 2020, Instructor, Mathematics
BS, Foreign Institution, 2012
MA, Louisiana State Univ System, 2014
PHD, Louisiana State Univ System, 2020

Bovbjerg, Marit 2009, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health
BA, University of Virginia, 1999
MS, University of Virginia, 2002
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2010

Bovbjerg, Viktor 2009, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Bowker, Judith 1991, Emeritus, School of Communications

Bowman, Sally 1993, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Boyd-Berman, Holly 2009, Senior Instructor I, College of Education
BA, Emory University, 1999
MA, Georgia State University, 2006

Boyle, James 1981, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Boyles, Robert 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, Baylor University,

Bozigar, Matthew 2022, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health

Brackett, Amanda 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Clark University, 2015

Bradford, Daniel 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Auburn University Main Campus, 2007
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019

Bradley, Elise 2014, Instructor, College of Education
BS, Western Oregon University, 1981
MS, Western Oregon University, 1985

Bradshaw, Julia 2012, Associate Professor, School of VPDA
BA, Santa Clara University, 1997
MFA, San Jose State University, 2007

Braker, Marjorie 1979, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Branch, Harrison 1972, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Brander, Susanne 2017, Associate Professor, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, Elizabethtown College, 1999
MS, Johns Hopkins University, 2005
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2011

Brandt, Stephen 2009, Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1972
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978

Brandt, Jeanette 1973, Emeritus, College of Business

Brandt, Jeanne 1985, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Brandt, Patricia 1962, Emeritus, Univ Information & Techn

Brandt, William 1956, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Branka, Andrew 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2019

Brankovic, Amela 2023, Instructor, Pharmacy
BS, Univ of Sarajevo, 1990
D PHAR, University of Florida, 2010

Branscomb, Allan 2007, Faculty Research Assistant, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BA, Antioch University, 1969

Branscum, Adam 2010, Professor, School of Public Health
MS, Cal State University-East Bay, 2000
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 2005
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2005

Braun, Clare 2012, Senior Instructor i, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, University of Arizona, 2007
MFA, Oregon State University, 2014

Brauner, David 1975, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

BraunworthJr, William 1986, Emeritus, Horticulture

Braverman, Marc 2005, Professor, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps, Interim School Head, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm
BA, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 1972
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982

Bray, Tammy 2002, Dean Emeritus, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Fu-Jen Univ Chinese Language I, 1967
MS, Washington State University, 1971
PHD, Washington State University, 1974

Bredeweg, Evan 2012, Research Associate, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Pacific University, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019

Breece, Carolyn 2004, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, University of Oregon, 1999
MS, Northern Arizona University, 2006

Breen, Patrick 1974, Emeritus, Horticulture

Brekken, Christy 2007, Senior Instructor I, Applied Economics
BA, University of St Thomas, 1998
MS, Oregon State University, 2011
JD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2005

Brekken, Ted 2006, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BSEE, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1999
MS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2002
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2005

Brennan, William 1966, Emeritus, Dean of Students

Brewer, Wesley 2016, Associate Professor, School of VPDA
BMUS, Arizona State University, 1999
MM, Southern Oregon University, 2005
PHD, Arizona State University, 2009

Brewer, Donald 1957, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Brewster, Bill 1975, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Bridges, Laurie 2000, Professor, Library
BS, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1995
MLS, Seattle University, 2007
MS, Oregon State University, 1999

Briggs, Samuel 2009, Assistant Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2011
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016

Briley, Amy 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Tulane University, 2001
PHD, Old Dominion University, 2004

Britton, Gwyneth 1965, Emeritus, College of Education

Brockman, Joseph 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, Western Washington University, 2016
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Broderick, William 1986, Emeritus, College of Education

Brodie, J Douglas 1975, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Brody, Barbara 2009, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Malheur Co Office
BS, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona, 1997
MS, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona, 1997

Bronson, Staci 2007, Instructor, Integrative Biology
BS, Oregon State University, 2008
MS, Oregon State University, 2015
DTA, Skagit Valley College, 2004
PHD, Oregon State University, 2020

Brook, Edward 1996, Univ Distinguished Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Duke University, 1985
MS, University of Montana, 1988
PHD, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 1993

Brookhyser, Evelyn 1966, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Brooks, Raymond 1997, Emeritus, College of Business

Brooks, Royal 1967, Emeritus, Biol & Ecol Engineering

Brown, Kevin 2018, Associate Professor, Pharmacy
BS, Louisiana State Univ A M, 1998
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2003

Brown, Nicole 2001, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Linfield University, 1999
MA, Oregon State University, 2004

Brown, Shane 2013, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 1995
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 1998
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005

Brown, Stephanie 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Food Innovation Center
MS, University of Connecticut, 2018

Brown, Carol 1978, Emeritus, College of Business

Brown, Clinton 1970, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Brown, Daniel 1974, Emeritus, College of Business

Brown, Joy 1962, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Brown, Kenneth 1963, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Brown, Lyle 1970, Emeritus, Microbiology (Science)

Brown, Terence 1975, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Browne, Cornelius 2002, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, University of Central Florida, 1993
MA, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1995
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2001

Browne, William 1970, Emeritus, College of Business

Brownell, Philip 1979, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

BrownIII, George 1966, Dean Emeritus, College of Forestry Adm, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Brubaker-Cole, Susan 2008, Associate Ombuds, University Ombuds Office
BA, University of Washington, 1994
MA, Yale University, 1996
PHD, Yale University, 2000

Brudvig, Robert 1999, Associate Professor, School of VPDA
BA, Oregon State University, 1993
BS, Oregon State University, 1989
MS, Portland State University, 1996

Brumley, Richard 1993, Emeritus, Library

Brunner, Charles 1984, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Bruslind, Linda 1993, Senior Instructor II, Microbiology (Science)
BS, University of Arizona, 1991
MS, University of Arizona, 1993
PHD, Oregon State University, 1997

Bryant, Nancy 1974, Emeritus, College of Business

Bubl, Charles 1978, Emeritus, Ext Columbia Co Office

Buccola, Steven 1980, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Buchanan, Angelika 2018, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
MBA, Univ of New Hampshire-Manchest, 1992

Buck, Kristen 2022, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Pacific Lutheran University, 2001
BS, Pacific Lutheran University, 2001
PHD, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2006

Buckholz, Cheryl 1999, Instructor, Pharmacy
BS, Oregon State University, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2003

Buckhouse, John 1975, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Buckland, Kristine 2017, Associate Professor, North Willamette Exp Sta
BS, US Air Force Academy, 1998
MS, Utah State University, 2011
PHD, Utah State University, 2016

Buckner, John 2024, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2023

Bucy, David 1956, Emeritus, Facilities O&M Admin

Budd, Timothy 1986, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Bude, Tekla 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2006
MS, Univ of Oxford Univ Offices, 2007
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 2013

Buhl, Christine 2001, Instructor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Oregon State University, 2003
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013

Buhl, Kaci 2002, Associate Professor (Practice), Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Michigan State University, 2000
MS, Michigan State University, 2002

Buhrig, William 2013, Faculty Research Assistant, Malheur Exp Sta
BS, Eastern Oregon University, 2010
MS, University of Idaho, 2013

Buizert, Christo 2011, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Delft Univ of Technology, 2003
MS, Delft Univ of Technology, 2007
PHD, Univ of Copenhagen, 2012

Bukoski, Jacob 2022, Assistant Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2011
MS, Yale University, 2016
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2021

Bulgren, Christopher 2018, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BMUS, University of Kansas, 2006
MMED, University of Kansas, 2009
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017

Bull, Tina 1996, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Bump, Michelle 2014, Instructor, School of Public Health
BS, Texas Tech University, 2007
MS, Texas Woman's University, 2009
MS, Texas Southern University, 2009

Bunting, Jordyn 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Food Innovation Center
BA, Cal State Univ-San Marcos, 2013

Burand, Michael 2012, Senior Instructor II, Chemistry
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Duluth, 2000
MS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2003
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2006

Burgett, D 1974, Emeritus, Horticulture

Burke, Krista 2022, Instructor, College of Business
BA, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2014
MA, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2017

Burke, Michael 2023, Instructor, School of VPDA
MA, Kansas State University, 2022

Burke, Molly 2015, Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2004
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2010

Burke, Mary 1985, Emeritus, Microbiology (Science)

Burke, Michael 1984, Emeritus, Horticulture

Burkhardt, Aaron 2022, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 1996

Burkhardt, Brett 2011, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011

Burnett, Margaret 1993, Univ Distinguished Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Miami University, 1970
MS, University of Kansas, 1981
PHD, University of Kansas, 1991

Burnett, Timothy 2016, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Cal State Univ-San Marcos, 2008
MS, San Diego State University, 2012

Burns, Leslie 1985, Emeritus, College of Business

Burr, Terry 2005, Specialist 2-Seed Cert 2, Crop/Soil Sci Extension
BS, Oregon State University, 1987

Burridge, Judith 1968, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Burt, John 1973, Emeritus, General Agriculture

Burt, Lawrence 1979, Emeritus, Applied Econ Extension

Burton, Vicki 1993, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Busby, Posy 2001, Associate Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BA, Harvard University, 2002
MS, Harvard University, 2006
PHD, Stanford University, 2012

Bushnell, John 2007, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Linfield University, 2002
MFA, University of Oregon, 2007

Butcher, Karyle 1981, Emeritus, Library

Butler, David 1975, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

Butler, Marvin 1991, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Buxton, Cory 2018, Professor, College of Education
BS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1989
MA, Tulane University, 1994
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2000

Byrne, John 1964, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, President Emeritus, Office of the President


C.Garwood, Jessica 2022, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Dalhousie University, 2011
MS, Dalhousie University, 2014
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 2019

Cabrera, DeMara 2004, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BA, Stanford University, 2004
MS, Oregon State University, 2006
MFA, Boston University, 2013

Cadart-Ricard, Odette 1965, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Cahoon, Emily 2021, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
PHD, Portland State University,

Calderon, Francisco 2020, Professor, Crop and Soil Science
PHD, Michigan State University, 1997

Caldwell, Douglas 1968, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Caldwell, George 2003, Emeritus, School of Communications

Calvert, Janet 1982, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Calvert, Leonard 1961, Emeritus, Extension Communications

Calvo-Amodio, Javier 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Foreign Institution, 2000
MS, Foreign Institution, 2003
PHD, Texas Tech University, 2012

Cameron, H 1955, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Campana, Michael 2006, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Campbell, Courtney 1990, Hundere Chair, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel, Professor
BA, Yale University, 1981
MA, USE 003745 **, 1984
PHD, USE 003745 **, 1988

Campbell, Holly 2007, Senior Instructor I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Northern Illinois University, 1979
MS, University of Utah, 2006
JD, University of Oregon, 1991
PHD, Oregon State University, 2011

Campbell, Matthew 2013, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Carnegie Mellon University, 1995
MS, Carnegie Mellon University, 1997
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2000

Campbell, Scott 2014, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2014
MS, Oregon State University, 2016

Campbell, Elizabeth 1984, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Campbell, Kay 1987, Emeritus, School of VPDA

CampbellIII, Allan 1976, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Campista, Joshua 2011, Instructor, School of Communications
BS, Oregon State University,
MAIS, Oregon State University, 2021

Cann, David 2004, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Virginia Tech, 1991
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1993
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1997

Cannon, Lynn 1963, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Cantor, Mauricio 2021, Assistant Professor, Marine Mammal Institute
BS, Foreign Institution, 2009
MS, Foreign Institution, 2011
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2016

Cao, Yue 2018, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2011
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2013
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2017

Capalbo, Susan 2008, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Capener, Brad 2022, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Luther College,

Caplan, Shannon 2010, Assistant Professor (Practice), Open Campus
BA, Sonoma State University, 2007
MA, Northern Arizona University, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019

Cappellazzi, Jed 2010, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Wood Science/Engr
BS, SUNY Coll-Env Sci Forestry, 2007
MS, Oregon State University, 2014

Cappy, Christina 2016, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison,

Carbajal, Ivan 2020, Assistant Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
MS, University of North Texas, 2018

Cardinal, Bradley 1997, Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BA, Eastern Washington University, 1985
MS, Eastern Washington University, 1987
PHD, Temple University, 1993

CareyJr, Andrew 1961, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Carleton, Phillip 2014, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, University of Florida, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

Carlson, Kyle 2010, Faculty Research Assistant, Klamath Basin Res&ExtCtr

Carlson, Mark 2022, Instructor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng

Carlson, Angela 1969, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Carlson, Marlan 1969, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Carlson, Roy 1958, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Carlson, Theodore 1961, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Carney, Molly 2024, Assistant Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, SUNY College-Geneseo, 2013
MA, Washington State University, 2016
PHD, Washington State University, 2021

Carpenter, Bret 2017, Senior Instructor I, College of Business
BS, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona, 1986
MS, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona, 1992

Carpenter, Burl 2014, Instructor, Crop and Soil Science
BA, University of New Mexico, 2005
MS, Oregon State University, 2017

Carpenter, Shana 2023, Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Univ of Colorado System, 2000
MS, Colorado State University, 2003
PHD, Colorado State University, 2004

Carr, Jay 1979, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sci Extn

Carrell, Steven 2011, Bioinformatics Trainer, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BS, Oregon State University, 2016

Carroll, Tim 2021, Professor, College of Business
BA, University of San Diego, 1991
MBA, University of New Mexico, 1996
PHD, Duke University, 2002

Carroll, Carleton 1974, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Carson, Adam 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Oregon State University, 2019

Carson, Mina 1989, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Carter, Katherine 2012, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BS, Linfield University, 2012
MS, Oregon State University, 2018

Carter, Rich 1997, Professor, Chemistry
BS, Gettysburg College, 1993
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1997

Carter, Youssef 2018, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BS, North Carolina Agricultural An, 2003
MA, North Carolina Central Univers, 2009
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2018

Carter, W 1980, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Caruso, Lauren 2014, Instructor, College of Business
BS, Grove City College, 2011
MPH, Oregon State University, 2012
MS, Oregon State University, 2012

Case, Patricia 2000, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Cassady, John 2005, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Cassidy, James 2003, Senior Instructor II, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2002

Castagnoli, Steve 1992, Emeritus, Horticulture

Castillo, Diana 2018, Assistant Professor, Library
BA, Smith College, 2012
MLS, Dalhousie University, 2019

Cate, Rachael 2009, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Portland State University, 2009
MA, Oregon State University, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Cazares-Cervantes, Abraham 2015, Assistant Professor (Clinical), College of Education
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Cebra, Christopher 1997, Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences, Dept Chair - Clinical Sciences, Veterinary Medicine
BA, University of Pennsylvania, 1986
MA, University of Pennsylvania, 1986
MS, Colorado State University, 1995
DVM, University of Pennsylvania, 1991

Center, John 2024, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, University of Montana, 2018
DPT, University of Utah, 2021

Cerrato, Darrell 2020, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Food Science and Techno

Cervantes, Brandy 1998, Senior Research Associate I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2004

Chae, Sieun 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Yonsei University, 2015
MS, Seoul National University, 2017
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2022

Chakerian, Raven 2013, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Oregon, 2000
MA, Portland State University, 2010

Chalam, Yamini 2023, Instructor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Univ of California-San Diego, 2008
DVM, Tufts University, 2014

Chamberlain, Erin 2021, Instructor, College of Education

Chamberlain, David 1980, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Chambers, Kenton 1968, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Champeau, Donna 1995, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Chan, Francis 2001, Director- CIMRS, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst, Associate Professor, Integrative Biology
BA, Hampshire College, 1993
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2001

Chandler, Kelly 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, George Mason University, 2002
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2004
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2008

Chang, Chih-hung 2000, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng, Assoc Head Undergrad Progrm
BS, National Taiwan University, 1991
PHD, University of Florida, 1999

Chang, Jeffrey 2006, Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1993
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 1999

Chang, Kei Lin 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Univ of California-Irvine,

Chang, Xiaohui 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, University of Chicago, 2006
PHD, University of Chicago, 2012

Chaplen, Frank 1996, Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BS, Oregon State University, 1989
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995

Chaplin, Tanya 1997, Head Coach-Women's Gymnastics, Intercolleg Athletics
BA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1990

Chapmon, Tara 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, United States Naval Academy, 2010
MS, Clemson University, 2016
MA, Clemson University, 2016

Chappell, Marisa 2005, Associate Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Emory University, 1991
MA, Northwestern University, 1994
PHD, Northwestern University, 2002

Chappell, Patrick 2005, Associate Professor (Clinical), Vet Biomedical Science
BA, Emory University, 1991
PHD, Northwestern University, 1999

Chapple, Taylor 2019, Assistant Professor, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2009

Charlton, Brian 1994, Senior Instructor I, Klamath Basin Res&ExtCtr, Director
BS, Oregon State University, 1994
MS, Iowa State University, 2006

Chase, Lauren 2016, Senior Instructor I, General Agriculture
BS, Oregon State University, 2017
MS, Texas Tech University, 2018

Chastain, Thomas 1989, Professor, Crop and Soil Science, Department Head
BA, Cal State Univ-Chico, 1981
MS, Oregon State University, 1985
PHD, Oregon State University, 1987

Chau, May 1994, Emeritus, Library

Chaudhry, Nauman 2019, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
MSE, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1994
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1998

Chavarria-Bechtel, Loren 1996, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Che, Erzhuo 2015, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Wuhan University, 2012
MS, Wuhan University,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Cheeke, Peter 1965, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Chelton, Dudley 1983, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Chemey, Alexander 2019, Assistant Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Michigan State University, 2015
MS, Florida State University, 2018
PHD, Florida State University, 2019

Chen, Cheng 2014, Research Associate, Chemistry
BS, Univ of Sci Tech of China, 2013
PHD, Oregon State University, 2020

Chen, Hsiou-Lien 1995, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Fu Jen Catholic University, 1982
MS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1990
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1995

Chen, Jiyao 2011, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Tongji Medical University, 1995
MS, Central South Univ of Tech, 1998
PHD, Stevens Institute of Technolog, 2007

Chen, Johnny 2014, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Oregon State University, 1994
MBA, University of Oregon, 2000
PHD, University of Oregon, 2005

Chen, Lizhong 2014, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Zhejiang University, 2009
MS, Univ of Southern California, 2011
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2014

Chen, Qinghua 2022, Research Associate, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm
MA, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2018
PHD, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2022

Chen, Tianyi 2018, Assistant Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Foreign Institution, 2010
MS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2013
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2015

Chen, Yong 2009, Associate Professor, Applied Economics
BA, Beijing Foreign Studies Univer, 1999
MA, Peking University, 2003
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2009

Chen, Paul 1978, Emeritus, Horticulture

Chen, Tony 1986, Emeritus, Horticulture

Cheng, Li-Jing 2013, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2008

Cheong, Ha Yeon 2009, Associate Professor, Chemistry
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2007

Cherian, Gita 1999, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Chernoh, Erica 2016, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Lane County Office
BA, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1999
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 2009

Chesbro, Jon 2014, Senior Instructor I, School of Public Policy
BS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1996
MA, University of Montana, 2001

Cheseby, Maziet 1998, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1991

Chesley, Marie 1986, Emeritus, School of Communications

Cheung, Itchung 2007, Assistant Professor (Practice), Hatfield Marine Sci Ctr
BA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1998
MS, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2007

Cheyney, Melissa 2003, Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Calvin University, 1994
MA, Western Michigan University, 1997
PHD, University of Oregon, 2005

Chi, Chunhuei 1990, Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Foreign Institution, 1978
MPH, Univ of Texas System Office, 1982
D SCI, Harvard University, 1990

Ching, Te 1956, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

ChisholmHatfield, Samantha 1998, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

Cho, Jeewon 2011, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BBA, Duksung Womens University, 1995
MBA, Seoul National University, 1997
PHD, SUNY-College at Buffalo, 2007

Cho, Sam 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
MBA, University of Rochester, 2010
MA, Hitotsubashi University, 2003
PHD, Washington State University, 2014

Chona, Harbans 1966, Emeritus, Library

Chouinard, Adam 2010, Senior Instructor I, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 2006
MS, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Choun, Soyoung 2002, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Ewha Womans University, 1979
MS, Oregon State University, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Chown, Angela 2014, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, Pacific University, 2007
MCOUN, Oregon State University, 2011

Christensen, Whitney 2022, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc

Christensen, John 1979, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Christensen, Neil 1978, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Christiansen, Alicia 2016, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Douglas County Offc
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2011
MS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2016

Christopher, Patricia 2015, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MS, San Diego State University, 1980

Chu, Vinh 2006, Lead Teacher, Child Development Lab
BS, Cal State University-East Bay, 2005

Chung, Peter 2023, Instructor, College of Business
BA, Governors State University, 2011
MA, University of Pennsylvania, 2016

Chung, Woodam 1998, Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Seoul National University, 1993
MS, Seoul National University, 1995
PHD, Oregon State University, 2002

Church, D 1956, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Churchill, Robert 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, Georgetown University, 2022

Ciannelli, Lorenzo 2005, Program Director, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Professor
BS, Foreign Institution, 1993
PHD, University of Washington, 2002

Cicia, Angela 2023, Sr. Instructor I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, University of New England, 2008
MS, University of New England, 2012

Cieri, Mike 2006, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BA, University of Oregon, 1987
MS, University of Oregon, 1990

Ciuffetti, Lynda 1989, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Claremont, Rita 1997, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 1994

Clark, JaTtik 2010, Instructor, School of VPDA
BMUS, Univ of S Carolina-Columbia, 1997
MM, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 1999

Clark, Jason 2022, Associate Professor (Practice), Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Cal State University-East Bay, 1996
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2005

Clark, Peter 1988, Univ Distinguished Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, St Lawrence University, 1978
MS, University of Waterloo, 1980
PHD, Univ of Colorado System, 1984

Clark, Quincy 2022, Assistant Professor, College of Education
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus,

Clark, Ricky 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Southern Oregon Exp Sta
BS, Southern Oregon University, 2018

Clark, Sara 1997, Senior Instructor II, Mathematics
BS, Pacific Lutheran University, 1997
MS, Oregon State University, 1999

Clark, Sarah 2013, Assistant Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2011
MS, George Washington University,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Clary, Peter 2015, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2018

Claude, Andrew 2022, Associate Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences

Claypool, Donald 1964, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Clemen, Layne 2005, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Clinton, Richard 1976, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Clough, Sharyn 2003, Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, University of Calgary, 1987
MA, University of Calgary, 1989
PHD, Simon Fraser University, 1997

Clough, George 1987, Emeritus, Horticulture

Cluskey, Mary 1994, Emeritus, School of Public Health

Cluver, Brigitte 1994, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1993
MS, Oregon State University, 1996
PHD, Oregon State University, 2008

Coakley, James 1990, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Oregon State University, 1970
MBA, University of Utah, 1976
PHD, University of Utah, 1982

Coakley, Stella 1988, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

CoakleyJr, James 1988, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Coates, Kendra 2014, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MS, Portland State University, 2013
MAT, Pacific University, 2004

Coblentz, Bruce 1975, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Coblyn, Matthew 2005, Research Associate, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Oregon State University, 2008
MS, Univ of California-Irvine, 2009
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Cocks, Meredith 2019, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BA, Eckerd College, 2007
MPH, Oregon State University, 2019

Coehlo, Deborah 1995, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Miscellaneous Institution, 1977
MS, University of Washington, 1983
PHD, Oregon State University, 1999

Coffman, Julianne 1995, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Cal State Univ-Sacramento, 1988
MS, Clemson University, 1995
MS, Oregon State University, 1998

Cohen, LeoNora 1985, Emeritus, College of Education

Cohn, Greg 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, University of Montana, 2008

Colantonio, Ernest 2008, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1981
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994

Cole, Elizabeth 1981, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Utah State University, 1981
MS, Oregon State University, 1984

Cole, Ryan 2013, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Oregon State University, 2016
MS, Oregon State University, 2020

Cole, Sheri 2018, Assistant Professor (Practice), Food Sci/Tech Extension
BS, Thomas Edison State University, 1988
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997

Cole, Richard 1977, Emeritus, General Agriculture

Coleman, Sean 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2023

Coleri, Erdem 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Middle East Tech University, 2005
MS, Middle East Tech University, 2007
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2011

Collett, David 2021, Instructor, Mathematics

Collier, Robert 1981, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Collison, Brooke 1989, Emeritus, College of Education

Colomer, Soria 2015, Associate Professor, College of Education
BA, Millsaps College, 1998
MS, Univ of Mississippi-Main Campu, 2000
PHD, University of Georgia, 2012

Colonna, Ann 2002, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Food Innovation Center
BS, University of Arizona, 1997

Compton, Shannon 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, University of Tulsa, 2015

Conkey, Harlan 1969, Emeritus, School of Communications

Conklin, Frank 1968, Emeritus, Applied Economics

ConleyJr, John 2007, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BSEE, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1991
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1995

Conner, Roby 2008, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Schreiner University, 1994
MFA, University of Oregon, 2007

Conner, Helen 1963, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Connolly, Lanelle 2006, Faculty Research Assistant, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Eastern Oregon University, 1999

Conrad, Jennifer 2023, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, University of Washington, 2020

Conrad, Julia 2018, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Conroy, James 2015, Instructor, College of Education
BS, Oregon State University, 1974
JD, University of Oregon, 1977

ConstantineJr, G 1966, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Contreras, Ryan 2009, Associate Department Head, Horticulture, Professor
BS, North Carolina State Univ, 2002
MS, North Carolina State Univ, 2006
PHD, University of Georgia, 2009

Conway, Flaxen 1989, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Cook, Erin 2003, Senior Instructor I, School of Communications
BA, Oregon State University, 2004
MAIS, Oregon State University, 2007

Cook, Gordon 1965, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Cook, Thomas 1977, Emeritus, Horticulture

Coolen, Michael 1978, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Cooley, Richard 2006, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Biochem/Biophysics
BA, Middlebury College, 2004
PHD, Oregon State University, 2011

Cooley, Stacy 2007, Associate Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BA, Middlebury College, 2005
DVM, Oregon State University, 2010

Coolican, Patricia 1978, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Cooper, Irene 2013, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Cooper, Laurel 1997, Research Associate, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of Alberta, 1989
PHD, University of Alberta, 1997

Cooper, Michael 2020, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MFA, Oregon State University, 2015

Copa, George 1998, Emeritus, College of Education

Copp, Cody 2018, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Umatilla Co Office
BA, Washington University-St Louis, 2015
MS, Oregon State University, 2021

Corcoran, Patrick 1987, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Cordell, Bailey 2023, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Pacific University, 2019
MS, Clarkson University, 2019
MA, SUNY-Albany, 2023

Corden, Malcolm 1958, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Cordova, Angela 1998, Senior Instructor I, School of Communications
BS, Oregon State University, 1998
MAIS, Oregon State University, 2003

Cordray, Sheila 1982, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Cornelius, Jamie 2019, Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, University of Washington, 2001
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2009

Corp, Mary 1998, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Cotilla-Sanchez, Eduardo Jose 2012, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 2007
MS, University of Vermont, 2009
PHD, University of Vermont, 2012

Cotten, Myriam 2023, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, Florida State University, 1999

Couch, Claire 2015, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Vet Biomedical Science
BS, University of Portland, 2013
PHD, Oregon State University, 2020

Cowan, Ariel 2012, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Wildland Fire Progm
BS, SUNY Coll-Env Sci Forestry, 2007
MS, Oregon State University, 2015

Cowen, Robert 2013, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 1985

Cowles, Timothy 1984, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Cox, Daniel 2002, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, University of Delaware, 1987
MS, University of Delaware, 1989
PHD, University of Delaware, 1995

Cozzi, Elaine 2011, Associate Professor, Mathematics
BA, University of Virginia, 2000
BA, Univ of Virginia-Central Offic, 2000
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2007

Crabtree, Garvin 1957, Emeritus, Horticulture

Craig, David 2017, Professor (Practice), Physics
BA, Princeton University, 1988
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1996

Craig, Peter 2023, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, University of Washington, 2003

Craig, Ryan 2006, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Microbiology (Ag)
BS, Oregon State University, 2006

Craig, Richard 1974, Emeritus, Extension Service Admin

Cramer, Lori 1993, Professor, School of Public Policy
BS, Illinois State University, 1985
MS, Utah State University, 1988
PHD, Utah State University, 1993

Crandall, Becky 2021, Associate Professor (Practice), College of Education
BA, Louisiana State Univ A M, 2000
MDIV, New Orleans Baptist Theologica, 2005
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2016

Crandall, Mindy 2002, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Oregon State University, 1998
MS, Oregon State University, 2004
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Crangle, Kenneth 2012, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
MBA, University of Chicago, 1984

Crannell, Wanda 1994, Senior Instructor I, College of Ag Admin
BS, Oregon State University, 1988
MS, Oregon State University, 1993

Crease, Alexander 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr, Faculty Research Assistant
BS, Franklin W Olin Coll of Engr, 2016
MS, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 2023

Creech, Jennifer 2016, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Furman University, 1996
MA, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 1999
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2006

Crespo, Veronica 2024, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
MBA, Thunderbird School Global Mgmt, 2002

Creveling, Jessica 2015, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Colorado College, 2006
MA, Harvard University, 2010
PHD, Harvard University, 2012

Crisman, Russell 1979, Emeritus, Vet Clinical Sciences

Crisp, Gloria 2016, Professor, College of Education
BBA, University of Houston, 1999
MA, University of Houston, 2002
EDD, University of Houston, 2006

Croft, Brian 1982, Emeritus, Horticulture

CromackJr, Kermit 1974, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Cross, Robin 2000, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Applied Economics
BS, Oregon State University, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005

Crowe, Frederick 1984, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Crowell, Cathleen 2016, Associate Professor (Clinical), School of Exercise/Sport
BA, Willamette University, 2000
MA, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2002
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2006

Crowhurst, Rachel 2008, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Brock University, 2005
MS, Oregon State University, 2012

CrozierJr, William 1961, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Cruickshank, Jenifer 2016, Assistant Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1994
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 1996
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003

Crump, Byron 2013, Program Director, Oceanography, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Professor
BA, Oberlin College, 1990
MS, University of Washington, 1996
PHD, University of Washington, 1999

Cruse, Donna 1970, Emeritus, Sch of Psychological Sci

Cservenka, Anita 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2008
PHD, Oregon Health Science Univ, 2013

Csillag, Borbala 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, University of Toronto, 2007
MBA, York University, 2013
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2021

Cuenca, Richard 1978, Emeritus, Biol & Ecol Engineering

Cunningham, Sarah 2007, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MAIS, Ball State University, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Curran, Kaitlin 2015, Assistant Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
DVM, Washington State University, 2011

Curry, Michael 2000, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, United States Military Academy, 1986
MS, University of Oregon, 1996

Curtin, Christopher 2016, Associate Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Foreign Institution, 1999
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2001

Curtis, Marc 1996, Senior Instructor I, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Southern New Hampshire Univ, 1994
PHD, Oregon State University, 2003

Curtis, Lawrence 1999, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Cusack, Jesse 2022, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
MS, Univ of Manchester, 2012
MS, Univ of Reading, 2013
PHD, Univ of Southampton, 2018

Cusimano, Barbara 1988, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Custer, Olga 2004, Instructor, School of Public Policy
BA, Kharkiv State University, 1999
BS, Kharkiv State University, 1997
PHD, Kharkiv State University, 2001

Czerniawski, Francine 2015, Instructor, Eastern Ore Univ Ag Prg
BS, Foreign Institution, 2007
MS, Foreign Institution, 2010
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2014
PHD, Unknown College,


D'Antonio, Ashley 2016, Associate Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2006
MS, Utah State University, 2010
PHD, Utah State University, 2015

D'Lima, Rohan 2020, Assistant Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
MBA, Foreign Institution, 2006
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2020

Daeschel, Mark 1988, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Dahl, Nicholas 2015, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, University of Oregon, 1992
MA, University of Oregon, 1994
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2002

Dahunsi, Bolanle 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Ekiti State University, 2006
MS, Louisiana State Univ System, 2019

Dale, Robert 1965, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Daley, Laurence 1983, Emeritus, Horticulture

Dallas, David 2004, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BA, Rice University, 2008
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2012

Dalrymple, G 1994, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Dalton, Lauren 2018, Senior Instructor I, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Pacific Lutheran University, 2011
PHD, University of British Columbia, 2017

Daly, Christopher 1990, Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1978
MA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1984
PHD, Oregon State University, 1994

Daly, Elizabeth 2003, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1992

Dalziel, Benjamin 2015, Associate Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, University of Guelph, 2004
MS, University of Guelph, 2006
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2014

Dambo, Neffisatu Celestine 2023, Instructor, College of Education
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2013
PHD, University of Central Florida, 2016

DAmbrosio, Bruce 1986, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Dane, Charles 1957, Emeritus, College of Business

Danelishvili, Lia 2002, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Vet Biomedical Science
MS, Foreign Institution, 1995
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2000

Daniels, Eleanor 2015, Faculty Research Assistant, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BS, Oregon State University, 2018

Daniels, Richard 1970, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Danielson, Harold 1968, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Danler, Signe 2012, Senior Instructor I, Horticulture
BA, Oregon State University, 2013
MS, Oregon State University, 2014

DaPiedadeSilva, Denise 2021, Research Associate, Microbiology (Science)
PHD, Federal Univ of Rio de Janeiro, 2019

Dara, Surendra 2022, Professor, Horticulture
BA, Foreign Institution, 1989
MS, Foreign Institution, 1991
PHD, Virginia Tech, 1995

Darg, Philip 2023, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
PHD, Univ of N Dakota-Main Campus, 2015

Darnell, Thomas 1978, Emeritus, Horticulture Extension

Dascaliuc, Radu 2011, Associate Professor, Mathematics
BS, Foreign Institution, 1997
MS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1999
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2005

Dasenko, Mark 1995, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BS, Oregon State University, 1999

Daugherty, Tracy 1986, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

David, Maude 2018, Assistant Professor, Microbiology (Science)
BS, Universite of Lyon, 2004
MS, Universite of Lyon, 2006
PHD, Universite of Lyon, 2010

Davidson, Joseph 2018, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, United States Military Academy, 2004
MS, Washington State University, 2013
PHD, Washington State University, 2016

Davis, Amanda 2010, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Horticulture
BS, Warren Wilson College, 2006

Davis, Edward 2007, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BS, Oregon State University, 2009
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Davis, Emily Jane 2014, Associate Professor (Practice), Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, McGill University, 2005
MA, University of British Columbia, 2007
PHD, University of British Columbia, 2011

Davis, Loren 1999, Executive Director, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc, Professor
BS, Oregon State University, 1991
MAIS, Oregon State University, 1995
PHD, University of Alberta, 2001

Davis, Matthew 2015, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BS, University of Oregon, 2012
MS, University of Idaho,

Davis, Lorin 1969, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Davis, Steven 1983, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Davis-Malewitz, Emily 2011, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MA, University of Virginia, 2008

DavisJr, Lowery 1997, Assistant Professor, Ext Columbia Co Office
BS, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 1986
MA, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 1988

Davison, Neil 1995, Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of Maryland System, 1982
MFA, Columbia University-NYC, 1984
PHD, Univ of Maryland System, 1993

Dawson, Peter 1969, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Day, Paul 1972, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

DeAdder, Tyler 2004, Head Academic Advisor, College of Engineering
BS, Auburn University Main Campus, 1995

Dealy, Glen 1967, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

DeAmicis, Raffaele 2016, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Univ of Bologna, 2001

DeAngelis, Fred 2019, Senior Instructor I, Physics
MS, Rutgers University-New Brunswi,
PHD, Rutgers University-New Brunswi,

DeAngelis, Jack 1988, Emeritus, College of Ag Admin

DeBano, Sandra 2001, Associate Professor, Hermiston Exp Sta
BS, Arizona State University, 1990
MS, Arizona State University, 1992
PHD, University of Kentucky, 1997

DeBerry, Angel 2022, Instructor, College of Education

Debnath, Anjan 2023, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Bangladesh Univ of Engr Tech, 2008
MS, Florida International Univ, 2022
PHD, Florida International Univ, 2023

Deboodt, Tyler 2009, Faculty Research Assistant, Wood Science/Engr
BS, University of Wyoming, 2008
MS, Oregon State University, 2012

Deboodt, Tim 1987, Emeritus, General Agriculture

Dedeurwaerder, Charles 1968, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Deibel, Jenna 2018, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Forestry OFF Campus
BS, Oregon State University,
MA, Oregon State University, 2023

Deitering, Anne-Marie 2003, Dean of Libraries, Library, Librarian-Endowed
BA, University of Pennsylvania, 1989
MLS, Emporia State University, 2003
MA, Syracuse University-Main Campu, 1994

DeJonge, Bernadet 2019, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Western Washington University, 1999
MA, Western Washington University, 2007
MA, Western Washington University, 2017
PHD, Oregon State University, 2022

DeKock, Carroll 1967, Emeritus, Chemistry

Delander, Gary 1983, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Delbridge, Timothy 2014, Assistant Professor, Applied Economics
BA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003
MS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2011
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2014

DeLeenheer, Patrick 2013, Professor, Mathematics
MS, Foreign Institution, 1995
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2000

Delf, Elizabeth 2008, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
MA, Oregon State University, 2011

Deluc, Laurent 2009, Associate Professor, Horticulture
PHD, Univ of Bordeaux Faculte De Me, 2004

DeLuca, Thomas 2020, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Iowa State University, 1984
MS, Montana State Univ, 1987
PHD, Iowa State University, 1993

DeMeyer, Melisa 2019, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Acad Prog/Student Aff

Demirel, Onan 2015, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Purdue University Main Campus, 2006
MS, Purdue University Main Campus, 2009
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2015

deMorais, Helio 2009, Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences, Director-VTH, Veterinary Medicine
DVM, Fed Univ of Rio Grande do Sul, 1982
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1995

Deng, Junfang 2019, Assistant Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2013
MAC, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2013
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2019

Dennis, Alan 2001, Multimedia Tech Designer, Extension Communications
BS, Oregon State University, 2006

Denny, Marina 2022, Associate Professor, General Agriculture
BS, University of Florida, 1998
MED, University of Florida, 2000
EDD, Nova Southeastern Univ, 2007

Denson-Hill, Catherine 2005, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, University of Oregon, 1980
MS, Western Oregon University, 1997

Denver, Dee 2006, Dept Head-Integrative Biology, Integrative Biology, Professor
BS, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 1996
PHD, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 2002

Derocher, Mike 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1980

DeRoss, Tana 2018, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Oregon State University,
MA, Oregon State University,

DeRuyter, Tiffany 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, University of Montana, 2002
MS, Jones International University, 2012

DeShields, Joseph 2010, Faculty Research Assistant, Southern Oregon Exp Sta

deSilva, Darren 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta

deSilva, Lynette 2006, Senior Instructor II, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, CUNY Brooklyn College, 1982
MS, Indiana Univ-Purdue-Indianapol, 2000

deSilva, Shanaka 2006, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Southampton, 1981
PHD, Foreign Institution, 1987

Desnoyer, Addison 2022, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
BS, University of British Columbia, 2012
PHD, University of British Columbia, 2017

DeSzoeke, Paula 2016, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2004
MS, Arizona State University, 2008

deSzoeke, Simon 2009, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, University of Oregon, 1997
PHD, University of Washington, 2004

DeSzoeke, Roland 1977, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Detar, Liddy 2011, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Writng Lit & Film, Head Academic Advisor
BS, Barnard College, 1991
MS, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1998
PHD, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2002

Detweiler, Amy Jo 1999, Professor, Ext Deschutes Co Office
BS, Westminster College, 1992
MS, Colorado State University, 1998

Dever, Edward 2005, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1987
MS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1989
PHD, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 1995

Devine, Nina 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Integrative Biology

DeWitt, Christina 1997, Dir-OSU SREC, COMES - Astoria, Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1989
MS, Oregon State University, 1994
PHD, Oregon State University, 2000

DeWitt, Jamie 2023, Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Michigan State University, 1992
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2004

DeYoung, Bruce 1988, Emeritus, College of Business

Dhagat, Pallavi 2003, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Birla Inst of Tech Science, 1993
MS, Washington University-St Louis, 1996
D SCI, Washington University-St Louis, 1999

Di, Yanming 2009, Associate Professor, Statistics (Science)
BS, Tsinghua University, 2001
MS, Arizona State University, 2003
MS, Tsinghua University, 1997
PHD, University of Washington, 2009

Dicharry, Jay 2019, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Dick, Thomas 1986, Emeritus, Mathematics

Dickens, John 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Integrative Biology
BA, University of North Florida, 2010
MS, Oregon State Higher Education,

Dickinson, Ralph 1968, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Dickson, Marianne 2003, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BFA, Sanford-Brown Coll Chicago (U), 2003
MS, Oregon State University, 2005

Diebel, Ken 2014, Senior Instructor I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Colorado State University, 1984
MS, Colorado State University, 1986
PHD, Virginia Tech, 1989

Diebel, Penelope 1995, Associate Professor, Applied Economics
BS, Colorado State University, 1983
MS, Colorado State University, 1986
PHD, Virginia Tech, 1990

Diem, Miki 2021, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Dierking, Lynn 2003, Emeritus, College of Education

Dietch, Jessica 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Chapman University, 2010
MS, University of North Texas, 2015
PHD, University of North Texas, 2019

Dietrich, Debbie 2006, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Marine Mammal Institute
BS, Univ of Waikato, 1995
MS, University of Otago, 1999

Dietterich, Thomas 1985, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Dietz, Leslie 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
MNR, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2013

Dilles, John 1986, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Dillon, Leanna 2011, Instructor, Honors College
BA, Western Oregon University, 2003
MA, University of Denver, 2011

Dillon, Thomas 1976, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

DiLodovico, Daniele 2019, Instructor, School of VPDA
MA, University of Washington, 2008
PHD, University of Washington, 2016

Dilson, Wolfgang 1970, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Dilts, Rachel 2005, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Western Oregon University, 1999
MA, Lewis Clark College, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

Dimcovic, Zlatko 2004, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
MS, Case Western Reserve Univ, 2003
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

DiMeglio, Elisa 2009, Instructor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
MS, Oregon State University, 2019

DiMeglio, Joseph 2010, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Oregon State University, 2019

Dinkins, Jonathan 2016, Associate Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, University of Puget Sound, 2001
MFA, Montana State Univ, 2005
PHD, Utah State University, 2013

Divilov, Konstantin 2018, Faculty Research Asst, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BA, CUNY Hunter College, 2012
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2014
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2017

Dix, Russell 1964, Emeritus, Office of the Registrar

Dixon, Emily 2001, Instructor, Horticulture
BS, University of Oregon, 2009
MS, Oregon State University, 2015

Doan, Meghan 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Loyola Univ of Chicago, 2007
MA, Duke University, 2011

Doane, Sarah 2001, Faculty Research Assistant, Ext No Willamette Co Off
BS, Southern Illinois U-Carbondale, 1996

Dodge, Tina 1996, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Linn County Office
BS, Oregon State University, 1999
MPH, Oregon State University, 2004

Doerr, Angee 2019, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Lincoln Co Office
BS, Duke University, 2002
MBA, USE 038193 **, 2009
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2014

Doggett, Matthew 2001, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, University of Washington, 1992
MS, Air Force Institute of Technol, 1997

Dolan, Brian 2012, Associate Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
PHD, Univ of Maryland-Baltimore, 2006

Dolan, Mark 1997, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Oregon State University, 1986
MS, Oregon State University, 1987
PHD, Stanford University, 1996

Dolcini, M 2005, School Head- Public Health, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Professor, School of Public Health
BA, Univ of California-Irvine, 1979
PHD, Univ of Cal-San Francisco, 1990

Dolja, Valerian 1994, Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
MS, Moscow State University, 1980
PHD, Moscow State University, 1980

Dollar, Natalie 1993, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, School of Communications
BA, Mississippi State University, 1985
MA, Arizona State University, 1988
PHD, University of Washington, 1993

Donaldson, Andrew 2000, Fitness Instructor, Faculty/Staff Fitness, Instructor, School of Exercise/Sport
BA, Pacific Lutheran University, 1998
MS, Oregon State University, 2002

Donatelle, Rebecca 1984, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Dong, Andy 2019, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1992
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1993
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1997

Donkin, Shawn 2021, Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992

Donnelly, Patrick 2019, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Montana State Univ, 2015

Donovan, Brian 2015, Faculty Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2015

Doolen, Toni 2000, Dean, Provost/Exec Vice Pres, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Cornell University, 1987
MS, Stanford University, 1991
PHD, Oregon State University, 2001

Dost, Frank 1962, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Douglass, James 1968, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Downing, Troy 1990, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Doyle, Jamie 2008, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Coos County Office
BA, Boston University, 2000
MA, University of Washington, 2005

Dragila, Maria 1999, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Dreher, Theo 1987, Emeritus, Microbiology (Ag)

DrexlerJr, John 1983, Emeritus, College of Business

Drill, Scott 2013, Instructor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BGS, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U-FL, 2002
MBA, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U-FL, 2006

Drischell, John 2013, Instructor, School of Communications
BS, Oregon State University,
MA, Oregon State University, 2017

Driskill, Qwo Li 2012, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Univ of Northern Colorado, 1998
MA, Antioch University-Seattle, 2001
PHD, Michigan State University, 2008

Drolet, Denis 2019, Instructor, Chemistry
PHD, SUNY-Binghamton, 1991

Drummond, Robert 2011, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1996
MFA, George Mason University, 2006

Duane, Maureen 1997, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Univ of Mary Washington, 1996
MS, Oregon State University, 2001

DuBose, Hannah 2020, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of California-Davis, 2020

Duddles, Ralph 1988, Emeritus, Forestry & Natrl Res Ext

Duesterdieck, Katja 2006, Associate Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
MS, Virginia Tech, 2003
DVM, Hanover School of Vet Medicine, 1998
PHD, Colorado State University, 2007

Duggan, Scott 2014, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Crook County Office
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 1990
BS, University of Idaho, 1993
MS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2007

Dugger, Bruce 2002, Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife, Assoc Department Head
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1986
MS, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 1990
PHD, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 1996

Duncan, Patti 2008, Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Vassar College, 1992
MA, Emory University, 1996
PHD, Emory University, 2000

Duncan, James 1976, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Duncan, Robert 1977, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Dundas, Steven 2015, Associate Professor, Applied Economics
BS, University of Delaware, 2003
MS, University of Delaware, 2011
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2015

Dung, Jeremiah 2012, Associate Professor, Central Oregon Exp Sta
BS, Eastern Washington University, 2006
MS, Washington State University, 2009
PHD, Washington State University, 2012

Dunham, Susie 1997, Instructor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Radford University, 1989
MS, University of Nevada-Reno, 1996
PHD, Oregon State University, 2003

Dunn, Anne 2024, Professor, Microbiology (Science)
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002

Dunn, Christopher 2006, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Colorado State University, 1999
MS, Oregon State University, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Dunn, James 1963, Emeritus, Office of Development

Dunn, John 1975, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Dunnington, Leslie 1969, Emeritus, Counseling Center

Duong, Phuong 2023, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy
MBA, MCPHS University, 2022
D PHAR, MCPHS University, 2019

DuPont, Bryony 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Case Western Reserve Univ, 2008
MS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2010
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2013

Durham, Catherine 1997, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Duringer, Jennifer 1995, Manager 1-R&D Lab, Enviro/Molecular Toxic, Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
BA, Oregon State University, 1998
BS, Oregon State University, 1998
PHD, Oregon State University, 2003

Dutson, Thayne 1987, Dean Emeritus, College of Ag Admin, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Duval, Alyssa 2010, Senior Instructor I, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
MS, Oregon State University, 2015

Duvall, Betty 1995, Emeritus, College of Education

Dybek, Nicholas 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2002
MFA, University of Iowa, 2005

Dye, Alex 2019, Research Associate, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Indiana Univ-Purdue-Indianapol, 2011
MS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2013
PHD, West Virginia University, 2018

Dykeman, Cass 1998, Professor, College of Education
BA, Claremont McKenna College, 1984
MED, University of Washington, 1988
PHD, Univ of Virginia-Central Offic, 1993


Ebbeck, Vicki 1990, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Eby, Derek 2022, Instructor, Mathematics
MS, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2012

Eddleman, Lee 1981, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Edge, William 1989, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Ediger, Vernita 2020, Instructor, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Edmunds, Brooke 2014, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Marion County Office
BS, Iowa State University, 2000
MS, Iowa State University, 2003
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2008

Edmunson-Morton, Tiah 2006, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Library
BA, Miami University, 1996
MA, Miami University, 2004
MLS, San Jose State University, 2005

Edwards, John 1995, Associate Dean, Liberal Arts Admin, Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Davidson College, 1983
MA, Univ of N Carolina-Charlotte, 1989
MA, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1992
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1995

Edwards, Mark 1997, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Univ of California-Davis, 1984
MA, University of Washington, 1992
PHD, University of Washington, 1997

Edwards, Barbara 1997, Emeritus, Mathematics

Egbert, Gary 1988, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Ehsan, Samina 2008, Senior Instructor II, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Dhaka, 2007
MS, University of Dhaka, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Eidam, Emily 2022, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Alaska Anchorage, 2010
BS, Univ of Alaska Anchorage, 2008
MS, University of Washington, 2013
PHD, University of Washington, 2017

Eiseman, David 1968, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Eisenberg, Cristina 2012, Professor (Practice), Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Cal State Univ-Long Beach, 1986
MA, Prescott College, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Elbom, Emily 2009, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of N Dakota-Main Campus, 2005
MFA, Oregon State University, 2011
MA, Univ of N Dakota-Main Campus, 2008

Elbom, Gilad 2009, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1996
MFA, Otis College of Art Design, 2002
PHD, Univ of N Dakota-Main Campus, 2009

Eleveld, Bartelt 1984, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Elhabashy, Ahmed 2023, Research Associate, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Alexandria University, 2009
MS, Alexandria University, 2012
PHD, Virginia Tech, 2018

Elias, Sabry 1998, Professor (Sr Res), Crop and Soil Science
BS, Foreign Institution, 1974
MS, Michigan State University, 1988
PHD, Michigan State University, 1994

Elliott, Karen 2002, Senior Instructor II, School of Public Health
BA, Carroll College, 1998
MS, University of Montana, 2002
PHD, Oregon State University, 2006

Elliott, Kristopher 2011, Associate Professor (Practice), Ag Ed/General Ag Extnsn, Associate ViceProvost for Extn, Extension & Engagement, Interim Vice Provost/Dir, Provost/Exec Vice Pres
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2008
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2001
MAG, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2011
MS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Elliott, Rebekah 2004, Associate Professor, College of Education
BA, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1985
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2002

Elliott, Sid 2019, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
MBA, University of Oregon, 1991

Elliott, Sydney 2023, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
MA, Pacific Lutheran University, 2015
MA, Portland State University, 1997

Ellis, Brandon 2020, Assistant Professor (Practice), Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2018

Ellis, Lucas 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2007
MS, Dartmouth College, 2011
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2018

Ellison, Tina 2019, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Pacific Oaks College, 2015
MA, Pacific Oaks College, 2019

Ellsworth, Lisa 2000, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 2001
MS, Oregon State University, 2006
PHD, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2012

Elser, Justin 2002, Research Associate, Ag Botany/Plant Path, Faculty Research Assistant, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BA, Eastern Washington University, 2000
PHD, Oregon State University, 2008

Elston, Julie 2005, Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BA, University of Washington, 1982
MS, USE 007273 CUNY Baruch, 1985
PHD, University of Washington, 1992

Elwefati, Taha Abd Al 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Elwood, Norman 1979, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Ely, Roger 2003, Emeritus, Biol & Ecol Engineering

Emard, Kelsey 2019, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Instructor
BS, Oregon Inst of Technology, 2007
MS, Portland State University, 2010
PHD, Penn State Univ-Central Office, 2020
PHD, Unknown College, 2020

Emerson, Patrick 2006, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Lewis Clark College, 1990
MA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1994
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2000

Emerson, Sarah 2010, Associate Professor, Statistics (Science)
BS, Stanford University, 2004
PHD, Stanford University, 2009

Emigh, Paul 2016, Senior Instructor I, Physics
PHD, University of Washington, 2015

Emmingham, William 1980, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Endacott, Neal 2019, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
PHD, Washington State University, 2008

Endress, Bryan 2002, Associate Professor, Eastern Ore Univ Ag Prg
BA, Luther College, 1995
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1997
PHD, Miami University, 2002

Engel, Braden 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, North Dakota St U-Main Campus, 2007
PHD, Univ of Leeds, 2020

Engel, David 2015, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Biola University, 1992
MA, Southern Oregon University, 2016
MA, Saint Thomas Seminary, 1998

Engel, Evelyn 1975, Emeritus, Extension Communications

EngelJr, Harold 1979, Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine

English, Marshall 1978, Emeritus, Biol & Ecol Engineering

Epps, Clinton 2008, Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Rice University, 1997
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2004

Erickson, Stephen 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2020

Erickson, Linda 1979, Emeritus, Ext Clackamas Co Office

Erofeeva, Svetlana 1996, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
MS, Moscow Eng-Physics Institute, 1981
PHD, Moscow Eng-Physics Institute, 1988

Ertem, Ozcan 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Middle East Tech University, 1984
MS, Middle East Tech University, 1987

Erwig, Martin 2000, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Foreign Institution, 1994

Escala, Anuncia 1986, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Escher, Christine 1993, Professor, Mathematics
BA, Universitat Kaiserslautern, 1985
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 1993

Espinoza, Kelsi 2016, Instructor, Statistics (Science)
BS, Sonoma State University, 2013
MS, Montana State Univ,

Estill, Charles 2002, Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Colorado State University, 1972
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 1994

Estrada, Jorge 2018, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of New Mexico, 2005
MA, University of New Mexico, 2007
PHD, University of New Mexico, 2017

Estreich, George 2011, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, University of Virginia, 1986
MFA, Cornell University, 1989

Evans, Allison 2007, Instructor, Microbiology (Science)
BA, DePauw University, 1998
MS, University of Idaho, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Evans, Ford 1996, Research Associate, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BA, Pitzer College, 1990
MS, Auburn University Main Campus, 1995
PHD, Oregon State University, 2006

Evans, Matt 2012, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, University of New Mexico, 1997
MS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2002
PHD, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2005

Evans, Glenn 1977, Emeritus, Chemistry

Evans, Gwil 1966, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Evans, Thomas 1968, Emeritus, College of Education

Everson, Kathryn 2022, Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2012
PHD, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, 2018

Ewe, Edward 2019, Associate Professor (Clinical), Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Oral Roberts University, 2004
MA, Oral Roberts University, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018


Fairchild, Clifford 1962, Emeritus, Physics

Falender, Rebecca 2024, Research Associate, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BA, Colby College, 2011
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2021
DVM, Tufts University, 2016

Falk, John 2003, Emeritus, College of Education

Falkner, Kelly 1992, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Faltesek, Daniel 2012, Associate Professor, School of Communications
BA, Concordia College-Moorhead, 2006
PHD, University of Iowa, 2011

Fan, Andy 2016, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Tsinghua University, 2000
MS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003
PHD, Univ of Mass-Boston, 2009

Fan, Shaokun 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Nanjing University, 2004
MS, Nanjing University, 2008
PHD, University of Arizona, 2012

Fang, Chong 2010, Professor, Chemistry
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 2006

Fanshier, Christopher 2019, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Oregon, 2007

Farber, Paul 1970, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Farber, Vreneli 1979, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Fare, Rolf 1998, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Faridani, Adel 1989, Professor, Mathematics
BS, Foreign Institution, 1982
PHD, Univ of Munster, 1988

Farkas, Daniel 1990, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Farness, Donald 1964, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Farsoni, Abdollah 2003, Associate Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, University of Tehran, 1992
MS, Sharif University of Technology, 1999
PHD, Oregon State University, 2006

Fasth, Becky 1995, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Illinois Central Offic, 1991

Faudskar, John 1972, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Faulkenberry, G 1991, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

Faustima, Judith 2021, Visit Intr-MA Coun, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Fearnside, Jeff 2013, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BFA, Bowling Green State University, 1996
MFA, Eastern Washington University, 2000

Febre, Ricardo 2017, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, San Jose State University, 1996
MFA, SUNY College-New Paltz, 2006

Feeney, David 2013, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, University of Dayton, 1989
JD, Creighton University, 1996

Fehrenbacher, Jennifer 2016, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Northern Illinois University, 1997
MS, University of Chicago, 2003
PHD, University of Chicago, 2010

Fein, Burton 1970, Emeritus, Mathematics

Feingold, Eleanor 2023, Professor, Statistics (Science)
BS, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 1985
PHD, Stanford University, 1993

Felix, Joel 2006, Associate Professor, Malheur Exp Sta
BS, Purdue University Main Campus, 1990
MS, Purdue University Main Campus, 1992
PHD, Iowa State University, 1999

Fendall, Roger 1968, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Feng, Zhenxing 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Peking University, 2004
MS, McGill University, 2006
PHD, Northwestern University, 2011

Ferguson, Anne 1998, Instructor, School of Communications
BS, Oregon State University, 1989
MAIS, Oregon State University, 1992

Fern, Alan 2004, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Maine, 1997
MS, Purdue University Main Campus, 2000
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2004

Fern, Xiaoli 2005, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 1997
MS, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 1999
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2005

Fernandez, Natalia 2010, Associate Professor, Library
BA, University of Arizona, 2008
MA, University of Arizona, 2010

Ferngren, Gary 1970, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Feroli, Helen 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, Bridgewater State University, 2014

Fery, Melissa 2005, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Lane County Office
BS, Oregon State University, 1998
MS, Oregon State University, 2000

Feser, Edward 2017, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, University of San Francisco, 1989

Fewings, Melanie 2018, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Western Washington University, 1996
MS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 1999
PHD, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 2007

Fick, Jason 2016, Associate Professor, School of VPDA
BA, La Grange College, 2000
MM, University of Oregon, 2007
PHD, University of North Texas, 2013

Fick, Kimary 2016, Instructor, School of VPDA
BMUS, University of Delaware, 2001
MM, University of Oregon, 2005
PHD, University of North Texas, 2016

Fidler, Anna 2015, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BFA, Western Michigan University, 1995
MFA, Portland State University, 2005

Fieland, Valerie 2007, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Oregon State University, 1986

Field, Jennifer 1992, Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Northland College, 1985
PHD, Colorado School of Mines, 1990

Field, Katharine 1988, Director, Bioresources Research, Professor, Microbiology (Science)
BA, Yale University, 1975
MA, Boston University, 1979
PHD, University of Oregon, 1985

Field, Thomas 2019, Associate Professor, College of Education
PHD, James Madison University, 2014

Fifita, Patricia 2017, Assistant Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
PHD, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2016

Figueroa, Robert 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Rutgers University-New Brunswi, 1989
MA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1995
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1999

FilarWilliams, Beth 2015, Associate Professor, Library
BA, Johns Hopkins University, 1994
MLS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1997

Filley, Shelby 1998, Professor, Ext Douglas County Offc
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1982
MS, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona, 1986
PHD, Oregon State University, 1998

Filtz, Theresa 1998, Associate Professor, Pharmacy, Assoc Dean-Academic Programs
BS, University of Virginia, 1986
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 1993

Finch, David 1979, Emeritus, Mathematics

Fink, Gregory 1964, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Finster, Austin 2017, Instructor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Oregon State University, 2019
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Fischer, Cameron 2004, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1997
MA, Prescott College, 2000
PHD, University of Oregon, 2019

Fischer, Erica 2017, Associate Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2007
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2015

Fischer, C 1947, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sci Extn

Fisher, Glenn 1976, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Fisk, Scott 2007, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Crop and Soil Science
MS, Oregon State University, 2011

Fisk, Martin 1983, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Fitter, Naomi 2018, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 2012
MS, University of Pennsylvania, 2015
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 2017

Fitzgerald, Erin 2021, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Loyola Marymount University, 2010
DPT, Univ of Southern California, 2013

Fitzpatrick, Cristin Keelin 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta

Flaherty, Francis 1967, Emeritus, Mathematics

Flahive, Mary 1990, Emerita Appointment, Mathematics

Fleishman, Erica 2020, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Stanford University, 1991
MS, Stanford University, 1992
PHD, University of Nevada-Reno, 1997

Fletcher, Kiel 2015, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2006
MA, Pacific NW College of Art, 2013

Fletcher, Richard 1979, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Fletcher, Roger 1967, Emeritus, Extension Service Admin

Fleury, Nick 2011, Director of Financial Support, Graduate School Admin
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2000
MS, University of Oregon, 2009
MPA, University of Oregon, 2009

Flick, Lawrence 1994, Dean Emeritus, College of Education

Flores, Marcella 2016, Instructor, College of Business
BA, Western Oregon University, 2011
MED, Oregon State University, 2013

Floyd, Joseph 2013, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Univ of S Carolina-Columbia, 2010
MSW, University of Washington, 2012

Fogarty, Alis 2023, Instructor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona, 2000
DVM, Oregon State University, 2010

Fogg, Kaitlin 2019, Assistant Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2016

Follett, Thomas 1997, Faculty Research Assistant, Marine Mammal Institute
BS, University of Washington, 1997

Folts, James 1971, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Fontana, Peter 1967, Emeritus, Physics

Foreman, Nicholas 2015, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, University of North Texas, 2009
MA, University of North Texas, 2012
PHD, University of Florida, 2017

Formiga, Alice 2001, Assistant Professor (Practice), Horticulture Extension
BA, Bryn Mawr College,
MA, New York University,

Forster, William 2023, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, University of Virginia, 2009

Forsythe, Evan 2022, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Integrative Biology
BA, Saint John's University, 2011
PHD, University of Arizona, 2018

Forthal, Gabriel 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BA, Univ of California-San Diego, 2009

Foster, Kai 2004, Instructor, Graduate School Admin
BA, Sonoma State University, 2001
MA, Oregon State University, 2006

Foster, James 1985, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

FowlerJr, John 1997, Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of Georgia, 1987
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1994

Fox, James 2018, Research Associate, Microbiology (Ag)
BA, Foreign Institution, 2013
PHD, Univ of Essex, 2018

FradellaIII, Joseph 2009, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2003
MS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2006

Frakes, Rodney 1960, Emeritus, VP for Research

Fram, Jonathan 2010, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Pomona College, 1995
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2005

France, Thomas 1969, Emeritus, Library

Francis, Sally 1982, Dean Emeritus, Graduate School Admin, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Frank, Graham 2018, Research Associate, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Colorado College, 2015
MS, Purdue University Main Campus, 2017

Frank, Robert 1970, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Frasieur, Amy 2004, Dir of Hlth Equity & Wellness, Student Health Services
BS, Oregon State University, 2002

Fraundorf, Martha 1975, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Freehling-Burton, Kryn 2005, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, California Baptist Univ, 1993
MAIS, Oregon State University, 2007

Freeman, Ela 2016, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, North Carolina State Univ, 2002
MA, North Carolina State Univ, 2010

Freeman, Julianne 2010, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Pomona College, 1986
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1996

Freeman, Maggie 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Mid-Columbia Exp Sta

Frei, Balz 1997, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Freiberg, Benjamin 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Skidmore College, 2016

Freitag, Michael 2006, Univ Distinguished Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Univ of Gottingen, Sch of Medi, 1987
MS, Oregon State University, 1990
PHD, Oregon Polytechnic Inst, 1996

French, Elizabeth 2023, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BA, University of Connecticut, 1984
BS, University of Connecticut, 1984

Freund, William 2009, Faculty Research Assistant, Chemistry
BSEE, Oregon State University, 1976
MS, Stanford University, 1980

Frewert, Austin 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
MS, Washington State University, 2020

Frey, Sarah 2000, Faculty Research Assistant, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, University of Vermont, 2000
MS, University of Vermont, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Friedemann, Dale 1966, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Frishkoff, Patricia 1978, Emeritus, College of Business

Fritz, Cara 1999, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Amherst College, 1997
MS, Oregon State University, 2002

Fritz-Endres, Theresa 2017, Instructor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Queen's College, 2014
MS, San Francisco State University, 2016

Fritzell, Erik 1994, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Froman, David 1984, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Frost, Kenneth 2015, Associate Professor, Hermiston Exp Sta
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012

Fu, Elain 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Brown University, 1992
MS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1996
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1997

Fu, Xiao 2017, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BEE, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2005
MENG, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2010
PHD, Do Not Use-Chinese Univ of H K, 2014

Fuchigami, Leslie 1970, Emeritus, Horticulture

Fudge, Alan 2018, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 1984
MBA, Oregon State University, 1990

Fuentes, Claudio 2011, Associate Professor, Statistics (Science)
PHD, University of Florida, 2011

Fuller, Brian 2017, Instructor, School of Public Policy
PHD, Osgoode Hall Law Sch of York U, 2013

Funk, Kenneth 1980, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Furman, Kali 2013, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Boise State University, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2021

Furuno, Jon 2011, Professor, Pharmacy
BS, University of Rhode Island, 1996
MS, Baltimore Hebrew College, 2001
PHD, Baltimore Hebrew College, 2004


Gable, Kevin 1988, Emeritus, Chemistry

Gabriel, Ana 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Integrative Biology
BS, Rockhurst University, 2013

Galardi, Tasha 2008, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
MS, Oregon State University, 2012
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Galatz, Sue 2020, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
MBA, University of Portland,

Galimba, Kelsey 2020, Assistant Professor, Mid-Columbia Exp Sta
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2007
PHD, University of Washington, 2015

Gallagher, Christine 2006, Instructor, School of VPDA
BFA, University of Oregon, 1995
MFA, Rhode Island School of Design, 2005

Galloway, Robin 2000, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Galvin, Mark 2007, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 1992
MS, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

Galyean, William 2022, Instructor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr

Gambatese, John 2000, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1986
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1987
PHD, University of Washington, 1996

Gamble, Michael 2013, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, New England Cons of Music, 2002
MA, Oregon State University, 2018

Gambord, Ryan 2017, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Iowa, 2014
MS, Oregon State University, 2021

Gamroth, Michael 1974, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sci Extn

Gandelman, Alice 2019, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, San Jose State University, 1980
MPH, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1983

Ganio, Lisa 1994, Associate Professor, Statistics (Science)
BA, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1982
MS, Oregon State University, 1986
PHD, Oregon State University, 1989

Ganzhorn, Seth 2017, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, University of Oregon, 2003
MS, Fordham University, 2012
PHD, Fordham University, 2014

Gao, Mingfei 2012, Instructor, School of VPDA
BS, Univ of Southern California, 2007
MS, Stanford University, 2009

Garcia, Jonathan 2015, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BA, Yale University, 2003
PHD, Columbia University-NYC, 2009

Garcia, Tiffany 2002, Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1997
PHD, University of Kentucky, 2002

Garcia, Kay 1988, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Garcia-Jaramillo, Manuel 2017, Assistant Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2015

GarciaIvers, Nissa 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Univ of the Philippines, 2005
MA, University of Houston, 2022

Gardner, Susan 2021, Professor, College of Education
BA, Hamline University, 1996
EDM, Univ of Wisconsin-La Crosse, 2001
PHD, Washington State University, 2005

GardnerJr, John 1973, Emeritus, Physics

Garity, Dennis 1981, Emeritus, Mathematics

Garland, John 1973, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Garrison, Lee Ann 2014, Emeritus, Art

Garza, Jeff 2021, Instructor, School of VPDA

Gaspich, Bryan 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Food Innovation Center
BA, Washington State University, 2020
MS, Oregon State University, 2023

Gates, Ami 2023, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Florida Atlantic University, 1991
MS, University of Florida, 2002
PHD, University of Florida, 2008

Gates, Jenna 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, Quinnipiac University, 2010

Gautschi, Jeffrey 2012, Senior Instructor II, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2005
PHD, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2006

Gayle, Anna 2021, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Andrews University, 2020
BS, Andrews University, 2020
MS, Oregon State University, 2023

Ge, Xinzhou 2023, Assistant Professor, Statistics (Science)
BS, Peking University, 2016
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2021

Gearhart, Anne 2021, Instructor, Horticulture

Geddes, Scott 2015, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, University of Vermont, 2011

Gelberg, Howard 2001, Emeritus, Vet Biomedical Science

Geldhof, John 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Univ of Missouri-Kansas City, 2004
MA, University of Kansas, 2008
PHD, University of Kansas, 2011

Geller, Bruce 1987, Emeritus, Microbiology (Science)

Gentle, Thomas 1976, Emeritus, Extension Communications

Geoghegan, Patrick 2020, Instructor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng, Assistant Professor (Practice)
BS, Univ College Dublin, 1997
PHD, Univ College Dublin, 2004

George, Kelly 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University,

George, Melvin 1984, Emeritus, Univ Information & Techn

George, Richard 1969, Emeritus, School of Communications

Georgiou, Constance 1987, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Gerasymenko, Violetta 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
MS, Universite Paris-Sorbonne, 2003
MBA, Universite d Aix Marseille, 2002
PHD, Universite De Paris - Dauphine, 2008

Gerkey, Andrew 2014, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Kenyon College, 2002
MA, Rutgers University-Newark, 2007
PHD, Rutgers University-Newark, 2010

Gerth, William 1992, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Fairfield University, 1988
MS, Oregon State University, 2004

Gervais, Jennifer 1997, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Bowdoin College, 1988
MS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1996
PHD, Oregon State University, 2002

Gess, Joshua 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Vanderbilt University, 2005
MENG, Auburn University Main Campus, 2012
PHD, Auburn University Main Campus, 2015

Gess-Newsome, Julie 2013, Emeritus, College of Education

Ghantous, Rita 2018, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Lebanese University, 2013
MS, Foreign Institution, 2013
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2016

Ghazzawi, Razan 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MS, Univ of Leeds, 2016
PHD, University of Sussex, 2023

Giamellaro, Michael 2012, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, College of Education
BS, University of Wyoming, 1997
MA, USE 004508 **, 2004
PHD, USE 004508 **, 2012

Giannico, Guillermo 2001, Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
MS, University of Victoria, 1987
PHD, University of British Columbia, 1996

Gibbons, Brady 2006, Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, 1992
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1995
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1998

Gibbons, Brian 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BBA, Ohio University-Main Campus, 2014

Gibbons, Franziska 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc

Gibson, Nathan 2006, Professor, Mathematics
BS, Worcester Polytechnic Institut, 1998
MS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2001
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2004

Gibson, Yvette 2011, Instructor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
MS, Oregon State University, 2015

Giebultowicz, Jadwiga 1995, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Giers, Morgan 2017, Assistant Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Missouri Univ of Sci Tech, 2010
PHD, Arizona State University, 2013

Gillen, Dee 2015, Senior Instructor I, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, University of Oregon, 1997
MS, University of Oregon, 2000

Gilley, Larry 2016, Senior Instructor I, School of Public Health
BS, Northeastern State University, 1998
MBA, Utah State University, 2001

Gilliam, Michael 2019, Senior Instructor I, Mathematics
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2006
MA, University of Montana, 2008
PHD, University of Montana, 2011

Gillis, John 1976, Emeritus, Sch of Psychological Sci

Gingrich, Gale 1973, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Giovannoni, Leila 2005, Faculty Research Assistant, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BA, Oregon State University, 2016

Giovannoni, Stephen 1988, Univ Distinguished Professor, Microbiology (Science)
BA, Univ of California-San Diego, 1974
MS, Boston University, 1978
PHD, University of Oregon, 1984

Girard-Pohjanpelto, Anne-Marie 1989, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BA, Carleton College, 1986

Gire, Elizabeth 2007, Associate Professor, Physics
BS, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2001
MS, Univ of California-San Diego, 2003
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 2007

Gitelman, Alix 1999, VP of Academic Affairs, Provost/Exec Vice Pres, Professor, Statistics (Science)
BA, Columbia University-NYC, 1987
MS, Portland State University, 1994
MS, Carnegie Mellon University, 1995
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 1999

Giusti, Chad 2020, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BS, University of Oregon, 2003
PHD, University of Oregon, 2010

Gladics, Amanda 2007, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Clatsop Co Office
BS, Oregon State University, 2009
MS, Oregon State University, 2012

Glass, William 1956, Emeritus, College of Business

Gobeli, David 1982, Emeritus, College of Business

Goddik, Lisbeth 1993, Professor, Food Sci/Tech Extension, Department Head, Food Science and Techno
BS, Oregon State University, 1988
MS, Cornell University, 1990
PHD, Oregon State University, 1998

Godwin, Derek 1992, Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BS, Virginia Tech, 1990
MS, Oregon State University, 1994

Goergen-Doll, Kerri 2005, Assistant Professor, Library
BS, Western Oregon University, 1997
MS, University of North Texas, 2004
MBA, Oregon State University, 2018

Goering, Lois 1988, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Goldfarb, Ben 2022, Instructor, nge to 249500 eff 7/1/23

Goldfinger, Chris 1988, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Goldsmith, Jenna 2016, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Illinois State University, 2008
MA, Illinois State University, 2010
PHD, University of Kentucky, 2016

Golya, Nandita 2014, Senior Instructor I, College of Education
MS, University of Oregon, 2009
MS, University of Oregon, 2007
PHD, University of Oregon, 2014

Golya, Tamas 2011, Instructor, School of Public Policy
MA, Universitat Stuttgart, 2001
MA, University of Oregon, 2007

Gombart, Adrian 2008, Professor, Linus Pauling Institute
BS, Oregon State University, 1986
BS, Oregon State University, 1989
MS, Oregon State University, 1989
PHD, University of Washington, 1994

Gomez, Maricruz 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Univ of California-Davis, 2011
MA, San Francisco State University, 2013

Gomez-Cunya, Luis-Angel 2012, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Goni, Miguel 2005, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Washington, 1986
PHD, University of Washington, 1992

Gonzales, Christopher 2018, Research Associate, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm
BA, Univ of Northern Colorado, 2012
PHD, Arizona State University, 2018

Gonzales-Berry, Erlinda 1997, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Gonzalez, Carlos 2015, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BA, Foreign Institution, 1994
MS, Foreign Institution, 2004
PHD, University of Florida, 2009

Good, Stephen 2015, Associate Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2004
MS, Michigan Technological Univ, 2008
PHD, Princeton University, 2013

Good, James 1980, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Goodfellow, Claire 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, University of Notre Dame, 2017
PHD, University of Oregon, 2023

Goodnow, Trischa 1993, Professor, School of Communications
BS, Clarion Univ of Pennsylvania, 1985
MA, Emerson College, 1987
PHD, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 1993

Goodpaster, Natalie 2023, Instructor, School of Public Policy
BA, Drury University, 2002
MA, Duke University, 2005
PHD, Duke University, 2006

Goodwin, Julia 2007, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BMUS, Oberlin College, 1994
MA, Univ of N Carolina-Charlotte, 1998
PHD, University of Rochester, 2007

Goralogia, Greg 2019, Research Associate, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Univ of California-San Diego, 2010
MS, Univ of California-San Diego, 2011
PHD, University of Washington, 2018

Gordon, Sean 2000, Landscape Ecology-Forest Mrg, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BA, Yale University, 1987
MS, Yale University, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2006

Gorman, Jessica 2015, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BA, Univ of California-San Diego, 1997
MPH, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2000
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 2009

Gorrell, Lydia 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Azusa Pacific University, 2015
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Goslin, Matthew 1996, Instructor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
MS, Oregon State Higher Education,

Gosnell, Hannah 2006, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Brown University, 1988
MA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1995
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2000

Gottlieb, Evan 2003, Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Mc Master University, 1997
MA, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2000
PHD, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2002

Goulas, Konstantinos 2018, Assistant Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Foreign Institution, 2009
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2015

Gourlie, Jennifer 2000, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Columbia Basin Exp Sta
BS, Eastern Oregon University, 1998

Gouthu, Satyanarayana 2010, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, Andhra University, 1984
MS, Gujarat Agricultural Univ, 1986
PHD, Gujarat Agricultural Univ, 1994

Gouveia, Cathleen 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Penn State Univ-Central Office, 1986
MA, Rhode Island School of Design, 1998

Goyer, Aymeric 2005, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Univ of Rennes Institut De Ges, 1997
MS, Foreign Institution, 1998
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2001

Graebner, Ryan 2012, Assistant Professor (Practice), Columbia Basin Exp Sta
BA, University of Montana, 2011

Graff, Jason 2011, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of Washington, 2003
BS, Univ of Illinois Springfield, 1998
PHD, University of Rhode Island, 2010

Graham, Kim 2005, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Oregon State University, 2008

Graham, Maggie 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BA, University of Virginia, 2012

Graham, Matthew 2013, Associate Professor, Physics
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2010

Graham, David 1992, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

GrahamJr, Roger 1990, Emeritus, College of Business

Grand, Lauren 2016, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Lane County Office
MS, University of Washington, 2013

Granrud, Amanda 2010, Instructor, School of Communications
BA, Carroll College, 1994
MA, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1999

Gratz, Kimberly 2009, Instructor, College of Business
BS, Willamette University, 1994
MAIS, Oregon State University, 2012

Gravem, Sarah 2015, Research Associate, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2005
MS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 2009
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2015

Gray, Miranda 2023, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Curry County Office
MS, Northern Arizona University, 2013

Gray, Clifford 1961, Emeritus, College of Business-Adm

Green, Jessica 2007, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Ag OR IPM Center
BS, Colorado Mesa University, 2007
MS, Oregon State University, 2010

Green, Julia 2009, Instructor, School of Communications
MA, Oregon State University, 2014

Greer, Arthur 1981, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Greeven, John 2022, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Tulane University, 1982
MS, Tulane University, 1984

Gregerson, Donna 1974, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Gregg, Jillian 1999, Senior Instructor I, Crop and Soil Science
BS, University of Utah, 1988
MS, University of Utah, 1991
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 1999

Gregory, Matthew 1996, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Colorado College, 1993
MS, Oregon State University, 1999

Gregory, Stanley 1981, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Grevstad, Fritzi 1998, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of Washington, 1989
PHD, Cornell University, 1998

Griffin, Kristin 2012, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
MFA, Purdue University Main Campus, 2011

Grigoriev, Vladislav 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Pharmacy
BS, Portland State University, 2023

Grimm, Cindy 2012, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1990
PHD, Brown University, 1995

Grimm, Michael 2008, Instructor, Educ Opportunities Progm
BA, University of Oregon, 1996
MA, Portland State University, 1998

Grorud-Colvert, Kirsten 2006, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Integrative Biology
BA, Occidental College, 1999
PHD, University of Miami, 2006

Gross, Joan 1989, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Grosskopf, Shawna 1998, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Groth, Aaron 2021, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Wildland Fire Progm
BA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006
MA, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 2014

Gruenwald, Rachael 2022, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Biomedical Science
DVM, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 2020

Grunder, Anita 1986, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Guenther, Ronald 1967, Emeritus, Mathematics

Guerrero, Carolyn 2021, Instructor, College of Education
MED, Wheelock College,

Guerrini, Anita 2008, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Gullickson, Holly 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Loma Linda University, 1998
MA, Loma Linda University, 1998

Gumtow-Farrior, Daniel 2005, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, 1983
BS, University of Alaska Southeast, 1983
MS, Oregon State University, 1991

Gunter, Katherine 1997, Professor, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BA, Western Washington University, 1992
MED, Western Washington University, 1996
PHD, Oregon State University, 2002

Guo, Ren 2011, Associate Professor, Mathematics
BS, Beijing Normal University, 2002
MS, Beijing Normal University, 2005
PHD, Rutgers University-New Brunswi, 2008

Gupta, Parul 2015, Research Associate, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of Lucknow, 2004
MS, University of Lucknow, 2006
PHD, Banaras Hindu University, 2014

Gupta, Rakesh 1991, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Gurung, Regan 2019, Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Carleton College, 1991
MS, University of Washington, 1993
PHD, University of Washington, 1996

Gutbrod, Oscar 1966, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Gutierrez, Jessica 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Food Innovation Center

Gutowska, Izabela 2011, Assistant Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Warsaw Univ of Technology, 2011
MS, Warsaw Univ of Technology, 2012
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Guyer, Alexander 2018, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University,
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Gyde, Nina 2001, Instructor, Mathematics
BA, University of Oregon, 1988
MA, Oregon State University, 2003


Haak, Margaret 1993, Senior Instructor II, Chemistry
BS, Oregon State University, 1981
MS, Oregon State University, 1992

Haapala, Karl 2008, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BSME, Michigan Technological Univ, 2001
MS, Michigan Technological Univ, 2003
DENG, Michigan Technological Univ, 2008

Hacker, Sally 1996, Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, University of Washington, 1984
MS, University of Maine, 1988
PHD, Brown University, 1996

Hacker, Marla 1997, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Hackleman, Debra 1978, Emeritus, Library

Hadley, Kathryn 2016, Senior Instructor I, Physics
BS, Unknown College, 2003
PHD, University of Oregon, 2011

Hafez, Islam 2022, Assistant Professor, Wood Science/Engr
BS, Foreign Institution, 2008
MS, Mississippi State University, 2012
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2018

Hagedorn, Erica 2019, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MS, Univ of N Carolina-Charlotte, 2010

Hagelstein, Fred 1958, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Hagen, Chris 2012, Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
MENG, Colorado State University, 2002
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006

Hagen, Christian 2006, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Fort Lewis College, 1993
MS, University of Manitoba, 1999
PHD, Kansas State University, 2003

Hagen, Tory 1998, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Hagerty, Christina 2010, Associate Professor, Columbia Basin Exp Sta
BS, Santa Clara University, 2010
MS, Oregon State University, 2013
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Haggerty, Caoilinn 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Haggerty, Roy 1996, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Hailemariam, Temesgen 2003, Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt, Director-CIPS
BS, Alemaya University of Agricult, 1985
MS, Lakehead University, 1992
PHD, University of British Columbia, 1999

Hajjar, Reem 2016, Associate Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, McGill University, 2000
MA, Columbia University-NYC, 2004
PHD, University of British Columbia, 2011

Hakanson, Olivia 2008, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 2012

Halbleib, Mary 1996, Professor (Practice), Crop and Soil Science
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 1991
MS, Washington State University, 1995

Halbleib, Michael 1998, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Oregon State University, 1998
MS, Oregon State University, 2001

Haldeman, Michael 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1993

Hales, Burke 1998, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Washington, 1988
MS, University of Washington, 1992
PHD, University of Washington, 1995

Haley, Brian 1998, Professor (Sr Res), Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1995
MS, University of Florida, 1998
PHD, Oregon State University, 2004

Hall, Adela 2015, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MA, Czech Technical Univ in Prague, 1998
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2007

Hall, Brian 2016, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 1996
MS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 1997

Hall, Jean 1990, Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Oregon State University, 1981
MS, Colorado State University, 1987
DVM, Washington State University, 1982
PHD, Colorado State University, 1989

Hall, Matthew 2020, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Washburn University, 2011
BBA, Washburn University, 2011
MBA, Washburn University, 2015
PHD, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2020

Hall, Troy 2014, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Pomona College, 1985
MA, Duke University, 1990
PHD, Oregon State University, 1996

Hall, Roberta 1975, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Haller, Merrick 2001, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Purdue University Main Campus, 1993
MS, University of Delaware, 1996
PHD, University of Delaware, 1999

Hallett, Sascha 2003, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Microbiology (Ag)
BS, University of Queensland, 1993
PHD, University of Queensland, 1998

Halliday, Fletcher 2022, Assistant Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Halliday, Simone 2023, Research Associate, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Bryn Mawr College, 2008
MA, Univ of N Carolina-Greensboro, 2014
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Greensboro, 2018

Halse, Richard 1990, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Halsey, Kimberly 2000, Associate Professor, Microbiology (Science)
BS, Oregon State University, 1988
BS, Oregon State University, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2007

Hamann, Joanne 2016, Instructor, College of Education
MA, Loyola Marymount University, 1989

Hamblin, Jacob 2009, Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1995
MA, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1998
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2001

Hamby, David 1999, Emeritus, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr

Hamdaoui, Bechir 2007, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 1997
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005

Hamerski, Patti 2023, Assistant Professor, Physics
BS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2016
MS, Michigan State University, 2018
PHD, Michigan State University, 2021

Hamilton, Robert 1968, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Hamm, Philip 1975, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Hampton, Abigail 2021, Instructor, Integrative Biology
BS, Oregon State University, 2023

Hancock, Astrid 1963, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Handley, Joshua 2021, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Florida Inst of Technology, 2010
MS, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, 2015
MS, Ecole des Mines de Nantes,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

Hanna, Susan 1977, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Hannaway, David 1979, Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BS, University of Delaware, 1973
MS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1975
PHD, University of Kentucky, 1979

Hannigan, JJ 2017, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, School of Exercise/Sport
MAT, Saint Louis University-Main, 2012
MS, University of Oregon, 2014
PHD, University of Oregon, 2017

Hannigan-Downs, Kimberly 1995, Associate Professor (Clinical), School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Willamette University, 1989
MS, Indiana State University, 1991
PHD, Oregon State University, 2004

Hannum, Olin 2010, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
MFA, Oregon State University, 2011

Hansel, John 2019, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MFA, Cal Institute of Arts, 1998

Hansen, Amy 2016, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BMUS, Oberlin College, 1993

Hansen, Eric 1994, Professor, Wood Science/Engr, Department Head
BS, University of Idaho, 1990
PHD, Virginia Tech, 1994

Hansen, Everett 1972, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Hansen, Herbert 1974, Emeritus, College of Ag Admin

Hanson, Chad 2007, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2001
MS, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2008

Hardesty, David 1970, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Harding, Anna 1987, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Hardison, Linda 1996, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BA, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1984
PHD, University of Washington, 1995

Hardy, Brian 2022, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BA, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2003

Hardy, Jay 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Colorado State University, 2009
MS, University of Oklahoma, 2012
PHD, University of Oklahoma, 2015

Hargest, Lisa 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Oregon State University, 2023

Harjoe, Carmen 2013, Senior Instructor I, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of Missouri-Columbia,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Harmon, Mark 1981, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Harper, Bryan 2007, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Arizona State University, 1995
MS, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 2001

Harper, Stacey 2005, Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Colorado Mesa University, 1993
MS, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 1998
PHD, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 2003

Harris, Jenny 2024, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Utah State University, 2018

Harris, Robert 2005, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Harrison, Wayne 2008, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, University of New Haven, 1996
MFA, University of Iowa, 1999

Harsey, Sarah 2023, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2021

Hart, Dianne 1981, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Hart, John 1984, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Hart, Ralph 1969, Emeritus, Crop/Soil Sci Extension

Harte, Michael 2005, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Assoc Dean-Undergrad Acad Prog
BA, Univ of Auckland, 1986
MA, Univ of Auckland, 1988
PHD, University of Victoria, 1994

Hartung, Daniel 2001, Professor, Pharmacy
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000
D PHAR, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000

Hartwell, Ray 2017, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MPA, New York University, 2005

Harvey, S Marie 2003, Associate Dean for Research, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Univ Distinguished Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, University of Puget Sound, 1969
MPH, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1979
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1984

Hasbrook, John 2010, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BA, Willamette University, 1987
JD, Willamette University, 1991

Hase, Claudia 2003, Professor (Sr Res), Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Univ of Gottingen, Sch of Medi, 1984
MS, Univ of Heidelberg, 1986
PHD, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 1992

Hashimoto, Andrew 1986, Emeritus, Biol & Ecol Engineering

Hatase, Tatsuhiko 2004, Instructor, Mathematics
BS, Oregon State University, 2004
PHD, Oregon State University,

Hatfield, Amanda 2003, Senior Instructor I, Ext Douglas County Offc
BA, Oregon State University, 2005

Hatfield, Bridget 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Greensboro, 2010

Hathaway, Ronald 1972, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sci Extn

Hatten, Jeffery 2007, Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt, Department Head
BS, Western Washington University, 1999
PHD, University of Washington, 2007

Hatton, Ross 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 2005
MS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2011

Haun, James 1964, Emeritus, Office of the Registrar

Hausman, Blake 2019, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, University of Georgia, 1998
MA, Western Washington University, 2001
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley,

Haver, Samara 2015, Researcher, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BA, Colorado College, 2010
MS, Oregon State University, 2017
PHD, Oregon State University, 2021

Haverson, Wayne 1978, Emeritus, College of Education

Hawley, Andrew 2017, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MS, Ohio University-Main Campus, 2012

Haxby, Dean 1988, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Hay, James 1977, Emeritus, Horticulture

Hayes, Wilson 1998, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Hays, Dan 2003, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Principia College, 1964
MA, Oregon State University, 1970

Hayslip, Craig 2005, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Marine Mammal Institute
BA, University of Washington, 1982

Hazboun, Jeffrey 2006, Assistant Professor, Physics
BS, SUNY Coll-Env Sci Forestry, 1999
MS, Oregon State University, 2008
PHD, Utah State University, 2014

Hazboun, Shawn 2022, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Evergreen State College, 2003
MA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2013
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2017

Hazzard, Timothy 2001, Senior Instructor I, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Cornell University, 1991
DVM, Oregon State University, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 1997

He, Shan 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BA, Shanghai University, 1997
MS, University of Utah, 2001
PHD, Boston College, 2007

Headrick, Charlotte 1982, Emeritus, School of Communications

Hearney, Shannon 2023, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2016
MS, Boston University, 2019
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2023

Heaton, Daniel 2011, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona, 2008
MS, San Diego State University, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019

Hebert, Martin 2017, Instructor, School of VPDA

Hedaoo, Samarendra 2016, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Symbiosis International Univ, 2009
MS, Symbiosis International Univ, 2012

Hedgcoth, Harriet 2013, Instructor, Child Development Lab
BS, Oregon State University, 2010

Heer, Donald 2000, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2003

Heesacker, Adam 1999, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2001
MS, University of Georgia, 2006

Heidel, Jerry 1988, Emeritus, Vet Biomedical Science

Heiduschke, Sebastian 2008, Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Foreign Institution, 1999
MA, University of Florida, 2001
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2006

Heikkila, Paul 1969, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Hein, Wendy 2001, Professor (Practice), Ext Clackamas Co Office
BS, Harvey Mudd College, 1997
MS, University of Kentucky, 2000

Heinitz, Raelynn 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2019

Helgerson, Laura 2012, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2011

Helle, Anita 1990, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Hellickson, Martin 1975, Emeritus, Biol & Ecol Engineering

Helman, Elizabeth 2006, Senior Instructor II, School of VPDA
BA, Santa Clara University, 2000
MA, University of Oregon, 2002
PHD, University of Oregon, 2006

Helmick, Sandra 1991, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Helppie, Kevin 2022, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Western Washington University, 1979
MA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1928
PHD, University of Washington, 1995

Hemphill, Delbert 1976, Emeritus, Horticulture

Henderson, Emilie 2006, Research Associate, INR-Or Biodvrsty InfoCtr
BS, Williams College, 1996
MS, Williams College, 2000
PHD, Williams College, 2006

Henderson, Sarah 2000, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Oberlin College, 1993
MA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1995
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2000

Hendricks, Jerry 1975, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Hendricks, Jon 1988, Emeritus, Honors College, School of Public Policy

Hendrix, David 2013, Associate Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 1999
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2007

Henkel, Sarah 2009, Associate Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, College of William Mary, 2000
MS, Cal State Univ-Fullerton, 2003
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2008

Hennigan, Randi 2019, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, Texas Woman's University, 2013

Henning, Margaret 2004, Instructor, School of Public Health
BA, New England College, 2000
MA, Teachers College at Columbia U, 2002
MA, Columbia University-NYC, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

Heppell, Scott 2000, Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, University of Washington, 1990
MS, North Carolina State Univ, 1994
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 1998

Heppell, Selina 2001, Department Head, Fisheries and Wildlife, Professor
BS, University of Washington, 1991
MS, North Carolina State Univ, 1993
PHD, Duke University, 1998

Herink, Megan 2011, Associate Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy
MBA, Creighton University, 2011
D PHAR, Creighton University, 2008

Hermann, Richard 1961, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Hermes, James 1987, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sci Extn

Hernandez, Salvador 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Brigham Young University Main, 2001
MS, Brigham Young University Main, 2003
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2010

Heron, Christopher 2013, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Oregon State University, 2015

Herring, Kristen 2022, Instructor, School of Communications
PHD, Colorado State University, 2022

Herring, Peg 2001, Emeritus, College of Ag Admin

Herron, Crystal 2010, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University,
MS, Oregon State University, 2016

Herzog, Skuyler 2019, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Herzog, James 1967, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Hess, Robin 2016, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Delaware, 2003
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Hesse, Colin 2013, Associate Professor, School of Communications
BA, Whitworth University, 2003
PHD, Arizona State University, 2009

Hetherington, William 1987, Emeritus, Physics

Hextrum, Kirsten 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2017

Hibbs, David 1983, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Hicks, Erin 2016, Instructor, College of Education
BFA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1996
BFA, Rocky Mountain College of Art, 2000
MA, SUNY-College at Buffalo, 2013

Hicks, Russell 1975, Emeritus, College of Engineering

Higdon, Robert 1982, Emeritus, Mathematics

Higgins, Adam 2000, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BA, Oregon State University, 2002
BS, Oregon State University, 2002
PHD, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2008

Higgins, Chad 2011, Associate Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2000
MS, Johns Hopkins University, 2005
PHD, Johns Hopkins University, 2007

Higgins, Christopher 2000, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Marquette University, 1988
MS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1990
PHD, Lehigh University, 1997

Higgins, Stephanie 2016, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Marquette University, 1989
MS, SUNY College-Potsdam, 1998

Higgins, Karen 1986, Emeritus, College of Education

Higley, Kathryn 1994, Univ Distinguished Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BA, Reed College, 1978
MS, Colorado State University, 1992
PHD, Colorado State University, 1994

Hilberg, Evan 2011, Instructor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Linfield University, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019

Hildebrandt, Emery 1954, Emeritus, School of Communications

Hilderbrand, Kenneth 1969, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Hill, David 2009, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1993
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1994
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1997

Hinojoza-Rood, Valerie 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Cal State Univ Monterey Bay, 2018
MS, Univ of Minnesota-Duluth, 2021

Hiratsuka, Yuji 1992, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, School of VPDA

Hisey, Aimee 2016, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Oregon State University, 2013
BS, Oregon State University, 2013
MA, Oregon State University, 2017
MS, Oregon State University, 2017

Hixon, Mark 1984, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Ho, Emily 2002, Director, Linus Pauling Institute, Dir-Moore Family Center, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Univ Distinguished Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, University of Guelph, 1995
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2000

Hobbs, Beverly 1989, Emeritus, Ext 4-H Yth Dev On-Cmpus

Hobbs, Stephen 1978, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Hodges, Stephen 2008, Instructor, College of Business
BA, Oregon State University, 2010
BS, Oregon State University, 2010
MAT, University of Portland, 2013

Hoefer, Dina 2019, Instructor, School of Public Health
BA, University of Rochester, 2000
MPH, SUNY-Albany, 2002
PHD, SUNY-Albany, 2012

Hoehn-Weiss, Manuela 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Santa Clara University, 1993
DBA, Boston University, 2006

Hoffman, Laura 2004, Instructor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, San Jose State University, 1992
MS, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 2000
MS, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1997

Hoffman, Mark 2000, Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1991
MS, San Jose State University, 1993
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1997

Hoffman, Peter 1987, Assistant Director, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Oregon State University, 1988

Hogg, Trina 2016, Assistant Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, University of Toronto, 2003
MA, Dalhousie University, 2004
PHD, New York University, 2013

Hogue, Teresa 1974, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Oregon State University, 1972
MS, Oregon State University, 1984

Hoisington, Anne 2000, Associate Professor (Practice), EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BA, University of Washington, 1989
MS, Washington State University, 1999

Hokanson, Kenton 2018, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Biochem/Biophysics, Instructor, Microbiology (Science)
BA, Pomona College, 2008
MS, Univ of Cal-San Francisco, 2015
PHD, Univ of Cal-San Francisco, 2017

Holbrook, Brandon 2021, Instructor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
MBA, Washington State University,
JD, University of Idaho,

Holck, Nicole 2015, Instructor, School of Communications
MS, University of Oregon, 2006
MS, University of Oregon, 2010

Holdren, Rich 1987, Vice Provost Emeritus, VP for Research

Hollinger, Geoffrey 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Swarthmore College, 2005
MS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2010

Holm, Christopher 2001, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2004
MS, Oregon State University, 2007

Holman, Anita 1996, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Oregon State University, 1996

Holman, Robert 1979, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Holmberg, Karen 2005, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Middlebury College, 1988
MA, Univ of Southern California, 1994
PHD, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 2001

Holmes, Zoe 1974, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Holtan, Donald 1975, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Holyoak, Arlene 1981, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Hommel, Annie 2014, Senior Instructor I, School of Public Health
BA, University of Oregon, 2000
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019

Hommel, Demian 2011, Senior Instructor II, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Oregon, 1999
MS, University of Oregon, 2004
PHD, University of Oregon, 2009

Honan, Amy 2022, Instructor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
PHD, University of Washington, 2021

Honegger, David 2009, Research Associate, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BA, Lewis Clark College, 2016
MS, Stanford University, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Hong, Sanghyun 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Seoul, 2015
MS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2017
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2021

Honneffer, Julia 1997, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Hooker, Karen 1994, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Hooven, Louisa 1997, Instructor, Horticulture, Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
BS, Oregon State University, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2004

Horner, Neilann 2013, Associate Professor (Clinical), School of Public Health
BS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 1988
MPH, Univ of Illinois Springfield, 1996
PHD, University of Washington, 2001

HortaMartinez, Cynthia 2021, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Horton, Bob 2023, Instructor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Nevada State College-Henderson, 2007
MPA, University of Oklahoma, 2009
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Hosoi, Yasuharu 1969, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Hosty, Maureen 1991, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Houck, Lynne 1997, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Houglum, Lyla 1985, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Houser, Kevin 2019, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BA, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1993
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1997

Houston, Juliana 2022, Instructor, College of Education

Houston, Laurie 1996, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BS, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 1987
MS, University of Rhode Island, 1993

Hovland, Matthew 2013, Instructor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Oregon State University, 2011
MS, Oregon State University, 2017

Hovland, Clarence 1949, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Howard, Erin 2016, Instructor, Statistics (Science)
BS, Virginia Tech,
MS, Oregon State University, 2018

Howard, Trevor 2011, Assistant Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
MS, Oregon State University, 2015
DENG, Oregon State Higher Education,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Howe, Dana 2003, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Integrative Biology
BA, Augsburg College, 1999
MS, Oregon State University, 2006

Howell, Michael 1973, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Howes, Satoris 2017, Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2005

Hoxmeier, Jill 2012, Instructor, School of Public Health
BS, University of Oregon, 2004
MPH, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 2012

Hoyle, Christopher 2010, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1988
MS, Purdue University Main Campus, 1994
PHD, Northwestern University, 2010

Hsieh, Ping-Hung 1997, Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BA, Fu-Jen Univ Chinese Language I, 1988
MA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1992
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1996

Hu, Juan 2011, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Psychological Sci
PHD, Beijing Normal University, 2002
PHD, Clark University, 2011

Huang, Liang 2015, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 2003
MSE, University of Pennsylvania, 2005
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 2008

Hubbard, Dale 1994, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Texas AM Univ-Galveston, 1994
BS, Texas AM Univ-Galveston, 1993
MS, Oregon State University, 1999

Hubbard, Jill 2018, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Associate Professor (Practice)
BS, Boston University, 1989
MED, Portland State University, 2003

Huber, Michael 1986, Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1978
MS, Oregon State University, 1991
DVM, Univ of California-Davis, 1980

Huber, Wayne 1991, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Hubler, Katherine 1997, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BS, Oregon State University, 2001
BA, Oregon State University, 2001
MA, Boston College, 2007
PHD, Boston College, 2012

Huddleston, J 1975, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Hudson-Hanley, Barbara 2016, Instructor, School of Public Health
BS, Oregon State University, 1995
PHD, Oregon State University, 2022

Hudspeth, Robert 1974, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Huemer, Sabine 2023, Assistant Professor (Practice), Sch of Psychological Sci
MBA, Antioch University Los Angeles, 2007
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2014

Huet, Liza 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, New Brunswick Theological Semi, 1999
MA, New York University, 2001

Huff, Aimee 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, University of Guelph, 2002
MBA, Natl Univ of Ireland Dublin, 2004
PHD, University of Western Ontario, 2013

Hughes, Anita 2007, Instructor, College of Engineering
BS, Oregon State University, 1989
MBA, Willamette University, 1999
MS, Oregon State University, 1994

Hughes, Kenneth 2018, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Otago, 2011
MS, University of Otago, 2013
PHD, University of Victoria, 2018

Hughes, Paul 2015, Assistant Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Foreign Institution, 1985
MBA, Foreign Institution, 2005
PHD, Foreign Institution, 1990

Huillet, Michelle 2010, Instructor, School of Communications
MAIS, Oregon State University, 2013

Hulstrom, Kelsea 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Hundhausen, Christopher 2022, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Lawrence University,

Hunt, Ayn 2016, Research Associate, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1985
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1989
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2001

Hunt, Matthew 2010, Faculty Research Assistant, Columbia Basin Exp Sta
MS, Oregon State University, 2013

Hunter, Kyleanne 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Georgetown University, 2001
MA, University of Denver, 2014
PHD, University of Denver, 2019

Hunter-Zaworski, Katharine 1983, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Hurst, Allison 2014, Professor, School of Public Policy
JD, Pepperdine University, 1995
PHD, University of Oregon, 2006

Hurst, Jonathan 2008, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001
MS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2004
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2008

Hurwitz, David 2009, Kiewit Center Director, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr, Professor
BS, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2004
MS, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2006
PHD, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2009

Husband, William 1985, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Hussong-Christian, Uta 2008, Associate Professor, Library
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1990
MLS, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2005

Hutchings, Jennifer 2012, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of London, 1996
PHD, Univ of London, 2001

Hutchinson, Rebecca 2009, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BSEE, Bucknell University, 2002
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2009

Hutton, Norman 1977, Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine

Huyer, Adriana 1972, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Hyde, Glenda 1989, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Deschutes Co Office
BA, Linfield University, 1974
MA, Eastern Oregon University, 2003

Hynes, Denise 2018, Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BSN, Loyola Univ of Chicago, 1980
MPH, Johns Hopkins University, 1985
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1991

Hystad, Perry 2013, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BS, University of Victoria, 2004
MS, University of Victoria, 2007
PHD, University of British Columbia, 2013


Ianni, Eric 2014, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2015
BA, Virginia Tech, 2006
MS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2018

Ideker, Jason 2008, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2002
MSE, Texas AM U - Central (U Central Texas), 2004
PHD, Texas AM U - Central (U Central Texas), 2008

Ihms, Elizabeth 2021, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Biomedical Science
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2014
PHD, Johns Hopkins University, 2019

Imholt, Sarah 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Library
BA, University of Portland, 1999
MLS, University of Washington, 2012
MA, Simmons University, 2003

Immler, Vincent 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Univ of Bochum, 2010
MS, Univ of Bochum, 2013
PHD, Univ of Munich, 2019

Inderbitzin, Michelle 2001, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, University of Washington, 1991
MA, University of Washington, 1996
PHD, University of Washington, 2000

Indra, Arup 2005, Professor, Pharmacy
BS, University of Calcutta, 1988
MS, University of Calcutta, 1991
PHD, Jadavpur University, 2001

Indra, Gitali 2006, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Pharmacy
BS, Osmania University, 1987
MS, Andhra University, 1989
PHD, Univ Louis Pasteur Faculte De, 2001

Ingham, Claudia 2005, Senior Instructor II, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1986
MS, University of Edinburgh, 1987
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

Ingham, Russell 1985, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

IngleJr, James 1971, Emeritus, Chemistry

Ingram, Patricia 1970, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Inman, Christina 2021, Interim Assist Prof (Clinical), Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Chapman University, 2007
BS, Chapman University, 2007
PHD, Western Univ of Health Science, 2010

Ip, Hung-Yok 1994, Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Chinese University of Hong Kon, 1983
MA, Chinese University of Hong Kon, 1985
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 1994

Irvin, Veronica 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, University of San Diego, 1998
MPH, San Diego State University, 2003
PHD, University of San Diego, 2011

Irvine, Ladd 1999, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Marine Mammal Institute
BS, University of Puget Sound, 1998
MS, Oregon State University, 2007

Irving, Alexander 2005, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Southern Oregon University, 2000

Irwin, Adriane 2002, Associate Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy
BS, Oregon State University, 2004
MS, University of New Mexico, 2006
D PHAR, University of New Mexico, 2010

Isgor, Burkan 2012, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Bogazici Universitesi, 1995
MENG, Carleton University, 1997
PHD, Carleton University, 2001

Ishmael, Jane 1989, Professor, Pharmacy
BS, Univ of Bradford, 1988
PHD, Oregon State University, 1995

Isley, Arleigh 1969, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Istok, Jonathan 1986, Administrator 1-School Head, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr, Assoc Sch Hd Undergrad Affairs, Professor
BS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1978
MS, Oregon State University, 1981
PHD, Oregon State University, 1986

Ivory, Jami 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Hatfield Marine Sci Ctr
BS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2012
MS, College of William Mary, 2016

Iwaniec, Urszula 2005, Professor, School of Public Health
BA, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1984
MA, Arizona State University, 1989
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997


Jacks, Clinton 1970, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Jackson, David 2023, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison,
MA, San Francisco State University, 2004
PHD, University of Utah, 2013

Jackson, Dixie 1999, Research Project Coordinator, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm
BS, Washington State University, 1997
MPH, Oregon State University, 2007

Jackson, Jennifer 2001, Associate Professor (Clinical), School of Public Health
BS, Oregon State University, 1997
MS, Chemeketa Community College, 2003
MS, Oregon State University, 2003
PHD, Chemeketa Community College, 2015
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Jackson, Rebecca 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, College of Science Admin
BA, University of the Pacific, 2007

Jackson, Philip 1978, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Jackson, Royal 1970, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Jacobs, Derric 2007, Instructor, School of Public Policy
MPP, Oregon State University, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Jacobsen, Grant 2022, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy

Jacobson, David 1998, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, University of Nevada-Reno, 1985

Jacobson, Tate 2023, Assistant Professor, Statistics (Science)
BA, Whitman College, 2016
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2023

Jacobson, Robert 1967, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Jaeger, William 2001, Ext Ag & Resource Policy Spec, Applied Econ Extension
BA, Washington State University, 1976
MA, Stanford University, 1981
PHD, Stanford University, 1985

Jager, Katie 2011, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, North Idaho College, 2007
MS, Oregon State University, 2013

Jaiswal, Pankaj 2008, Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Foreign Institution, 1990
MS, Foreign Institution, 1992
PHD, Foreign Institution, 1998

Jalilvand, Mahshid 2014, Instructor, School of Public Policy
BA, University of Tehran, 1976
MA, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1981
PHD, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1988

Jana, Amalesh 2017, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Jadavpur University, 2014
MS, Indian Inst of Tech Guwahati,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2021
PHD, Oregon State Higher Education,

Jana, Subhashis 2017, Research Associate, Biochem/Biophysics
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2017

Jander, Albrecht 2003, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
MS, Washington University-St Louis, 1993
D SCI, Washington University-St Louis, 1996

Jang, Hyo Sang 2004, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, Seoul National University, 1995
MS, Seoul National University, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

Janousek, Christopher 2013, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1999
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 2005

Jansen, Henri 1985, Emeritus, Physics

Japhet, Kimberly 2000, Senior Instructor I, Crop and Soil Science
BA, University of Kentucky, 1978
MED, Oregon State University, 1981

Jarvis, William 2002, Assoc Dir-Watershed Institute, Water/Watershed Institut
BS, University of Wyoming, 1983
MS, University of Wyoming, 1986
PHD, Oregon State University, 2006

Jarvis, Robert 1971, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Jashami, Hisham 2020, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Al-Mustansiriya University, 2006
MS, Gaziantep University, 2012

Jaster, Theodora 2002, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BA, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 1990

JeffreyJr, Hugh 1950, Emeritus, Business Services

Jeliazkov, Valtcho 2014, Associate Professor, Crop and Soil Science
MS, High Agricultural Inst, 1983
PHD, High Agricultural Inst, 1988
PHD, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2001

Jeliazkova, Ekaterina 2015, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Crop and Soil Science
MS, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2000

Jenkins, Stephanie 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2003
MA, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2007
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2012

Jenkins, Jeffrey 1990, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Jenney, Andrea 2022, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Miami, 2015
MS, Colorado State University, 2017
PHD, Colorado State University, 2020

Jennings, Jeremy 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BA, Sonoma State University, 2011
BS, Oregon State University, 2018
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Jensen, Tim 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Miami University, 2003
MA, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2008
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2013

Jensen, Edward 1976, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Jess, Joseph 2012, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Western Oregon University, 2007
MS, Portland State University, 2009

Jessie, Katherine 2018, Instructor, College of Education
MA, Pacific University, 2000

Jeter, Brett 2002, Asst Dean-Academic Prgms, College of Engineering
BS, Oregon State University, 2005

Jeydel, Alana 2000, Instructor, School of Public Policy
BA, Trinity College, 1990
MA, American University, 1993
PHD, American University, 1998
PHD, American University, 1997

Ji, Xiulei 2012, Professor, Chemistry
BS, Jilin University, 2003
MS, Foreign Institution, 2005
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2009

Jiang, Duo 2014, Associate Professor, Statistics (Science)
BS, Tsinghua University, 2009
PHD, University of Chicago, 2014

Jiang, Yuan 2011, Associate Professor, Statistics (Science)
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008

Jimenez, Yasury 2018, Faculty Research Asst, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2022
BA, Oregon State University, 2022

Jin, Ling 2004, Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
MS, Nanjing Agricultural Univ, 1989
DVM, Nanjing Agricultural Univ, 1986
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1999

Jin, Xue 2018, Assistant Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Foreign Institution, 2002
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2007

Jobst, Erin 2020, Associate Professor (Clinical), Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Oregon Health Science Univ, 1992
PHD, Oregon Health Science Univ, 2003

John, Deborah 1999, Professor, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BS, University of New Orleans, 1978
MS, University of West Florida, 1998
PHD, Oregon State University, 2002

John, Finn 2010, Instructor, School of Communications
BA, University of Oregon, 1991
MS, University of Oregon, 2010

Johns, Christopher 2022, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Johns, Jennifer 2016, Associate Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1996
DVM, Univ of California-Davis, 2001
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2011

Johnson, Allegro 2022, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1996
PHD, Texas Tech University, 2004

Johnson, Colin 2011, Associate Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Clarkson University, 1999
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2005

Johnson, Donald 1976, Instructor, Honors College
BS, Southern Oregon University, 1971
MFA, University of Puget Sound, 1973

Johnson, Dustin 1998, Professor, EOARC - Burns Exp Sta, Ext Harney County Office
BS, Oregon State University, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2005

Johnson, Eric 1997, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BA, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 1988
MS, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 1994

Johnson, Janell 2007, Senior Instructor I, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2010
MS, Oregon State University, 2011

Johnson, Kelly 2017, Research Associate, School of Public Health
BS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1999
MS, Texas State University, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

Johnson, Maureen 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Michigan Technological Univ, 1983
PHD, Rice University, 1991

Johnson, Samuel 2003, Professor (Clinical), School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Texas Christian University, 1998
MS, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 2000
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

Johnson, T Geronimo 2013, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MFA, University of Iowa, 2008
MA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2011

Johnson, Tonya 2011, Instructor, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm
BS, Pacific University, 1995
MPH, CUNY Hunter College, 2008

Johnson, Torrey 2005, Senior Instructor I, Mathematics
BS, Central Washington University, 2000
MS, University of Oregon, 2002
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Johnson, Douglas 1982, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Johnson, Duane 1959, Emeritus, College of Education

Johnson, James 2006, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Johnson, K Norman 1985, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Johnson, Kenneth 1988, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Johnson, Rebecca 1984, Emeritus, Office of the President, President Emeritus

Johnson, Sharon 2000, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Johnson, Simon 1971, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

JohnsonJr, W 1968, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Johnston, Alison 2011, Professor, School of Public Policy
PHD, London Sch of Econ Political, 2011

Johnston, Matthew 2014, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Cal Institute of Tech, 2005
MS, Columbia University-NYC, 2006
PHD, Columbia University-NYC, 2012

Johnston, LaRea 1960, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Johnston, Richard 1966, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Jolles, Anna 2002, Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Univ of Oxford Univ Offices, 1995
PHD, Princeton University, 2004

Jolliff, Gary 1976, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Jones, Elizabeth 2013, Senior Instructor II, Educ Opportunities Progm
BS, Brigham Young University Main, 1990
MS, Brigham Young University Main, 1992
PHD, University of Utah, 1999

Jones, Eric 2007, Assistant Professor (Practice), Forest Ecosyst & Society, Instructor
BA, University of Oregon, 1992
MA, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 1996
PHD, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2002

Jones, Frank 2011, Associate Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Miami University, 1990
MS, Miami University, 1994
PHD, University of Georgia, 2004

Jones, Gerrad 2017, Assistant Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
MS, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 2008
MS, Villanova University, 2010
PHD, University of Nevada-Reno, 2014

Jones, Gordon 2017, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Crook County Office
BS, Warren Wilson College, 2011
MS, Virginia Tech, 2013
PHD, Virginia Tech, 2016

Jones, Julia 1989, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Hampshire College, 1977
MA, Johns Hopkins University, 1979
PHD, Johns Hopkins University, 1983

Jones, Kevin 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Library
MDIV, Unknown College, 2005

Jones, Patrick 2014, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, North Willamette Exp Sta
BS, Univ of Tennessee-Martin, 2011
MS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2013

Jones, Joyce 1994, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Jones, Robert 1962, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Joo, Sukhyun 2014, Research Associate, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Kookmin University, 2011
MS, Kookmin University, 2013
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019

Jordan, Cheryl 1976, Emeritus, College of Business

Jordon, Shelley 1986, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Jorgensen, Josh 2015, Instructor, School of Public Health
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2011
MPH, Univ of California-Davis, 2006
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2014

Joseph, K J 2018, Instructor, General Agriculture
BS, University of Kentucky, 2015
MS, Oregon State University, 2020

Joslin, Steven 2023, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2011
MA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2013
PHD, University of Oregon, 2018

Jovanovic, Goran 1992, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Univ of Belgrade, 1971
MS, Oregon State University, 1974
PHD, Oregon State University, 1979

Judkins, Julie 2022, Associate Professor, Library
BA, Willamette University, 2007
MS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2009

Jump, Donald 2006, Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Delaware State University, 1971
MS, Rutgers University-Camden, 1974
PHD, Georgetown University, 1980

Jung, Jihun 2023, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Seoul National University, 2014
PHD, Seoul National University, 2023

Jung, Jooyeoun 2009, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Food Science and Techno
MENG, Seoul National Univ of Tech, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Jung, Suhyun 2022, Assistant Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Korea University Col of Medici, 2007
MS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2009
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2015

Juranek, Lauren 2011, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1999
MS, University of Washington, 2003
PHD, University of Washington, 2007

Jurek, Kelsey 2023, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-River Falls, 2013
MS, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 2022
DVM, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 2017


Kaiser, Paulina 2014, Instructor, School of Exercise/Sport
BA, Northwestern University, 2006
MPH, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2010
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2014

Kaliyamurthy, Ashok 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Bangalore University, 2001
MBA, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2009

Kalk, Michael 2008, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Whitman College, 2003

Kalodimos, Jonathan 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Kansas State University, 2006
MS, University of Florida, 2007
PHD, University of Washington, 2014

Kamke, Fred 2005, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Kamm, Lacy 2022, Assistant Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
DVM, Colorado State University, 2007

Kandadai, Nirmala 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin,

Kaplan, Jonathan 2003, Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel, Director-SHPR
BA, Univ of California-Irvine, 1991
BA, California Southern University, 1991
PHD, Stanford University, 1996

Karchesy, Joseph 1979, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Karow, Russell 1983, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Karplus, Andy 1998, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Kaskela, Timothy 2020, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BBA, Texas Tech University, 2011
MBA, Texas Tech University, 2014
PHD, Texas Tech University, 2020

Kastantin, Mark 2018, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
DENG, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2009

Katz, Jonathan 1993, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Kaufmann, Claire 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2001
MBA, Pepperdine University, 2006

Kaur, Navneet 2014, Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Foreign Institution, 2002
MS, Foreign Institution, 2006
PHD, University of Florida, 2013

Kavanagh, Kathleen 1988, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
MS, Excelsior University, 1987
PHD, Oregon State University, 1993

Kavanaugh, Maria 1999, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Kawai, Shinji 2012, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BS, Foreign Institution, 1985
MS, Oregon State University, 1987
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2000

Kawasaki, Megumi 2017, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BSME, Osaka Prefecture University, 2002
MS, Univ of Southern California, 2004
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2007

Kayes, Lori 2004, Senior Instructor II, Integrative Biology, Assoc Dept Head-Dir of Undgrd
BS, University of Wyoming, 1998
MS, Southern Oregon University, 2002
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

KC, Achala 2016, Associate Professor, Southern Oregon Exp Sta
BS, Foreign Institution, 2005
MS, North Dakota St U-Main Campus, 2009
PHD, North Dakota St U-Main Campus, 2013

Kealey, Lindsey 2020, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Keeble, Carson 2014, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Oberlin College, 2000
BMUS, Oberlin College, 2000
MM, Rice University, 2003

Keefe, Bailey 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, Pharmacy
BS, Whitworth University, 2015
MS, Oregon State University, 2018

KeeferHutchison, Marcey 2020, Associate Professor (Clinical), Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Willamette University, 1988
MS, Pacific University, 1991
DPT, Northeastern University, 2014

Kellar, Brenda 1998, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, Oregon State University, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2004
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Kellogg, Loren 1978, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Kelly, Christine 2004, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, University of Arizona, 1989
PHD, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1997

Kelly, Elizabeth 1995, Instructor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Rutgers University, 1988
MS, Oregon State University, 2001

Kelly, Kristy 2016, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Western Washington University, 2009
MA, University of Oregon, 2012

Kelsey, Mary 1958, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Kemmerich, Sarina 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Oregon State University, 2004
MBA, Concord University, 2012

Kemp, Patrick 1974, Emeritus, College of Business

Kennedy, Adam 2006, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Portland State University, 2004
MS, Portland State University, 2006

Kennedy, Matthew 2002, Senior Instructor I, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Oregon State University, 2003
MS, Oregon State University, 2005

Kennedy, Robert 1996, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Univ of Houston System, 1992
MA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1994
PHD, Oregon State University, 2004

Kennedy, Patricia 2002, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Kennedy, Timothy 1976, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Kenneke, Larry 1970, Emeritus, College of Education

Kennelly, Patrick 2022, Senior Instructor I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Allegheny College, 1984
MS, University of Arizona, 1987
PHD, Oregon State University, 1997

Kennerley, William 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Virginia Tech, 2015
MS, Oregon State University, 2023

Kent, Adam 2002, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Assoc Dean-Grad Prog/Fac Adv
BS, University of New England, 1989
PHD, Australian National University, 1994

Kent, Michael 1999, Emeritus, Microbiology (Science)

Keon, Dylan 1997, Administrator 1-Ranked Dir, College of Engineering, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Western Michigan University, 1993
MS, Oregon State University, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Kerkvliet, Joe 1988, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Kerkvliet, Nancy 1977, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Kerlin, Scott 2022, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Univ of N Dakota-Main Campus, 2004
MS, Univ of N Dakota-Main Campus, 2010

Kerr, David 2008, Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Willamette University, 1997
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2004

Kersell, Heath 2021, Research Associate, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng

Kershaw, Nancy 1984, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Kesterson, Maizy 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 2022

Kesterson, Todd 1999, Senior Instructor I, School of Communications
BFA, University of Oregon, 1990
MS, Southern Oregon University, 1999

Ketchum, Lynn 1988, Emeritus, Extension Communications

Key, Cara 2019, Assistant Professor, Library
BA, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2004
MLS, Florida State University, 2009

Khanna, Sunil 1995, Dir Global Health Cntr, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Professor, School of Public Health
BS, University of Delhi, 1982
MS, University of Delhi, 1984
PHD, Syracuse U Central Office, 1995
PHD, University of Delhi, 1988
PHD, Syracuse University-Main Campu, 1995

Khuu, Patricia 2003, Research Associate, Biochem/Biophysics
PHD, Oregon State University, 2008

Kibler, Amanda 2018, Professor, College of Education
MAT, Trinity University, 1999
MS, Univ of Oxford University Coll, 2003
PHD, Stanford University, 2009

Kibler, Jess 2011, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Oregon State University, 2014
MA, University of Iowa, 2021

Kidder, Ciara 2021, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci

Kiekel, Robert 1966, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Kiemnec, Gary 1986, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Kiger, Amandarose 2011, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Kikuchi, David 2022, Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2006
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2013

Kile, Molly 2011, Professor, School of Public Health
BA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1997
MS, Harvard University, 2001
PHD, Harvard University, 2006

Kilgore, Samantha 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Food Science and Techno
BS, Oregon State University, 2019

Killgore, Steven 2023, Instructor, Wood Science/Engr
BS, Linfield University, 1992

Kim, Bum Jin 2018, Research Associate, School of Public Health
MS, Chungnam National University, 2013
PHD, Chungnam National University, 2018

Kim, Hyosin 2022, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm

Kim, Jay 2015, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Dankook University, 2003
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007
PHD, University of Washington, 2015

Kim, Jinsub 2014, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
MS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2013
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2014

Kim, Sun Young 2013, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Hankuk Univ of Foreign Studies, 1999
MA, University of Oregon, 2003
MA, University of Oregon, 2011

Kim, Yusoon 2011, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
MENG, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2004
MSE, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2003
PHD, Arizona State University, 2010

Kim, David 2000, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Kimerling, A 1976, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Kincanon, Kerry 1999, Dir-Univ Explor Studies Prog, Univ Exploratory Studies
BS, Wayne State College, 1994
MA, Ball State University, 1996

Kinch, Michael 1969, Emeritus, Univ Information & Techn

Kincl, Laurel 2011, Assc Dean Acad Faculty Affairs, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1993
MS, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 1998
PHD, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 2002

King, David 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BS, Oregon State University, 2017

King, David 1963, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

King, David 2006, Emeritus, College of Ag Admin

King, Jonathan 1980, Emeritus, College of Business

King, Keith 1969, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

King, Lynda 1986, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

King, Nancy 2000, Emeritus, College of Business

King, Valery 1987, Emeritus, Library

Kingsley, Kenneth 1974, Emeritus, Extension Communications

Kioussi, Chrissa 2002, Professor, Pharmacy, Department Chair-Pharm Sci
BS, Univ of Athens, 1986
MS, Foreign Institution, 1987
PHD, Foreign Institution, 1992

Kirk, Nathan 2013, Senior Instructor I, Integrative Biology
BS, SUNY-College at Buffalo, 2003
MS, SUNY-College at Buffalo, 2006
PHD, Auburn University Main Campus, 2012

Kiser, James 1997, Senior Instructor I, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1982
MS, Oregon State University, 1992
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Kleber, Markus 2005, Professor, Crop and Soil Science
MS, Universitat Hohenheim, 1992
PHD, Universitat Hohenheim, 1997

Klein, Andrew 1985, Emeritus, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr

Kleinsorge, Ilene 1987, Dean Emeritus, College of Business

Klemke, Lloyd 1970, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Kleronomos, Misha 2009, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, University of Washington, 1997
MS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 1999

Klest, Bridget 2023, Associate Professor (Clinical), Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, University of Oregon, 2003
MA, University of Oregon, 2003
PHD, University of Oregon, 2010

Kline, Norma 2016, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Coos County Office
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1989
MS, Northern Arizona University, 1996

Kling, David 2013, Associate Professor, Applied Economics
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2013

Klingler, Lee 2022, Instructor, Mathematics
BA, Lebanon Valley College, 1977
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984

Klinkhammer, Gary 1990, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Kloefkorn, Heidi 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2011
PHD, University of Florida, 2016

Klopfenstein, Joseph 2015, Associate Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Purdue University Main Campus, 1980
DVM, Purdue University Main Campus, 1983

Knapp, Melinda 2012, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 1988
MED, Oregon State University, 2008
MS, Cal State Univ-Fullerton, 2000
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Knaus, Brian 2002, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, University of Arizona, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2008

Kneifl, Chris 2016, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Oklahoma, 1999
MA, University of Oklahoma, 2008

Kneis, Philipp 2011, Instructor, School of Public Policy
MA, Univ of Berlin, 2008

Knight, Heather 2016, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BSME, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 2006
MS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2013
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2016

Knothe, Carol 1972, Emeritus, Ext Malheur Co Office

Knowles, Jeffrey 2009, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr, Instructor
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
MS, Oregon State University, 2013
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

Knutson, Ivory 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BS, Oregon State University, 2021

Knutson, Devon 1994, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Kocher, Carl 1973, Emeritus, Physics

Koehlinger, Amy 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
PHD, Yale University, 2002

Koenig, Harold 1987, Emeritus, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc

Koepsell, Paul 1969, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Koester, Ardis 1974, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Koetje, Marcianne 2019, Instructor, College of Education
MAT, Oregon State University, 2003

Kogan, Marcos 1991, Emeritus, Horticulture

Kolbe, Edward 1974, Emeritus, Biol & Ecol Engineering

Kolding, Mathias 1967, Emeritus, Hermiston Exp Sta

Koley, Dipankar 2013, Associate Professor, Chemistry
BS, Foreign Institution, 2003
MS, Texas AM Univ-Commerce, 2005
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2011

Kollath, Jeffrey 1999, Senior Instructor II, Statistics (Science)
BS, Univ of Illinois-Chicago, 1986
BS, Univ of Illinois Central Offic, 1986
MS, Oregon State University, 1995

Kolluri, Siva 2006, Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
MS, Jadavpur University, 1990
PHD, Univ of Karlsruhe, 1999

Kong, Wei 1995, Professor, Chemistry, Department Head
BS, Peking University, 1987
PHD, University of Waterloo, 1993

Kongraksawech, Teepakorn 2004, Senior Research Associate I, Crop and Soil Science
MS, Oregon State University, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Konitzer, Lisa 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, University of Notre Dame, 2000
MA, Baylor University, 2010
MS, University of Indianapolis, 2002
D SCI, Baylor University,

Konkler, Matthew 2013, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Wood Science/Engr
BS, Muskingum College, 2008
MS, Wright State University, 2011

Koong, Ling-Jung 1987, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Kopperman, Paul 1978, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Koppers, Antonius 2007, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, AVPR - Advancement & Strategy, VP for Research
PHD, Vrije Univ Amsterdam, 1998

Koretsky, Milo 1992, Emeritus, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng

Korucu, Irem 2023, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Kosanovic-Brown, Ann 2010, Instructor, School of VPDA
BMUS, Oberlin College, 1979

Koshnick, Damian 2024, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
MA, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2006
MA, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2010
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2013

Kosro, P 1984, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1973
MS, Stanford University, 1977
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 1985

Kothari, Brianne 2014, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Gonzaga University, 2003
MA, Washington State University, 2005
PHD, Portland State University, 2011

Kovacevic, Jovana 2016, Associate Professor, Food Innovation Center
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2014

Kovchegov, Yevgeniy 2005, Professor, Mathematics
BA, New York University, 1997
MS, Stanford University, 2000
PHD, Stanford University, 2002

Kowalewski, Alec 2012, Associate Professor, Horticulture
BA, Michigan State University, 2003
MS, Michigan State University, 2006
PHD, Michigan State University, 2010

Kradjan, Wayne 1998, Dean Emeritus, College of Pharmacy-Adm, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Kraemer, Lauren 2008, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Hood River Co Office
MPH, Oregon State University, 2010

Krahmer, Robert 1961, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Kral, George 2016, Instructor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Oregon State University, 1988
BS, Oregon State University,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2021

Krane, Kenneth 1974, Emeritus, Physics

Krantz, Gerald 1955, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Krause, Margaret 2023, Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2014
PHD, Cornell University, 2019

Krause, Joseph 1988, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Krawchuk, Meg 2015, Associate Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, University of Guelph, 1995
MS, Acadia University, 2001
PHD, University of Alberta, 2007

Krebs, Jason 2002, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Oregon State University, 2004
MA, Portland State University, 2007

Krefting, Jamie 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Kretschmer, Kelsy 2001, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Oregon State University, 2003
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2010

Kronmiller, Brent 2013, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of Oregon, 1997
PHD, Iowa State University, 2008

Krueger, James 1961, Emeritus, Chemistry

Krueger, Judith 1966, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Krueger, William 1971, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Kudlacek, Trina 1999, Instructor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, University of Kansas, 1989
MS, University of Kansas, 1993
EDD, Temple University, 1996

Kugel, Samudra 2003, Instructor, General Agriculture
BS, St Cloud State University,
MAG, Oregon State University, 2005

Kujawa, Jonathan 2024, Professor, Mathematics
BA, Gustavus Adolphus College,
MS, University of Oregon,
PHD, University of Oregon, 2003

Kulm, Laverne 1964, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Kunecka, Marta 2007, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
MA, Jagiellonian Univ Cracow, 2005

Kurman, Nirit 2020, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Ben Gurion Univ of the Negev, 2010
MA, Ben Gurion Univ of the Negev, 2012
PHD, Ben Gurion Univ of the Negev, 2018

Kurth, Ellie 2004, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Montana State Univ, 1999
MS, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2003

Kurth, Tige 2016, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2007

Kutzler, Michelle 2002, Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Washington State University, 1990
DVM, Washington State University, 1993
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2002

Kwok, Ethiene 2015, Faculty Research Assistant, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Oregon State University, 2015

Kwon, Jung 2016, Assistant Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Seoul City University, 2004
MS, Seoul City University, 2006
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2012


Labut, Edwin 2008, Faculty Research Assistant, School of Public Health
BS, Eastern Michigan University, 1993

Lach, Denise 1996, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Lachenbruch, Barbara 1992, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Lackey, Robert 1982, Instructor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1967
MS, University of Maine, 1968
PHD, Colorado State University, 1971

LaDu, Jane 2003, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Oregon State University, 2003

Lagerquist, Barbara 1993, Coordinator-Res Program, Marine Mammal Institute
BS, University of Western Ontario, 1988
MS, Oregon State University, 1997

LaGue, April 2018, Assistant Professor (Clinical), College of Education
BA, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2006
MS, Cal State Univ-Bakersfield, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Lajtha, Kathryn 1995, Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BA, Harvard University, 1979
PHD, Duke University, 1986

Lambert, Adam 2006, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Virginia Tech, 2006
MS, Oregon State University, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Lambert, Jessica 2003, Instructor, School of VPDA
BMUS, University of Rochester, 1988
BA, University of Rochester, 1984

Lambert, Steven 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Florida State University, 2002
MS, Florida State University, 2012

Lambrinos, John 2006, Associate Professor, Horticulture
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1992
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2000

Lan, Yung-Hsiang 2015, Research Associate, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, National Taiwan University, 2006
MS, National Taiwan University, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Lanaud, Christophe 2019, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Lancaster, Stephen 1998, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Harvard University, 1990
PHD, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 1998

Landau, Rubin 1974, Emeritus, Physics

Landforce, Andrew 1998, Emeritus, College of Ag Extension

Landgraver, Emma 2013, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BS, Oregon State University, 2015
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Landgren, Chal 1979, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Landon, Shandell 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Landys, Meta 2005, Senior Instructor I, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1996
PHD, University of Washington, 2003

Lane, Kelsey 2018, Instructor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Brown University, 2010
MS, Oregon State University, 2018
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

Langdon, Christopher 1985, Professor, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, University of Edinburgh, 1975
MS, USE 802621* Univ of Wales Bangor**, 1977
PHD, USE 802621* Univ of Wales Bangor**, 1981

Langellotto, Gail 2007, Professor, Horticulture
BS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1993
MS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1996
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2002

Langford, Charles 1970, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Langpap, Christian 2003, Professor, Applied Economics
BA, Kalamazoo College, 1992
PHD, Oregon State University, 2002

Lanphier, Kari 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Colorado State University, 2015

LaPoma, Claire 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, University of Oregon, 2007
MA, Portland State University, 2007

Larison, John 2005, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, University of Oregon, 2002
MED, University of Oregon, 2005

Larkin, Andrew 2004, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), School of Public Health
BS, Oregon State University, 2006
MS, University of Florida, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Larsen, Nancy 2024, Instructor, College of Education
PHD, University of Idaho, 2012

Larson, Mark 1993, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Oregon State University, 1988

Larson, Maureen 1997, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Vet Clinical Sciences
BA, Eastern Washington University, 1985
BS, Eastern Washington University, 1985
MS, Oregon State University, 1993

Larson, Nicholas 2008, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BS, Unknown College, 1997
MA, Univ of Southern California, 2000
MA, Univ of Missouri-Kansas City, 2007

Larson, Erik 1980, Emeritus, College of Business

Larwood, Lillian 1988, Emeritus, Ext 4-H Yth Dev On-Cmpus

Later, William 2012, Instructor, School of Communications
MA, Oregon State University, 2014

Latham, Kerry 2016, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2010
MS, Foreign Institution, 2015

Lau, Jared 2019, Instructor, College of Education
BS, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2003
MA, University of San Diego, 2008
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Charlotte, 2012

Lauer, Rena 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
MA, Harvard University, 2009
PHD, Harvard University, 2014

Laufer, BayLee 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Texas AM Univ-Corpus Christi, 2019

Laurence, Todd 2020, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Princeton University, 1986
MBA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1992

Laursen, Harold 1963, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Lavender, Denis 1961, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Laver, Murray 1969, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Lavery, Mark 1994, Senior Instructor II, Integrative Biology
BS, University of Notre Dame, 1991
MS, Oregon State University, 1998

Law, Beverly 1995, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Lawrence, Robert 1970, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Lawrence, Robert 1974, Emeritus, Univ Information & Techn

Lawton, Stephen 1976, Emeritus, College of Business

LayCranston, Alison 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2007
BA, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2007

Layton, Robert 1972, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Lazzati, Davide 2013, Professor, Physics
BS, Foreign Institution, 1996
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2001

Leavengood, Scott 1992, Professor, Wood Science/Engr, Dir-OR Wood Innovation Ctr
BS, Colorado State University, 1992
MS, Oregon State University, 1995
PHD, Oregon State University, 2011

Leavitt, Keith 2011, Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
MS, Montana State Univ, 2001
MBA, University of Washington, 2007
PHD, University of Washington, 2009

LeBoldus, Jared 2015, Associate Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of British Columbia, 2003
MS, University of Alberta, 2006
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2010
PHD, University of Alberta, 2010

Lee, Ben 1991, Senior Associate Head, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci, Professor
BEE, Excelsior University, 1984
BEE, SUNY-Stony Brook, 1984
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1991

Lee, Elisa 2020, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Southern Oregon University, 2003
MA, Concordia University, 2005

Lee, Kenneth 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molec Toxic Ext

Lee, Nancy Louie 2022, Instructor, Pharmacy

Lee, Stefan 2019, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of West Florida, 2011
MS, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2013
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2016

Lee, Yun-Shik 2001, Professor, Physics
BS, Seoul National University, 1989
MS, Seoul National University, 1991
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1997

Lee, Janet 1991, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Lee, John 1969, Emeritus, Mathematics

Lee-Hubble, Jill 2023, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2000
MS, Concordia University Wisconsin, 2009
PHD, Walden University, 2022

Leeper, Haley 2007, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Oregon State University, 2007
DVM, Western Univ of Health Science, 2012

Leeson, Theodore 1984, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Leestemaker-Palmer, Amy 2007, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2008
MA, Oregon State University, 2012

Leffel, John 1962, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Leiboff, Samuel 2020, Assistant Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2010
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2017

Leibowitz, Flora 1977, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Leid, Mark 1992, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Leitner, Astrid 2022, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2012
PHD, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2018

Leklem, James 1975, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Leno, Janice 1988, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Lent, Kathryn 2021, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, University of Notre Dame, 2004
DPT, University of Washington, 2012
PHD, University of Washington, 2020

Leonard, Scott 1995, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Linus Pauling Institute
BS, Bastyr University, 1995
MS, Oregon State University, 1998

Leong, Jonathan 2001, Instructor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Claremont McKenna College, 2005
BS, Harvey Mudd College, 2005
MS, Claremont McKenna College, 2010

Leong, Joann 1975, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Microbiology (Science)

Leppin, Mark 2017, Instructor, Integrative Biology
BS, Oregon State University, 2018

LeQuier, Stephanie 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BA, University of Vermont, 2015

Lerczak, James 2006, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Associate Dean - Research
BA, Williams College, 1988
MS, University of Washington, 1991
PHD, Scripps Research Institute, 2000

Lerner, Michael 1990, Emeritus, Chemistry

Leshchinsky, Ben 2012, Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, University of Delaware, 2007
MS, Columbia University-NYC, 2008
PHD, Columbia University-NYC, 2012

Lesser, Virginia 1992, Professor, Statistics (Science), Director-Survey Research Cntr
BS, Lebanon Valley College, 1980
MS, North Carolina State Univ, 1987
PHD, Univ of N Carolina Systems, 1999

Letaw, Larissa 2017, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Oregon, 2010
MS, Oregon State University, 2018

Letelier, Ricardo 1994, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Universidad de Conception, 1988
PHD, Univ of Hawaii System, 1994

Leung, Erik 2019, Instructor, School of VPDA
BED, University of Calgary, 2005
BMUS, University of Calgary, 2003
MM, University of Toronto, 2005
PHD, Northwestern University, 2016

Lev, Larry 1984, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Levell, Samantha 2023, Instructor, Vet Clinical Sciences
PHD, Univ of California-Riverside, 2022

Levi, Taal 2013, Associate Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2004
PHD, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2012

Levi, Shaul 1977, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Levien, Keith 1985, Emeritus, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng

Levin, Alexander 2016, Associate Professor, Southern Oregon Exp Sta
BA, Univ of Michigan-Dearborn, 2008
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2016

Lewis, Aaron 2009, Senior Instructor I, College of Business
BA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1993
MBA, San Jose State University, 1998

Lewis, Bram 2019, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
MS, Virginia Tech, 2016
MSE, Cal State University-East Bay, 2010

Lewis, David 2005, Assistant Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Oregon, 1997
MA, University of Oregon, 2000
PHD, University of Oregon, 2009

Lewis, David 2001, Professor, Applied Economics
BS, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1997
MS, University of Maine, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005

Lewis, Hillary 2015, Research Associate, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Seattle Pacific University, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2018
MS, Texas Woman's University, 2009
PHD, Oregon State University, 2021

Lewis, Jon 1983, Univ Distinguished Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Hobart William Smith Colleges, 1977
MA, SUNY-College at Buffalo, 1979
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1983

Lewis, Nathaniel 2012, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta

Lewis, Olivia 2022, Assistant Professor (Clinical), College of Education
PHD, Univ of S Carolina-Columbia, 2022

Lewis, Margaret 1971, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Leytem, Alicia 2004, Senior Instructor I, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2006
MS, Oregon State University, 2012

Li, Fuxin 2015, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2009

Li, Hua-yu 1996, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Sophia University, 1981
MA, Harvard University, 1983
PHD, Columbia University-NYC, 1997

Li, Kaichang 1999, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, South China Univ of Tech, 1984
MS, South China Univ of Tech, 1987
PHD, Virginia Tech, 1996

Li, Lixin 2004, Faculty Research Assistant, Pharmacy
MS, Foreign Institution, 1996
MD, Foreign Institution, 1988

Li, Tao 2015, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2005
MD, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2009
PHD, Univ of Nebraska-Medical Cente, 2014

Li, Yangqiuting 2023, Assistant Professor, Physics
BS, Nanjing University, 2017
MS, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 2020
MS, University of Pittsburgh Centr, 2020
PHD, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 2022
PHD, University of Pittsburgh Centr, 2022

Li, Youning 2019, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, Chengdu Univ of Technology, 1983
MS, Chengdu Univ of Technology, 1989
MS, Montana Tech of Univ Montana, 1993

Li, Zhenglun 2014, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Food Science and Techno, Instructor
BA, Tianjin University, 2010
PHD, Michigan State University, 2014

Liang, Ningjian 2019, Research Associate, School of Public Health
BS, China Agriculture Univ, 2009
MS, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2011
PHD, University of British Columbia, 2018

Liang, Yuanzhe 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Beijing Univ of Chemical Tech, 2015
MS, Case Western Reserve Univ, 2016
PHD, Vanderbilt University, 2020

Liburdy, James 1997, Professor-Endowed, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Cornell University, 1971
MS, Stanford University, 1972
PHD, Penn State Univ-Central Office, 1976

Lien, Mei-Ching 2004, Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Cleveland State University, 1995
MA, Cleveland State University, 1997
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2001

Lieuallen, Thomas 1992, Faculty Research Assistant, College of Engineering
BS, Oregon State University, 1992

Lightle, Danielle 2009, Assistant Professor (Practice), North Willamette Exp Sta
BA, The College of Wooster, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Lillie, Robert 1984, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Lim, Juyun 2007, Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Ewha Womans University, 1998
MS, Ewha Womans University, 2000
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2005

Lin, Dong 2022, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Linares, Roberto 2004, Senior Instructor II, Pharmacy
BS, Oregon State University, 1991

Lindberg, Kreg 2003, Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Dartmouth College, 1986
MA, Johns Hopkins University, 1989
PHD, Oregon State University, 1995

Lindegren, Kari 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, Emory University, 2015

Lindsley, Adam 2011, Assistant Professor, Library
BS, University of Oregon, 2006
MS, Oregon State University, 2014

Lininger, Noah 2024, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Oregon State University,

Linnell, Dusti 2016, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Tillamook Co Office
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2010
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2015

Lipscomb, Shannon 2010, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Associate Dean of Research, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Whitman College, 2000
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2007

Liss, William 1977, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

List, Peter 1967, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Liston, Aaron 1990, Dir-Herbarium, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1982
MS, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1984
PHD, Claremont Graduate University, 1990

Liu, Hong 2005, Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BS, Harbin Institute of Technology, 1996
MENG, Harbin Institute of Technology, 1998
PHD, Univ of Hong Kong, 2003

Liu, Huaping 2001, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, New Jersey Inst Technolog, 1997

Liu, Jiang 2013, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Tianjin Agricultural Univ, 2008
MS, Nanjing Agricultural Univ, 2012

Liu, Judy 2015, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1995
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1996
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2000

Liu, Xiaohui 2023, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Hohai University, 2004
MS, Foreign Institution, 2007
PHD, Zhejiang University, 2016

Liyanage, Medagama Liyanage Amila 2009, Senior Instructor I, Chemistry
BS, Univ of Colombo, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Llakmani, Ilva 2023, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BS, Trinity College, 2016
MA, SUNY-Albany, 2023

LlebotLorente, Clara 2010, Associate Professor, Library
BS, Univ of Barcelona, 2005
MS, Gran Canaria Univ, 2007
PHD, Gran Canaria Univ, 2011

Lloyd, Deanna 2012, Senior Instructor I, Horticulture
BA, Western Washington University,
MS, Oregon State University, 2016

Lock, Christopher 2024, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Johns Hopkins University, 2017

Locke, Brian 2023, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MA, Brown University, 1996
MA, University of Washington, 1994
PHD, Brown University, 2000

Locke, Kerry 1985, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Lockwood, Elise 2013, Professor, Mathematics
BS, Wheaton College, 2004
MS, Portland State University, 2006
PHD, Portland State University, 2011

Lodwick, Jessica 2020, Instructor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BA, Miami University, 2002
MA, SUNY-Stony Brook, 2004
PHD, SUNY-Stony Brook, 2014

Loeb, Barbara 1985, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Loehr, Christiane 2003, Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
DVM, Justus-Liebig University, 1996
PHD, Washington State University, 2002

Logan, Isabelle 2016, Instructor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Portland State University,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2021

Logan, Joshua 2011, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Oregon State University, 2022

Logan, Sam 2014, Associate Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BA, University of Delaware, 2006
MS, University of Delaware, 2008
PHD, Auburn University Main Campus, 2012

Logendran, Rasaratnam 1989, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Londhe, Shrikant 2023, Instructor, Chemistry
BS, University of Mumbai, 2014
MS, Institute of Chemical Tech, 2016
PHD, University of Kansas, 2023

Long, Kody 2023, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Univ of Central Oklahoma, 2019
MS, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 2020

Long, Lynn 1988, Emeritus, Horticulture

Longo, Robert 2015, Senior Instructor I, College of Business
BS, Montclair State University, 1976
MBA, Seton Hall University, 1979

Longway, Lucas 2012, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Bard College at Simon's Rock, 2011
MS, Oregon State University, 2016

Looney, Scott 2022, Instructor, School of VPDA

Loper, Joyce 1998, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Lopez, Ryan 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Oregon State University,

Lorang, Jennifer 1993, Instructor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
MS, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 1988
PHD, Univ of California-Riverside, 1993

Lorenzen, Carol 2020, Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Washington State University, 1987
MS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1993
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1997

Lorish, Andrew 2018, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MFA, Pacific NW College of Art, 2013

Lou, Junhui 2008, Research Associate, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Zhejiang University, 2006
MS, Zhejiang University, 2008
MBE, Zhejiang University, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Loucks, Jeff 2023, Associate Professor (Practice), Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Queens University at Kingston, 2002
MS, University of Oregon, 2003
PHD, University of Oregon, 2009

Louis, Joseph 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Natl Inst Tech Tiruchirappalli, 2008
MS, Purdue University Main Campus, 2010
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2016

Loveland, Walter 1967, Emeritus, Chemistry

Lovell, Ronald 1972, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Lovestone, Lauren 2014, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Oregon State University, 2015
MA, Oregon State University, 2017

Lowrie, Miriam 1971, Emeritus, Ext Polk County Office

Lowry, John 2024, Senior Instructor I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Brigham Young University Main, 1989
MS, University of Utah, 1994
PHD, University of Utah, 2010
PHD, Utah State University, 2010

Lowry, Malcolm 2003, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Microbiology (Science)
BS, Ohio University-Lancaster, 1991
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1998

Lu, Xuerong 2022, Assistant Professor, School of Communications
PHD, University of Georgia, 2022

Lubchenco, Jane 1976, EndwdChair/Univ Dist Professor, Integrative Biology
BA, Colorado College, 1969
MS, University of Washington, 1971
PHD, Harvard University, 1975

Lucas, Hannah 2009, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Horticulture
BS, University of Puget Sound, 1997
MS, Western Washington University, 2008

Luck, Jeff 2011, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Rice University, 1981
MBA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1986
PHD, Rand Graduate School of Policy, 1996

Luft, David 2008, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Luh, Hang-Kwang 1996, Specialist-Rsch Data Interface, College of Forestry Adm
BS, Taiwan Normal University, 1983
MS, Sun Yat-Sen University, 1985
PHD, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1993

Lukas, Scott 2016, Associate Professor, Horticulture
BS, University of Nevada-Reno, 2007
MS, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2011
PHD, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2015

Lunch, William 1984, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Lundin, Fredrick 1985, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Lundy, James 1990, Emeritus, College of Engineering

Lunner, Marilyn 1968, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Lutcher, Larry 2000, Professor, Ext Morrow County Office
BS, University of Idaho, 1983
MS, University of Idaho, 1987
PHD, University of Idaho, 1995

Lyles, Ivory 2021, Professor (Practice), Ag Ed/General Ag Extnsn
BS, Alcorn State University, 1980
MS, Mississippi State University, 1984
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1990

Lynch, Matthew 2022, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Marlboro College, 2006
MA, University of Chicago, 2009
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2018

Lynn, Bryan 2018, Instructor, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of Mass-Boston, 2018
PHD, Oregon State University, 2024

Lynn, Dennis 2009, Senior Instructor II, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Lubbock Christian University, 1978
MED, Texas Tech University, 1981
PHD, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1983

Lyons, Donald 1998, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Fisheries and Wildlife
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1989
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Lyons, Kevin 1998, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, University of British Columbia, 1997
MF, University of British Columbia, 1998
PHD, Oregon State University, 2001

Lytle, David 2002, Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1992
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2000


Ma, Cathleen 1994, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Northwest Agricultural College, 1982

Ma, Yanni 2019, Assistant Professor, School of Communications
PHD, Washington State University, 2019

Ma, Zane 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Princeton University, 2012
PHD, Univ of Illinois Central Offic, 2021

MacCarty, Nordica 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Iowa State University, 2000
MS, Iowa State University, 2013
PHD, Iowa State University, 2015

MacDonald, Megan 2011, School Head-Exercise Science, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
MS, Katholiek Univ Leuven, 2003
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2011

Machado, Stephen 2001, Professor, Columbia Basin Exp Sta
BS, Foreign Institution, 1984
MS, Univ of Reading, 1987
PHD, Kansas State University, 1997

Macias, Jennifer 2018, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Colorado State University, 2007
MA, Colorado State University, 2009

Mackiewicz, Marilyn 2020, Associate Professor, Chemistry
BA, CUNY Hunter College, 1999
BA, CUNY Hunter College, 2001
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2005

Macnab, Sandy (Alexander) 1979, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

MacroryPowell, Maud 2006, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Jackson Co Office
BA, Swarthmore College, 1994
MA, Antioch University-Seattle, 2004

MacTavish, Katherine 2001, Associate Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, University of New Mexico, 1990
MA, University of New Mexico, 1995
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2001

Macuga, Kristen 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, James Madison University, 1999
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2008

Maddison, David 2009, Professor-Endowed Chair, Integrative Biology
BS, University of Toronto, 1980
MS, University of Alberta, 1985
PHD, Harvard University, 1990

Maddux, Bettye 2004, Director, College of Science Admin
BS, Louisiana State Univ A M, 1983
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1992

Maddux, Timothy 2003, Research Associate, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Cal Institute of Tech, 1992
MS, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1995
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2002

Maddy, Deborah 1997, Emeritus, General Agriculture

Madigan, Christopher 2020, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Univ of Northern Iowa, 2014

Madsen, Lisa 2003, Professor, Statistics (Science)
BS, University of Oregon, 1988
MS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2000
MS, University of Oregon, 1990
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2004

Maes, Kenneth 2012, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2002
MS, Emory University, 2007
PHD, Emory University, 2010

Magana, Mario 1998, Associate Professor, Ext 4-H Yth Dev On-Cmpus
BA, Oregon State University, 1997
MAIS, Oregon State University, 1999

Magnuson, Hugh 2020, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Portland State University, 2015
MED, Arizona State University, 2017

Magnusson, Kathy 2005, Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 1980
DVM, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 1982
PHD, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 1989

Maguire, Douglas 1996, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Mahenthiran, Sakthiharan 2023, Instructor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Foreign Institution, 1983
MBA, Temple University,
PHD, Temple University, 1991

Mahmud, Taifo 2003, Professor, Pharmacy
BS, North Sumatra University, 1989
MS, Osaka University, 1994
PHD, Osaka University, 1997

Mahrt, Larry 1972, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Maier, Claudia 1994, Professor, Chemistry
BS, Foreign Institution, 1987
MS, Univ of Konstanz, 1990
PHD, Univ of Konstanz, 1994

Maille, Robin 2009, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Union County Office
BA, University of Puget Sound, 1986
MA, West Virginia University, 2006
MF, Yale University, 1992

Mainwaring, Doug 1997, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Portland State University, 1996
BS, University of Oregon, 1990
MS, Oregon State University, 2000

Maisch, Filix 2010, Senior Instructor II, Mathematics
BS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2004
MA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2006
PHD, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2010

Maisel, Sarah 2022, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Oregon State University,

Maksud, Michael 1980, Dean Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Malcynsky, Catherine 2019, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Boston College, 2017
MA, Oregon State University, 2021

Maldonado, Marta 2015, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Puerto Rico, 1992
MA, Washington State University, 1996
PHD, Washington State University, 2004

Males, James 1998, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Malewitz, Raymond 2011, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1999
PHD, University of Virginia, 2007

Mali, Urmila 1994, Assc Director of Instruction, Educ Opportunities Progm
BS, Oregon State University, 1991
MAIS, Oregon State University, 1996

Maliszewski, David 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Science
BA, Colby-Sawyer College, 2007

Malkewitz, Keven 2004, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Hope College, 1981
PHD, University of Oregon, 2000

Mallette, Natasha 2016, Senior Instructor I, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Univ of Arkansas-Fayetteville, 2001
MS, Univ of Arkansas-Fayetteville, 2003
PHD, Montana State Univ, 2013

Mallory-Smith, Carol 1994, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Malouf, Robert 1991, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Malueg, Sara 1966, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Mandell, Carla 2023, Instructor, College of Business
BS, Thomas Jefferson University, 1991
MBA, Thomas Jefferson University, 2016
PHD, Northeastern University, 2022

Mandsager, Ron 2009, Associate Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
DVM, Iowa State University, 1984

Mangla, Seema 2007, Senior Instructor I, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, University of Delhi, 2003
MS, University of Delhi, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Manlove, Anne 1982, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Manore, Melinda 1998, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Mansouri, Hadi 2009, Instructor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Foreign Institution, 1974
MS, Washington State University, 1980
PHD, Univ of Sheffield, 1989

Marcum, Wade 2006, Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2006
MS, Oregon State University, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Marcus, Craig 2008, Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981

Marcus-Brist, Caiden 2016, Instructor, College of Business
BA, Michigan State University, 2006
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-La Crosse, 2008

Maresh, Thomas 1967, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Dean Emeritus, Graduate School Admin

Marinelli, Roberta 2016, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Brown University, 1982
MS, Univ of S Carolina-Columbia, 1985
PHD, Univ of S Carolina-Columbia, 1991

Marino, Elizabeth 2011, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Associate Dean, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MA, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, 2006
PHD, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, 2012

Marion, June 2008, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2010
MS, Oregon State University, 2014

Markle, Douglas 1985, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Marks, Andrea 1992, Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BFA, Philadelphia Univ, 1983
MFA, Unknown College, 1989

Marney, Luke 2021, Research Associate, Chemistry
PHD, University of Washington, 2013

Marquardt, Jace 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Washington, 2023

Marrs, Francisca 2012, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Universidad Austral De Chile, 2006
MS, Oregon State University, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Marshall, Byron 2005, Associate Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Cal State Univ-System Office, 1988
MBA, Cal State Univ-System Office, 1995
PHD, University of Arizona, 2005

Marshall, Christopher 2005, Associate Professor (Practice), Integrative Biology
BA, Reed College, 1989

Marshall, Nicholas 2022, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
PHD, Yale University, 2019

Martin, Kenneth 2007, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1999
MS, Oregon State University, 2010

Martin, Larry 2016, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Oregon State University, 1973
MBA, Willamette University, 1993

Martin, Marie 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Institute Natrl Res Dir

Martin, Nicole 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Martin, Lloyd 1967, Emeritus, North Willamette Exp Sta

Martiny, Pia 2022, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Cal State Univ-Fullerton, 2005
DVM, Colorado State University, 2011

Martyn, Trace 2023, Assistant Professor, EOARC - Union Exp Sta
BS, Colorado State University, 2008
MS, University of Wyoming, 2015
PHD, University of Queensland, 2020

Mason, Ben 2011, Associate Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2006
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2007
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2011

Mason, Robert 1991, Professor, Integrative Biology
BA, College of the Holy Cross, 1982
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1987

Mason, Barbara 2000, Emeritus, Theatre

Masoni, Sarah 2000, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Food Innovation Center
BA, Oregon State University, 1987

Massad, Tara 2023, Instructor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Oregon, 1999
PHD, Tulane University, 2009

MassaGonzalez, Ada 2003, Instructor, School of Public Health
BS, University of Puerto Rico, 1997
BED, Unknown College, 1997
MS, University of Puerto Rico, 2003

Massey, William 2017, Associate Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BA, Central Michigan University, 2006
MS, Southern Illinois U-Carbondale, 2008
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2013

Massoni, Shawn 2018, Senior Instructor I, Microbiology (Science)
BS, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2006
PHD, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2013

Mast, M JoAnn 1990, Emeritus, College of Education

MataGonzalez, Ricardo 2007, Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences, Associate Dean of Academics, College of Ag Admin
BS, Universidad Mayor De San Simon, 1989
MS, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 1995
PHD, Texas Tech University, 1999

Matano, Ricardo 1990, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Universidad Nacional, 1983
MA, Princeton University, 1988
PHD, Princeton University, 1991

Mate, Bruce 1973, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Mathany, Allan 1975, Emeritus, Budget/Resource Planning

Mathern, Rebecca 2012, Assoc ViceProv/Univ Registrar, Office of the Registrar
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1998
MA, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2000
PHD, Portland State University, 2018

Mathew, Prem 2004, Associate Dean, College of Business, Associate Professor
BS, University of Pennsylvania, 1991
MBA, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 1993
PHD, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 1999

Mathews, V John 2015, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 1980
MS, University of Iowa, 1981
PHD, University of Iowa, 1984

Mathews, Christopher 1978, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Matzke, Gordon 1977, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Maughan, Laurel 1972, Emeritus, Library

Maxwell, Charles 2015, Research Associate, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BA, Wake Forest University, 2006
MF, Duke University, 2010
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2018

McAlexander, Brandon 2006, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, University of Oregon, 2011
PHD, Univ of Arkansas-Fayetteville, 2019

McAllaster, Michelle 2007, Asst Dir, Corp & Wkfrce Edu, Educational Ventures
BS, Portland State University, 2004
MED, Portland State University, 2005

McAloney, Kim 2008, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MS, Oregon State University, 2012

McCabe, Rachelle 1984, Emeritus, School of VPDA

McCarley, Jason 2016, Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Purdue University Main Campus, 1992
MA, University of Louisville, 1995
PHD, University of Louisville, 1998

McCaughan, William 2000, Emeritus, Educational Ventures

McCauley, Dale 2006, Instructor, College of Business
BS, Oregon State University, 2011
MBA, Oregon State University, 2013

McCauley, Dalyn 2014, Faculty Research Assistant, North Willamette Exp Sta

McClelland, Megan 2001, Director-Endowed HallieFordCtr, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Univ of California System, 1994
MA, Loyola Univ of Chicago, 1998
PHD, Loyola Univ of Chicago, 2001

McComb, Brenda 1987, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society, Dean Emeritus, Graduate School Admin

McCredie, Katherine 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Southern Oregon University, 2015
MS, Oregon State University, 2023

McCreight, Keith 1971, Emeritus, Financial Aid

McCubbin, Jeffrey 1988, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

McCullough, Winston 2006, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Gettysburg College, 1984
MA, New York University, 1986
PHD, New York University, 1996

McCullough, Brenda 1981, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

McCune, Myrica 2002, Faculty Research Assistant, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BS, Oregon State University, 2009

McCune, Bruce 1987, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

McDaniel, Christopher 2020, Instructor, School of Public Policy
BA, University of Central Florida, 2010
MA, University of Central Florida, 2011
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2020

McDaniel, Mina 1983, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

McDonald, Brian 1999, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Horticulture
BS, Oregon State University, 2000

McDonnell, Rory 2016, Associate Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Foreign Institution, 1998
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2004

McDonnell, Kathleen 2009, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, University of Toronto, 1983
MAT, Oregon State University, 2009

McElroy, Kelly 2014, Associate Professor, Library
BA, Univ of Southern California, 2005
MLS, University of British Columbia, 2010

McEvoy, Andy 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

McEvoy, Peter 1976, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

McFadden, Philip 1990, Associate Professor (Practice), Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Univ of Texas-El Paso, 1979
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1983

McFadden, Tyler 2013, Instructor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
PHD, Stanford University, 2021

McFarlane, Dale 1965, Emeritus, College of Business

Mcfee, Scott 2019, Assistant Professor (Practice), Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, University of Oregon, 2007
MA, Chicago School of Professional, 2012
PHD, Chicago School of Professional, 2015

McGee, Samantha 2015, Senior Instructor I, Mathematics
BS, Cal State Univ Monterey Bay,

Mcgee, Jennifer 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Oregon State University, 2022

McGorrin, Robert 2000, Professor, Food Science and Techno
BA, Northwestern University, 1973
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1976
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1980

McGrath, Daniel 1983, Emeritus, Horticulture

McGraw, Lori 1994, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BS, Penn State Univ-Central Office, 1984
MS, Penn State Univ-Central Office, 1992
PHD, Oregon State University, 2002

McGreevy, Sarah 2011, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1998
MA, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2006

McGregor, Eric 2018, Faculty Research Assistant, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BS, Univ of Southern Mississippi, 2007
MS, Univ of Southern Mississippi, 2011

McGregor, Ian 2018, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Klamath Co Office
MS, Montana State Univ, 2017

McGregor, Jessina 1999, Professor, Pharmacy
BA, Oregon State University, 2001
BS, Oregon State University, 2001
PHD, Univ of Maryland-Baltimore, 2005

McGuire, Mark 2007, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2014
MS, Oregon State University, 2018

McGuire, Joseph 1987, Emeritus, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng

McInnis, Mike 1985, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

McIntire, Charles 1961, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

McIntosh, Kathryn 2006, Associate Professor, College of Education
BA, Univ of California-Davis, 1995
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1995
EDM, Harvard University, 1997
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2006

McInturf, Alexandra 2021, Research Associate, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, Williams College, 2015
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2021

McIntyre, David 1989, Emeritus, Physics

McKenzie, Erica 2005, Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Murdoch University, 1994
PHD, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 2003

McLain, Thomas 1993, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

McLaughlin, Katherine 2016, Associate Professor, Statistics (Science)
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2011
PHD, Cal State Univ-Los Angeles, 2016

McLennon, Everald 2020, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Klamath Basin Res&ExtCtr
BS, Louisiana State Univ System, 1999
MS, Louisiana State Univ System, 2002
PHD, University of Nevada-Reno, 2020

McLeod, Karen 1997, Senior Instructor I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Director-MRM Program
BA, Franklin Marshall College, 1994
MS, University of South Florida, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2003

McMahan, Linda 2000, Emeritus, Horticulture

McMillen, Dena 2004, Triage Counselor, Counseling Center
BA, Western Oregon University, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2005

McMullen, B Starr 1980, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

McNeely, Lacey 2007, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Oregon State University, 1999
MBA, Oregon State University, 2009

McParland, Erin 2023, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of South Carolina Upstate, 2013
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2019

McPhail, Kerry 2000, Professor, Pharmacy
BS, Rhodes University, 1995
PHD, Rhodes University, 2000

McQuade, Ryan 2012, Research Associate, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Rowan University, 2012
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

McQuillan, Kindra 2017, Instructor, School of Public Health
BA, University of Montana, 2009
MA, University of Montana, 2014
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

McReynolds, Robert 1982, Emeritus, Horticulture Extension

McShane, Margie 2020, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Northern Illinois University, 1975
MA, University of North Texas, 1984

McTierJr, Terrence 2022, Instructor, College of Education
PHD, Arizona State University, 2019

Mead, Clifford 1986, Emeritus, Library

Medlock, Jan 2012, Associate Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 1997
MS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 1999
PHD, University of Washington, 2004

Megale, Donald 1958, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Megowan, Meghan 2010, Faculty Research Assistant, School of Public Health
BS, Oregon State University, 2013

Megraw, Molly 2012, Associate Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of Washington, 1996
MS, Johns Hopkins University, 1999
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 2007

Mehl, Ryan 2011, Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Moravian College-Main Campus, 1996
MS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 1999
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2001

Mehlenbacher, Shawn 1986, Emeritus, Horticulture

Meigs, Andrew 1998, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Macalester College, 1985
MS, Univ of Alaska System, 1990
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 1995

Meints, Russel 1988, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Melathopoulos, Andony 2016, Associate Professor, Horticulture Extension
BS, Simon Fraser University, 1995
MS, Simon Fraser University, 1999
PHD, Dalhousie University, 2015

Melesse, Kassahun 2015, Assistant Professor, Applied Economics
BA, Foreign Institution, 2000
MS, Foreign Institution, 2008
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2015

Mellbye, Mark 1986, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Mellinger, David 2000, Professor (Sr Res), Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BS, Massachusetts Inst of Technolo, 1983
PHD, Stanford University, 1991

Mellinger, Margaret 2003, Dept Hd-Emerging Tech&Serv, Library, SFHF Associate Professor
BA, Youngstown State University, 1984
MS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1999

Mendez, Ariel 2017, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, Johns Hopkins University, 2008
PHD, Stanford University, 2016

Mendez-Luck, Carolyn 2011, Emeritus, School of Public Health

MEnesti, Ana-Maria 2011, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Portland State University, 2001
MA, Simon Fraser University, 2006

Meng, Qinglai 2008, Professor, School of Public Policy
BS, Wuhan University, 1985
MA, New York University, 1997
MA, Wuhan University, 1988
PHD, New York University, 1999

Menge, Bruce 1976, Univ Distinguished Professor, Integrative Biology
BA, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 1965
PHD, University of Washington, 1970

MeninoJr, Alfred 1984, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

MentlerII, John 2009, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1989
MBA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1993

Merales, Gabriela 2018, Instructor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Michigan State University,

Merfeld, Heather 2024, Instructor, Applied Economics
BA, Boston University, 1995
JD, University of Oregon, 2001

Merge, Steven 2022, Instructor, School of Communications
BA, University of Oregon, 1976
MA, Pepperdine University, 1984
MA, University of Oregon, 2013

Merle, Susan 1997, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BS, University of Washington, 1991

Mermer, Serhan 2015, Assistant Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Adnan Menderes Universitesi, 2009
MS, Adnan Menderes Universitesi,

Merrill, Gary 1984, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Messersmith, Ann 1978, Emeritus, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm

Meunier, Zechariah 2017, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Lawrence University, 2015

Meyer, Howard 1983, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Meyers, Stephen 2002, Research Associate, Ag Botany/Plant Path, Instructor
BS, Dowling College, 1988
MS, Oregon State University, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Michael, Carol 1989, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Michael, Robert 1968, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Micheau, Gary 2013, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, United States Military Academy, 1972
MS, Gonzaga University, 1980
MS, Univ of Southern California, 1976

Michels, Alexander 1999, Research Associate, Linus Pauling Institute
BS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1998
PHD, Oregon State University, 2007

Mickle, David 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo,

Mickley, James 2020, Instructor, Ag Botany/Plant Path, Assistant Professor (Practice)
BA, Kalamazoo College, 2008
MA, SUNY-Stony Brook, 2010
PHD, University of Connecticut, 2017

Middleton, Luke 2005, Faculty Research Assistant, Pharmacy
BS, University of Kansas, 2000

Middleton, Cheryl 1983, Emeritus, Library

Miggins, Daniel 2013, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, New Mexico Inst Mining Tech, 1997
MS, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2002
PHD, Univ of Texas-El Paso, 2009

Mignot, Guillaume 2017, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008

Miles, Stanley 1966, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Miller, Betsey 2008, Senior Instructor I, Horticulture
BS, Colorado State University, 2004
MS, Oregon State University, 2011

Miller, Jessica 2003, Professor, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BA, University of Montana, 1989
MS, University of Washington, 1993
PHD, University of Oregon, 2004

Miller, Kirk 2007, Senior Instructor I, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Colorado State University, 1993
DVM, Colorado State University, 1995

Miller, Rebekah 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Miller, Charles 1970, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Miller, Jeffrey 1979, Emeritus, Horticulture

Miller, Richard 1977, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Miller, Robert 1987, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Miller, Ronald 1987, Emeritus, College of Business

Miller, Terry 1970, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Miller, Thomas 1989, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Miller-Morgan, Timothy 1995, Assistant Professor, Sea Grant Extension, Assoc Attending-Vet Aquatics, VP for Research
BS, University of Puget Sound, 1987
BS, Washington State University, 1991
DVM, Washington State University, 1995

Millhollin, Melissa 2010, Instructor, General Agriculture
BS, Oregon State University,
MS, Oregon State University, 2015

Milligan, Allen 2004, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Long Island Univ-Southampton, 1987
MS, SUNY-Stony Brook, 1991
PHD, University of British Columbia, 1998

Milligan, Kristen 2004, Administrator 1-Acad Program 1, VP Academic Affairs
BS, Evergreen State College, 1992
PHD, University of British Columbia, 1998

Millison, Andrew 2009, Senior Instructor II, Horticulture
BA, Prescott College, 1997
MA, Prescott College, 2002

Mills, Dallice 1976, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Mills, Randall 1984, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sci Extn

Milota, Michael 1988, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Milstein, Randall 1990, Senior Instructor I, Physics
MA, Univ of N Carolina Systems, 1986
PHD, Oregon State University, 1994

Milston-Clements, Ruth 1998, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Microbiology (Ag)
BS, Oregon State University, 1998
BS, Lancaster Univ, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2001

Minc, Leah 2004, Professor (Sr Res), Radiation Center, Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Douglas College, 1977
MA, University of Chicago, 1982
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1994

Minot, Ethan 2006, Professor, Physics
BS, Massey University, 1998
PHD, Cornell University, 2004

Minoura, Toshimi 1982, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Minton-Edison, Paige 2011, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
BA, University of Montana, 2008

Miranda, Cristobal 1977, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Linus Pauling Institute
MS, Virginia Tech, 1971
DVM, Univ of the Philippines Vet Me, 1959
PHD, Virginia Tech, 1974

Mitchell, Holly 2010, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Oregon State University, 2003
MA, Willamette University, 2004
MAT, Willamette University, 2004

Mitchell, Katie 2004, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, University of Washington, 1998

Mitchell, Gregg 1979, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Mitchell, Velma 1966, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

MitchellJr, Richard 1979, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Mix, Alan 1984, Univ Distinguished Prof Emerit, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Mix, Michael 1970, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Mize, Ronald 2013, Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1991
MA, Colorado State University, 1994
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2000

Mobley, Megan 2014, Senior Instructor II, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Duke University, 2004
PHD, Duke University, 2011

Mobley, Ronald 1968, Emeritus, Horticulture

MohamadzadeNamin, Saeed 2023, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, Foreign Institution, 2004
MS, University of Tehran, 2006
PHD, University of Tehran, 2011

Mohamed, Hussein Mohamed Hussein 2020, Research Associate, Food Science and Techno
BVSC, Cairo University, 1994
MS, Cairo University, 1999
PHD, Cairo University, 2005

Mohan, Karthika 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
MS, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2013
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2017

Mohler, Ronald 1972, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Mojica, Cynthia 2015, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1993
MPH, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1995
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2006

Mok, David 1975, Emeritus, Horticulture

Mok, Machteld 1975, Emeritus, Horticulture

Molitor, John 2010, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BA, Christian Brothers University, 1990
MS, Southern Illinois U-Edwardsvil, 1993
PHD, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 1999

Monaco, Elisa 2012, Senior Instructor I, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Foreign Institution, 2003
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2007

Montagne, Paul 1994, Faculty Research Assistant, College of Engineering
BS, University of Oregon, 1985
MS, Oregon State University, 1988

MonteiroPacheco, Ana Paula 2018, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
DVM, Foreign Institution, 2012

Montfort, Devlin 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Washington State University, 2006
MS, Washington State University, 2007
PHD, Washington State University, 2011

Montgomery, Todd 2013, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, University of Nevada-Las Vegas,
MSB, University of Sydney, 2000

Montgomery, Claire 1995, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Montoya, Daniel 2017, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, University of Nevada-Reno, 1978
MPH, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2017

Moon, Un-Ku 1998, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
MS, Cornell University, 1989
PHD, Univ of Illinois Central Offic, 1994

Moore, Amber 2017, Associate Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Auburn University Main Campus, 1997
MS, North Carolina State Univ, 2002
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2005

Moore, Irene 2020, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1991
MS, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 1993
PHD, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 1997

Moore, Randall 2002, Senior Instructor I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Cornell University, 1987
MS, George Mason University, 1995
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005

Moore, Frank 1975, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Moore, Kathleen 1981, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Moore, Mark 1990, Emeritus, School of Communications

Moore, Sylvia 1966, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Morales, Kelly 2013, Instructor, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 1995
MS, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 1997
PHD, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 2001

Moran, Molly 2021, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Boise State University, 2005
MS, Portland State University, 2017
PHD, Boise State University, 2020

Moran, Patricia 1989, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Moretti, Marcelo 2017, Associate Professor, Horticulture
BS, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 2007
MS, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 2011
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2016

Moretti, Nathalia 2017, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Foreign Institution, 2007
MS, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 2012

Moretz, Deanna 2003, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Pharmacy
BS, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 1984
D PHAR, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2000

Morgan, Cheryl 1994, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BA, Whitman College, 1988
MS, Washington State University, 1993

Morgun, Andrey 2011, Associate Professor, Pharmacy
MS, Foreign Institution, 1998
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2002

Morley, Susan 2017, Senior Instructor I, Pharmacy
MBA, David Lipscomb University, 2014
MS, David Lipscomb University, 2014
D PHAR, University of Memphis, 1997
D PHAR, Univ of Tennessee-Memphis, 1997

Morrell, Jeffrey 1983, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Morris, John 2009, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, University of Kansas, 1980
MBA, Univ of Nebraska-Omaha, 1982

Morris, June 2022, Instructor, College of Education

Morris, John 1968, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

MorrisJr, Robert 1965, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Morrison, Naomi 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, Harvard University, 2022

Morrison, Betty 1973, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Morrissette, Brett 1999, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Oregon State University, 1999
MF, Oregon State University, 2002

Morrissey, Michael 1990, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Morrow, Alice 1980, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Mortimer, Alysia 2022, Associate Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Univ of Tennessee-Chattanooga, 2001
PHD, Emory University, 2005

Mortimer, Nathan 2022, Associate Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Emory University, 2000
PHD, Emory University, 2009

Mosley, Alvin 1977, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Moss, Elizabeth 2021, Instructor, School of VPDA

Mote, Philip 2009, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, ViceProvost-Dean Grad School, Provost/Exec Vice Pres
BA, Harvard University, 1987
PHD, University of Washington, 1994

Motwani, Manish 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Intl Inst of InformationTech, 2011
MS, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2018
PHD, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2022

Mouhoubi, Farida 2008, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Foreign Institution, 1992
BA, Foreign Institution, 2017
MA, Oregon State University, 2018

Moule, Jean 1997, Emeritus, College of Education

Moulton, Hong 2010, Professor (Sr Res), Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Chongqing University, 1985
PHD, Portland State University, 1996

Moum, James 1984, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Mourich, Dan 2002, Faculty Research Assistant, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Oregon State University, 1991
PHD, Oregon State University, 1996

Mouzong, Christine 2004, Faculty Research Assistant, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BA, Pacific University, 1996
MS, Oregon State University, 2008

Mower, Jennifer 2005, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Southern Oregon University, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Mowlds, Emilee 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 2018
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Mozumder, Ali Ahammed 2022, Instructor, Mathematics

Muckleston, Keith 1965, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Mueller, Ryan 2012, Associate Professor, Microbiology (Science)
BS, Virginia Tech, 1999
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 2007

Muhati, Eric 2022, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 2012
MTMCS, Georgetown University, 2014
MBA, Foreign Institution, 2017
PHD, Howard University, 2021

Muhonda, Park 2022, Instructor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
PHD, West Virginia U at Parkersburg,

Muir, Patricia 1987, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Mukatis, W Alfred 1980, Emeritus, College of Business

Mulas, Laura 2014, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, Virginia Commonwealth Univ, 1998
MA, Portland State University, 2010

Mullet, Kathy 2004, Emeritus, College of Business

Mulligan, Colin 2017, Assistant Professor (Clinical), School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Carroll University, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2022

Mulliniks, Travis 2023, Associate Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 2006
MS, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 2008
PHD, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 2012

Mumaw, Catherine 1987, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Munanura, Ian 2015, Associate Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Universite Nationale du Rwanda, 2000
MS, Univ of Kent British Studies C, 2005
PHD, Clemson University, 2013

Munar, Myrna 1988, Associate Professor, Pharmacy
BA, Univ of Southern California, 1981
D PHAR, Univ of Southern California, 1985

Mundt, Chris 1985, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Murali, Karthik 2019, Assistant Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Foreign Institution, 2008
MS, University of Pennsylvania, 2010
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2015

Muratli, Jesse 1995, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Lewis Clark College, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2009

Murphy, Brett 2023, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Southern Illinois U-Carbondale, 2010

Murphy, Chad 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BA, Brigham Young University Main, 2006
MA, University of Chicago, 2008
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2014

Murphy, Glen 2001, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Murphy, Lea 1980, Emeritus, Mathematics

Murphy, Thomas 1965, Emeritus, Sch of Psychological Sci

Murtaugh, Paul 1992, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

Murthy, Jayathi 2022, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Musser, Gary 1972, Emeritus, Mathematics

Muszynski, Lech 2004, Professor, Wood Science/Engr
MS, Agricultural U of Poznan, 1987
PHD, Agricultural U of Poznan, 1997

Mutschler, Ben 2000, Associate Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Harvard University, 1988
MA, Columbia University-NYC, 1992
PHD, Columbia University-NYC, 2000

Muzacz, Arien 2017, Associate Professor (Clinical), College of Education
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Myers, Andrew 2004, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BS, Eastern Oregon University, 1995
MFA, Portland State University, 2003

Myers, James 1996, Professor-Endowed, Horticulture
BS, Kansas State University, 1978
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984

Myers, Lee 2019, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BED, Colorado State University, 1980
MBA, University of Phoenix, 1991

Myles, Daniel 2007, Senior Instructor II, Chemistry
BS, University of Waterloo, 2000
PHD, University of Victoria, 2005


Nabelek, Patrik 2008, Instructor, Mathematics
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
MS, University of Arizona, 2015
PHD, University of Arizona, 2018

Nabelek, John 1987, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Nackley, Lloyd 2016, Associate Professor, North Willamette Exp Sta
BS, Cal State Polytechnic - Pomona, 2003
PHD, University of Washington, 2012

Nafshun, Richard 1992, Senior Instructor II, Chemistry
BS, Cal State Univ-Stanislaus, 1992
MS, Oregon State University, 1996
PHD, Oregon State University, 1996

Nagele, Janet 1997, Associate Professor, Ext Clackamas Co Office
BS, Cornell University, 1983
MS, Michigan State University, 1995

Nahorniak, Jasmine 1997, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Canterbury, 1992
MS, Dalhousie University, 1996

Naithani, Sushma 2008, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Foreign Institution, 1990
MS, Maharaja Sayaji Univ of Baroda, 1992
PHD, University of Lucknow, 1999

Nakajima, Setsuko 1990, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Nakaue, Harry 1971, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Namdar, Grayson 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Columbia Basin Exp Sta

Nash, Jonathan 1996, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Queens University of Charlotte, 1991
MS, Cornell University, 1995
PHD, Oregon State University, 2000

Nason, Jeffrey 2007, Hd of Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng, Professor
BS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 1997
MS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2002
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2006

Natarajan, Arun 2012, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 2001
MS, Cal Institute of Tech, 2003
PHD, Cal Institute of Tech, 2007

Nath, Ritwik 2010, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BS, Univ of California-San Diego, 1995
MS, Cal State Univ-Dominguez Hill, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Navab-Daneshmand, Tala 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Amirkabir Univ of Tech, 2002
MS, University of Tehran, 2004
MS, Foreign Institution, 2004
PHD, McGill University, 2015

Nayyeri, Amir 2013, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Tehran, 2004
MS, University of Tehran, 2007
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2012

Needham, Mark 2006, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, University of Victoria, 1999
MA, University of Victoria, 2002
PHD, Colorado State University, 2006

Neiman, David 2011, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1984

Nelson, Carol-Ann 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
PHD, Duke University, 2013

Nelson, Eric 2022, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Michigan State University, 1985

Nelson, Michael 2011, Senior Instructor I, School of Public Policy
BA, Emporia State University, 1989
PHD, Washington State University, 2005

Nelson, Michael 2012, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Univ of Wisconsin-Stevens Pt, 1988
MA, Michigan State University, 1990
PHD, Lancaster Univ, 1998

Nelson, Mykl 2016, Instructor, Horticulture
BS, Oregon State University, 2016
MS, Oregon State University, 2018

Nelson, Peder 2006, Senior Instructor I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Senior Faculty Research AsstII
BA, Western Colorado University, 1999
MS, Southern Oregon University, 2006

Nelson, Shelley 1999, Instructor, School of Public Policy
BS, Oregon State University, 2000
MA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2005

Nelson, David 1977, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Nelson, Peter 1975, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Neuman, Amy 2011, Instructor, College of Business
BA, University of Wyoming, 2010
BFA, University of Wyoming, 2010
MHP, Oregon State University, 2013

Neumann, Catherine 1994, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Nevin, Dave 2004, Assistant Professor (Practice), Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Pittsburg State University, 1984
MA, Pittsburg State University, 1986

Newberger, Stuart 1969, Emeritus, Mathematics

Newburgh, R 1958, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Newsom, Lauren 2015, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Michigan State University, 2005
DVM, Michigan State University, 2009

Newsom, Sean 2015, Associate Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Michigan State University, 2004
MS, Colorado State University, 2007
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2012

Newton, Lydia 1996, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Statistics (Ag)
BA, Univ of California-Davis, 1993
MAIS, Oregon State University, 1998

Newton, Michael 1960, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

NeyhartJr, Charles 1972, Emeritus, College of Business

Ng, Ean 2012, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Montana State Univ, 2002
MS, Texas Tech University, 2004
PHD, Texas Tech University, 2010

Ng, Kok-Mun 2013, Professor, College of Education
BS, Univ of Malaya, 1985
MED, University of North Texas, 1996
PHD, Texas AM Univ-Commerce, 1999

Nguyen, Bach Mai Dolly 2019, Assistant Professor, College of Education
MA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2014
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2017

Nguyen, Leon 2019, Senior Instructor I, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2009
PHD, SUNY-Albany, 2015

Nguyen, Thinh 2004, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2003

Ngwenyama, Thandeka 2019, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
DVM, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 2008

Nibler, Joseph 1967, Emeritus, Chemistry

Nichol, Melanie 2015, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Western Oregon University, 2008
MA, Oregon State University, 2019

Nichols, Jane 2003, Associate Professor, Library, Int Head Resource A and S Dep
BA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989
MA, Dominican University, 2022
MLS, Dominican University, 2001

Nickols, Travis 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Science
BA, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2019

Nielsen, Karina 1992, Professor (Practice), Integrative Biology, Director-Sea Grant, Sea Grant
BS, CUNY Brooklyn College, 1992
PHD, Oregon State University, 1998

Nielsen, Kristen 2020, Associate Professor, College of Education
PHD, Boston University, 2012

Nielsen, James 1974, Emeritus, College of Business

Nielsen, Roger 1988, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Niem, Alan 1970, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Niemeyer, Kyle 2013, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Case Western Reserve Univ, 2009
MS, Case Western Reserve Univ, 2010
PHD, Case Western Reserve Univ, 2014
PHD, Case Western Reserve Univ, 2013

Niess, Margaret 1978, Emeritus, College of Education

Nieto, Javier 2016, Dean Emeritus, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Nigussie, Fikru 2015, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Biomedical Science
DVM, Addis Ababa University, 1994
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2013

NinodeRivera, Alexa 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, Univ of California-Santa Cruz,

Nishihara, Janet 1981, Executive Director-EOP, Educ Opportunities Progm
BS, Oregon State University, 1978
MED, Oregon State University, 1983
PHD, University of Oregon, 2002

Nix, Anthony 2009, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
MS, Oregon State Higher Education,

Nolan, Mary 2006, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Oregon State University, 1992
MA, Oregon State University, 1994

Nolan, Mary 1973, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Noller, Jay 2000, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Norcross, Emily 2011, Senior Instructor I, School of Exercise/Sport
MA, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2003

Norcross, Marc 2011, Assoc Dean-Strategy and Admin, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm, Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Boston University, 2001
MA, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2003
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2011

Nordlund, Alec 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Oregon State University,

Norris, Marcos 2021, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BS, Multnomah College,
MA, Idaho State University,
PHD, Loyola College,

Norris, Logan 1962, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Northrop, Carol 2018, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MS, Portland State University,

Novak, Mark 2002, Associate Professor, Integrative Biology
BA, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2000
PHD, University of Chicago, 2008

Nyarko, Afua 2004, Associate Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Foreign Institution, 1991
PHD, Ohio University-Main Campus, 2005

Nye, Mary 1994, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Nye, Robert 1994, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Nyman, May 2012, Professor, Chemistry
BS, Virginia Tech, 1990
MS, Virginia Tech, 1992
PHD, University of New Mexico, 1997


O'Connor, Cameron 2017, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BMUS, Cal State Univ-Los Angeles, 2009
MM, The Julliard School, 2011

O'Leary, Dylan 2023, Faculty Research Asst, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BS, Ithaca College, 2012
MS, University of Vermont, 2023

Ober, Holly 2001, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Duke University, 1994
MS, University of Arizona, 2000

Obermire, Kara 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, University of Montana, 2004
MBAA, University of Montana, 2005
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016

Ocamb, Cynthia 1997, Associate Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
MS, Univ of N Dakota-Main Campus, 1986
PHD, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 1991

Ocano, Warren 2022, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, George Fox University, 2019

Ochoa, Carlos 2013, Associate Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Foreign Institution, 1993
MS, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 2002
PHD, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 2011

Ochoa, Valeria 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 2012
MA, University of Oregon, 2015
PHD, Arizona State University, 2022

Oester, Paul 1979, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

OHara, Margaret 2018, Instructor, College of Education
BS, SUNY-Empire State College, 1993
MS, Long Island Univ-CW Post, 1996

Ohkura, Mana 2020, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2005
MS, Cornell University, 2008
PHD, University of Arizona, 2017

OLaughlin, Matthew 2005, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Marquette University, 1995
MS, University of Oregon, 1997
PHD, University of Oregon, 2000

Olcott, Courtney 2022, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Jackson Co Office
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2015

Ollivier, Amelie 2015, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Universite Paris-Sorbonne,
MA, Oregon State University, 2017

OlmetaSchult, Felicia 2022, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Lincoln Co Office
BS, Hawaii Pacific University, 2004
MA, University of Rhode Island, 2006
PHD, Washington State University, 2018

Olsen, Kevin 2023, Research Associate, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
PHD, Florida State University, 2021

Olsen, Michael 2009, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, University of Utah, 2004
MS, University of Utah, 2005
DENG, Univ of California-San Diego, 2009

Olsen, Eldon 1979, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Olson, Elizabeth 2020, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, Northeastern University, 2017
MS, Oregon State University, 2023

Olson, Keith 2013, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Oregon Inst of Technology, 1991
BS, Portland State University, 2009
MS, Portland State University, 2012

Olson, Rebecca 2008, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Boston University, 2000
MA, Brandeis University, 2003
PHD, Brandeis University, 2008

Olson, Geraldine 1975, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Olson, Robert 1968, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Olstad, Andrew 2005, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Harvey Mudd College, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2011

Olstad, Stacey 2019, Instructor, Pharmacy

Olvera, Monica 2009, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Oregon State University, 2003
MA, Oregon State University, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Olyaei, Ali 1999, Professor, Pharmacy
BS, Oregon State University, 1988
D PHAR, Univ of Kansas Medical Center, 1991

OMalley, Kathleen 2002, Associate Professor, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, Florida State University, 1999
MS, University of Guelph, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2007

Oman, Sarah 2008, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
MENG, University of Idaho, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

ONeill, Larry 2000, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2000
PHD, Oregon State University, 2007

Orben, Rachael 2015, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2002
PHD, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2014

Oreja, Fernando 2022, Research Associate, Columbia Basin Exp Sta
BS, Universidad De Buenos Aires, 2004
PHD, Universidad De Buenos Aires, 2014

Oriard, Michael 1976, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Orion, Tao 2021, Instructor, Horticulture

Orosco, Joseph 2001, Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Reed College, 1992
MA, Univ of California-Riverside, 1995
PHD, Univ of California-Riverside, 2002

Orr, Matthew 2011, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Integrative Biology
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 1994

Ortiz, Steven 2000, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1976
MA, Cal State Univ-Fullerton, 1983
MS, Cal State Univ-Long Beach, 1979
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1994

Orum, Chris 1999, Senior Instructor I, Mathematics
BA, University of Oregon, 1982
PHD, Oregon State University, 2004

Orzech, Miriam 1968, Emeritus, The SMILE Program

Osborne, James 2006, Professor, Food Science and Techno, Director – OWRI, Oregon Wine Res Institut
BS, Massey University, 1998
MS, Massey University, 2000
PHD, Washington State University, 2005

Osborne, Judith 1991, Emeritus, College of Education

Osborne, Michael 2008, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Osborne, Owen 1990, Emeritus, Extension Service Admin

OsbornPopp, Tom 2023, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
BS, Arizona State University, 2014
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2019

Osis, Vicki 1968, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Osman, Noah 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Illinois State University,
MENG, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha,

Ossiander, Mina 1988, Emeritus, Mathematics

Osterloh, Kevin 2014, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1996
MA, New York University, 2000
PHD, Princeton University, 2007

Ostroverkhova, Oksana 2005, Professor, Physics
BS, Taras Shevchenko Natl Univ, 1996
PHD, Case Western Reserve Univ, 2001

Ozkan-Haller, Tuba 2001, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Executive 3-Dean, Provost/Exec Vice Pres
BS, Bogazici Universitesi, 1991
MOCE, University of Delaware, 1994
PHD, University of Delaware, 1998


Paasch, Robert 1990, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Pack, Shalynn 2007, Instructor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
MPP, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2015
MS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2015

Packebush, Thomas 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BS, Oregon State University, 2020

Padilla-Miller, Alina 2014, Senior Instructor I, School of Communications
BA, Colorado State University, 2001
PHD, University of Oregon, 2014

Pahl, Janet 1976, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Painter, Luke 2010, Senior Instructor I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Rice University, 1982
MS, Evergreen State College, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Palacios, Daniel 2003, Associate Professor, Marine Mammal Institute
BS, Univ de Bogota Jorge T Lozano, 1994
PHD, Oregon State University, 2003

Palmer, Camille 2007, Associate Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr, Associate School Head
BS, Oregon State University, 1997
MS, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 1999
PHD, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 2003

Palmer, Randall 2017, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BA, Univ of California-Davis, 1979
MBA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1987

Palmer, Todd 1995, Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 1987
MS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1993

Pan, Changqing 2009, Research Associate, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Zhejiang University, 2006
MS, Univ of Alabama-Tuscaloo,The, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Pancake, Cherri 1992, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Pandelova, Iovanna 1992, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, Moscow State University, 1985
PHD, Moscow State University, 1991

Pang, Yin Yuin 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
MS, National Chung-Cheng Univ, 2008

Panwar, Rajat 2004, Associate Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Foreign Institution, 1994
MBA, University of Lucknow, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 2008

Paoletti, David 2005, Senior Instructor I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Illinois State University, 1996
BS, Oregon State University, 2006
MS, Oregon State University, 2009

Parham-Mocello, Jennifer 2011, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Appalachian State University, 1999
MS, University of Montana, 2003
PHD, Clemson University, 2009

Park, Diana 2018, Assistant Professor, Library
BA, Bryn Mawr College, 2013
MLS, Univ of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2018

Park, Jihye 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
MS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2009
MS, Foreign Institution, 2006
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2012

Park, Kyoo Rok 2011, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, Oregon State University, 2015

Park, Si Hong 2017, Associate Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Foreign Institution, 2004
MS, Foreign Institution, 2006
PHD, Univ of Arkansas-Fayetteville, 2013

Park, Jae 1992, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Parker, Donald 1991, Emeritus, College of Business

Parker, Jill 1991, Emeritus, Vet Clinical Sciences

Parker, Robert 2000, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Parkin, James 2021, Instructor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BBA, Oregon State University,

Parks, Harold 1977, Emeritus, Mathematics

Parmigiani, John 2004, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr, Dir-Industrial Relations
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1987
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1997
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2007

Parrish, Christopher 2014, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Bates College, 1993
MS, University of Florida, 2003
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2007

Pasebani, Somayeh 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Isfahan University of Tech, 2005
MS, Isfahan University of Tech, 2009
PHD, University of Idaho, 2014

Passarello, Elena 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 2000
MFA, University of Iowa, 2008

Passon, David 1960, Emeritus, Crop/Soil Sci Extension

Pastey, Manoj 2004, Associate Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BVSC, Univ of Ag Sciences Bangalore, 1988
MS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1991
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1996

Patel, Swati 2020, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BA, Northwestern University, 2009
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2016

Paterson, Ted 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Brigham Young University Main, 2001
PHD, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2014

Patino-Cabrera, Nelly 2017, Instructor, College of Education
EDM, Portland State University, 2014

Patocka, Shoshana 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Library
BA, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1999
MA, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 2014

Patterson, Alicia 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2013
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2020
PHD, Cornell University, 2020

Patton, Nephi 1972, Emeritus, Lab Animal Resources

Paul, Brian 1995, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Paulenova, Alena 2003, Emeritus, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr

Pauls, Jill 1998, Instructor, School of VPDA
BMUS, University of Oregon, 1986
MM, University of Oregon, 1988
PHD, University of Oregon, 1996

Paulsen, Lenore 1969, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Paulson, Clayton 1971, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Pavol, Michael 2002, Associate Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, 1984
MENG, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, 1985
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1999

Pearce, Stuart 2011, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Auburn University Main Campus, 2005
MS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2011

Pearcy, William 1960, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Pearson, Brodie 2019, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
MMP, Univ of Oxford Univ Offices, 2011
PHD, Univ of Reading, 2015

Pearson, Erwin 1982, Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine

Pearson, George 1971, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Peck-Richardson, Adam 2008, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Western Washington University, 2007
MS, Oregon State University, 2017

Pedersen, Elaine 1991, Emeritus, College of Business

Peltomaki, Kirsi 2004, Professor, School of VPDA
BFA, Fine Arts Academy of Finland, 1993
MFA, Cal Institute of Arts, 1996
MA, University of Rochester, 2000
PHD, University of Rochester, 2002

Penhallegon, Ross 1983, Emeritus, Horticulture

Penn, John 1972, Emeritus, Vice Prov/Student Aff

Penner, Michael 1986, Associate Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Washington State University, 1976
MS, Washington State University, 1979
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 1984

Pennington, Jamie 2010, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Montana State Univ-Northern, 1992

Penry, Jason 2005, Assistant Professor (Clinical), School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Wake Forest University, 1999
MS, Wake Forest University, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2008

Peremyslova, Ekaterina 2008, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Ecosyst & Society
MS, Novosibirsk State Univ, 1985

Perle, Maeve 2008, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Univ of Dublin Trinity College, 1992
MS, Unknown College 10, 1995

Perrault, Sarah 2020, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
PHD, University of Nevada-Reno, 2009

Perry, Renea 2020, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, Portland State University, 2019
MA, Oregon State University, 2023

Perry, David 1977, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Perry, Gregory 1986, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Pesch, Heather 2019, Assistant Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BBA, Cal State Univ-Long Beach, 1996
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011

Pestana, Catarina 2013, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
MS, San Diego State University, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Peszynska, Malgorzata 2003, Professor, Mathematics
MS, Warsaw Univ of Technology, 1986
PHD, Univ of Augsburg, 1992

Peters, Laura 2015, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Bradley University, 2009
MA, American University, 2013
MA, Korea University Col of Medici, 2013
MA, Korea University, 2013
PHD, Oregon State University, 2020

Peters, Jean 1958, Emeritus, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm

Petersen, Candace 2022, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BA, Randolph College,
MBA, Portland State University,
PHD, Portland State Un/Extend Study,

Petersen, Christoffer 1995, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Library
BS, Oregon State University, 1999

Petersen, Daniel 2021, Instructor, College of Education
MED, Monmouth University,

Peterson, Matthew 2008, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1999
MS, University of Oregon, 2014

Peterson, Scott 2000, Senior Instructor II, Mathematics
BS, University of Sioux Falls, 1982
MS, Utah State University, 1986

Peterson, Susan 1998, Academic Advisor, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm
MS, Oregon State University, 2000

Petrides-Jimenez, Aristides 2005, Instructor, Statistics (Science)
BS, Foreign Institution, 2001
MS, Oregon State University, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Petsche, Clayton 2011, Professor, Mathematics
BS, Virginia Tech, 1998
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2003

Pett-Ridge, Julie 2009, Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BA, Dartmouth College, 1997
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2007

Pettit, Erin 2017, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Brown University, 1994
PHD, University of Washington, 2003

Pfeil, William 2019, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Arizona, 1989
MS, Oregon State University, 2019

Pflugfelder, Ehren 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BS, Slippery Rock Univ of Penn, 2001
MA, Case Western Reserve Univ, 2005
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2012

Pham, Hoang 2020, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Colorado State University, 2014
PHD, Syracuse University-Main Campu, 2020

Phelps, Rick 2018, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MBA, Harvard University, 1978

Phelps, David 1965, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Philbrick, David 1983, Emeritus, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm

Philipp, Kurt 1963, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Phillips, David 2022, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, School of Exercise/Sport
BA, Univ of Pretoria, 2010
MS, Barry University, 2013
PHD, University of Oregon, 2017

Phillips, Mark 2018, Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, University of Florida, 2007
MS, Univ of California-Irvine, 2015
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2018

Phillips, Miles 2016, Associate Professor (Practice), Sea Grant Extension
MS, West Virginia University, 1999

Phillips, Robert 1957, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Philmus, Angela 1999, Consultant-Acad Advisor/Couns, College of Engineering
BS, University of Idaho, 1997
MS, Oregon State University, 2001
EDM, Oregon State University, 2001

Philmus, Benjamin 2013, Associate Professor, Pharmacy
BS, Long Island Univ-Southampton, 1999
MS, Hawaii Pacific University, 2006
PHD, Hawaii Pacific University, 2009

Piacenza, Susan 2011, Senior Instructor I, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Boston University, 2002
MS, University of South Florida, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

PiacenzaIII, Joseph 2010, Associate Professor (Practice), College of Engineering
BS, University of South Florida, 2001
MBA, University of South Florida, 2008
MS, Oregon State University, 2012
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Pierson, Clotilde 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Foreign Institution, 2012
MS, Foreign Institution, 2014
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2019

Piggott, Alexa 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife

Pilkerton, Stephen 1988, Instructor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1985
MS, Oregon State University, 1988

Pirelli, Gene 1979, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Pisias, Nicklas 1981, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Pitcher, Aster 2016, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Antioch University, 2006
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012
PHD, Michigan State University, 2016

Pitchford, Edward 2007, Assistant Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2016

Pitel, Mariya 2016, Instructor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2010
MS, Oregon State University, 2019
DVM, Univ of California-Davis, 2015

Pittman, Randall 2011, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Grove City College, 2007

Plagge, Anne 2021, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
PHD, Iowa State University,

Plant, Thomas 1978, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Plaza, Dwaine 1997, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, York University, 1987
MS, York University, 1990
PHD, York University, 1996

Pohjanpelto, Petri 1989, Emeritus, Mathematics

Pokorny, Colleen 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Iowa State University, 2011
MA, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2020
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2023

Poling, Dow 1963, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Politano, Kristin 2010, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Florida State University, 2005
MS, University of Florida, 2008

Politano, Vincent 2010, Coordinator-IACUC, VP for Research
MS, University of Florida, 2008

Polizzi, Stephanie 2005, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Coos County Office
BS, SUNY College-Cortland, 1979
MPH, Loma Linda University, 1996

Pollard, Christine 2011, Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BA, Azusa Pacific University, 1991
MS, Pacific University, 1998
PHD, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2003
PHD, Amherst College, 2003

Pollock, Amanda 2010, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 2013

Poole, Arthur 1975, Emeritus, Horticulture Extension

Poppino, Richard 1995, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Porrovecchio, Mark 2006, Associate Professor, School of Communications
BA, Carroll College, 1995
MA, Oregon State University, 1997
PHD, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 2006

Porter, David 2001, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
MS, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 1999
MS, ITESM Monterrey, 1994
PHD, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 2000

Potter, Charlie 2020, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Pittsburg State University, 2002
MA, University of Oklahoma, 2006

Powell, Jacob 2019, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Sherman Co Office
MS, University of Montana, 2017

Powelson, Mary 1968, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Powers, Matthew 2013, Assistant Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Ball State University, 2002
MS, Michigan Technological Univ, 2005
PHD, Michigan Technological Univ, 2008

Poynor, Blake 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, Oregon State Univ-Cascades, 2015

Prahl, Fredrick 1984, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Pratt, Megan 2008, Assistant Professor (Practice), EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Pratt, Clara 1978, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Preece, Justin 2010, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Integrative Biology, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Southern Methodist University, 1998
MA, Southern Methodist University, 2006

Presley, Gerald 2019, Assistant Professor, Wood Science/Engr
BS, Eastern Illinois University, 2011
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2018

Presley, Rick 2003, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2001
MS, Oregon State University, 2006

Price, Jay 2022, Instructor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS

Price, Lisa 2011, Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Oregon, 1984
MA, University of Kentucky, 1987
PHD, University of Oregon, 1993

Price, William 2021, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Baker County Office
BS, Utah State University, 2019

Price, Zachary 2020, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, University of Chicago, 2012
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2019

Primack, Brian 2022, Professor, School of Public Health
BA, Yale University, 1991
MD, Emory University, 1999
PHD, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 2011

Prince-Kelly, Nova 2000, Instructor, Vet Biomedical Science

Pritchett, Larry 2005, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Columbia Basin Exp Sta
BS, University of Idaho, 1985

Pritchett, Harold 1957, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Proebsting, William 1980, Emeritus, Horticulture

Proteau, Philip 1991, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Pscheidt, Jay 1988, Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1985

Puettmann, Klaus 2000, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
PHD, Oregon State University, 1990

Pugatch, Todd 2011, Professor, School of Public Policy
MA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2003
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2011

Punches, John 1994, Associate Professor, Ext Union County Office
BS, Michigan Technological Univ, 1990
MS, Virginia Tech, 1993
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Purgason, Lucy 2021, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, College of Education
BA, Univ of N Carolina-Wilmington, 2002
MS, Univ of N Carolina-Wilmington, 2005
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Wilmington, 2013

Putnam, Melodie 1993, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Putney, Jacob 2014, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Baker County Office
BS, Oregon State University,
MS, Oregon State University, 2019

Pyatt, Rene 2017, Senior Instructor I, College of Education
BS, Portland State University, 2001
MAT, George Fox University, 2003

Pyles, Marvin 1981, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt


Qian, Michael 2001, Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Wuhan University, 1982
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1990
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2000

Qian, Yan Ping 2001, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Crop and Soil Science
BS, Huazhong Agricultural Univ, 1987
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1992
MBA, Metropolitan State University, 1999
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1995

Qin, Ruijun 2016, Associate Professor, Ext Umatilla - Hermiston
BS, Shanxi Agricultural Univ, 1992
MS, Chinese Acad of Agri Sciences, 1995
PHD, Swiss Federal Inst of Tech, 2003

Qiu, Weihong 2013, Associate Professor, Physics
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2008

Quick, Covie 2015, Instructor, College of Education
BS, Oregon State University, 1983
MED, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 2014

Quick, Devon 2001, Learning Asst Pgrm Dir, College of Science Admin, Senior Instructor II, Integrative Biology
BS, Tufts University, 1999
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009


Rackham, Robert 1971, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Radniecki, Tyler 2005, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Bemidji State University, 1999
MS, Yale University, 2001
PHD, Yale University, 2005

Radosevich, Steven 1983, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Raessler, Jana 2005, Associate Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, University of Arizona, 1993
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2002
DVM, Colorado State University, 1998

Raich, Raviv 2007, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Tel Aviv University, 1994
MS, Tel Aviv University, 1998
PHD, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2004

Raja, Venkataramani 1998, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Loyola College, 1986
MS, Indian Institute of Technology, 1989
PHD, Washington State University, 1998

Rakes, Heath 2016, Assistant Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, La Salle University, 2003
MA, DePaul University, 2005
PHD, DePaul University, 2012

Raleigh, Mark 2019, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Gonzaga University, 2005
MS, University of Washington, 2009
PHD, University of Washington, 2013

Ralph, Taylor 2021, Assistant Professor, Library

Ramirez, Ana 2021, Instructor, College of Education

Ramirez, Stacy 2006, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy, Director - CHCBLC
D PHAR, Univ of Southern California, 1999

Ramsey, Stephen 2013, Associate Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Brown University, 1992
MS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1996
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1997

Ramsey, Fred 1966, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

Ranches, Juliana 2013, Assistant Professor, EOARC - Burns Exp Sta
BS, Foreign Institution, 2013
MS, University of Florida, 2016
PHD, University of Florida, 2019

Rande, Wallace 2020, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Michigan State University, 1991
MBA, University of Rhode Island, 1991
EDD, Northern Arizona University, 1995

Randhawa, Sabah 1983, Provost & Exec VP Emeritus, Provost/Exec Vice Pres, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Ranjbar, Leila 2012, Senior Instructor I, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
MS, Isfahan University of Tech, 2009
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Rankin, Beth 2021, Assistant Professor (Practice), College of Education
PHD, University of Kansas,

Rankin, Janet 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Cal State Univ-Sacramento, 1984
MA, Cal State Univ-Sacramento, 2012

Rao, Sujaya 2000, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Rasmussen, Ann 2017, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, North Willamette Exp Sta
BA, Kenyon College, 2002
PHD, Univ of Mississippi-Main Campu, 2016

Rastiveis, Heidar 2023, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Civil/Constr Engr, Instructor
BS, University of Isfahan, 2005
MS, University of Tehran, 2007
PHD, University of Tehran, 2013

Rathja, Roy 1972, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Ray, Ed 2003, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, CUNY Queens College, 1966
MA, Stanford University, 1969
PHD, Stanford University, 1971

Raynak, Geoffrey 2018, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 1994
PHD, University of Washington, 2000

Read, Marilyn 2005, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Cal State Univ-Northridge, 1988
MA, Cal State Univ-Long Beach, 1992
PHD, Oregon State University, 1996

Ream, Lloyd 1988, Emeritus, Microbiology (Ag)

Reardon, Patrick 2001, Director-NMR Facility, NMR Facility
BS, Oregon State University, 2001
PHD, Duke University, 2011

Reason, Dana 2008, Assistant Professor, School of VPDA
BMUS, McGill University, 1992
MA, Mills College, 1997
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 2002

RecioFernandez, Gonzalo 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, Duke University, 2008

Redfield, Stephen 2002, Senior Instructor II, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2007
MS, Oregon State University, 2010

Redwine, Lora 2021, Instructor, School of VPDA

Reece, Sandy 2013, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Tulsa, 1990
MA, Arizona State University, 1994
PHD, Arizona State University, 2005

Reed, A Scott 1990, Vice Provost Emeritus, Extension & Engagement, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Reed, Donald 1962, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Reed, Gary 1985, Emeritus, College of Ag Admin

Reed, Marjorie 1987, Emeritus, Sch of Psychological Sci

Reehoorn, Jon 2010, Head Coach-Men's Golf, Intercolleg Athletics
BA, Washington State University, 2002
MS, University of Louisville, 2004

Rees, Laura 2021, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Dearborn, 2014

Reese, Douglas 2000, Senior Instructor II, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1992
MS, Western Washington University, 1998
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005

Reese, George 2008, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Miami University, 1985
EDM, Oregon State University, 2007

Reese, Ryan 2012, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, College of Education
BS, Western Washington University, 2008
MED, University of Florida, 2010
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Greensboro, 2013

Reese, Steven 1997, Director, Radiation Center, Associate Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 1991
PHD, Colorado State University, 1997

Reeves, Joshua 2015, Associate Professor, School of Communications
BA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2006
MA, Carnegie Mellon University, 2010
MFA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2008
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2013

Reibach, Jan 2004, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA

Reibach, Rhonda 2010, Instructor, School of VPDA

Reiley, Bryan 2024, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1999
MS, Arkansas State Univ-Jonesboro, 2012
PHD, Univ of Illinois Central Offic, 2017

Reimer, Jeffrey 2005, Interim Department Head, Applied Economics, Professor
BS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1994
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1999
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2003

Reimer, Jennifer 2020, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Reimers, Clare 2000, Univ Distinguished Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Univ of Virginia-Central Offic, 1976
MS, Oregon State University, 1978
PHD, Oregon State University, 1982

Reistad, Gordon 1970, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Reitsma, Reindert 2002, Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
MS, Catholic University of Nijmege, 1984
PHD, Catholic University of Nijmege, 1990

Reitz, Stuart 2012, Professor, Ext Malheur Co Office
BS, University of South Alabama, 1985
MS, Clemson University, 1988
PHD, Clemson University, 1994

Rem-McGeachy, Marni 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta

Remcho, Vincent 1998, Professor, Chemistry
BS, Virginia Tech, 1989
PHD, Virginia Tech, 1992

Rempel, Hannah 2000, Professor, Library, Dept Head-Rsearch & Learning
BA, Eastern Mennonite University, 1997
MLS, University of Washington, 2006
MS, Oregon State University, 2003

Rendon, Dalila 2016, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, Universidad de los Andes, 2007
MS, Portland State University, 2010
MS, Portland State University, 2012
PHD, Macquarie University, 2016

Reneau, Douglas 2019, Instructor, School of VPDA

Reno, Paul 1990, Emeritus, Microbiology (Ag)

Rettig, Raymond 1968, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Reuter, Ronald 2003, Associate Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1992
MS, University of Idaho, 1995
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Duluth, 1999

Reyes, Precious 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Cal State Univ-Long Beach, 2021

ReyesJr, Jose 1987, Emeritus, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr

Reynolds, Lorena 2010, Instructor, School of Public Policy
BA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1994
JD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1997

Reynolds, Lorien 2016, Senior Instructor I, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2005
PHD, University of Oregon, 2016

Reynolds, Ryann 2016, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2004
MBA, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2011
PHD, Temple University, 2016

Rhodes, Matthew 2016, Instructor, School of Public Policy
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Greensboro, 2013

Ribbink, Dina 2017, Assistant Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2010

Ribero, Ana 2016, Assistant Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BS, University of Florida, 2002
MA, DePaul University, 2011
PHD, University of Arizona, 2016

Rice, James 2005, Stranding Program Manager, Marine Mammal Institute
BA, University of Vermont, 1988

Rice, Laura 1980, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Richards, Linda 2007, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BS, Southern Oregon University, 1991
MA, Southern Oregon University, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Richardson, Briana 2014, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Northwest Nazarene University, 2012

Richardson, Tjodie 1985, Head Advisor, Applied Economics

Richardson, Daryl 1973, Emeritus, Horticulture

Richart, Casey 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Science
PHD, San Diego State University,

Richter, Jennifer 2000, Assistant Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1991
MFA, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1994

Rickson, Fred 1971, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Ridlington, Anne 1998, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2001

Riebold, Thomas 1981, Emeritus, Vet Clinical Sciences

Riedl, Helmut 1985, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Rielly, Loretta 1990, Emeritus, Library

Ries, Paul 2013, Senior Instructor I, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1983
MS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1985
EDD, Carson-Newman College, 2017

Riggio, Mariapaola 2015, Associate Professor, Wood Science/Engr
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2007

Riggs, William 1989, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Righetti, Timothy 1983, Emeritus, Horticulture

Riley, Sean 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, Arizona State University, 1992

Ringle, John 1966, Emeritus, Graduate School Admin, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr

Ringo, Chris 2012, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Hemp Center
BA, SUNY College-Potsdam, 1980
MS, Syracuse University-Main Campu, 1984

Riportella, Roberta 2016, Professor, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1979
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1985

Ripple, William 1981, Dir-ERSAL/Univ Dist Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, South Dakota State University, 1974
MS, University of Idaho, 1978
PHD, Oregon State University, 1984

Risien, Craig 2003, Project Manager, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Senior Faculty Research AsstII
BS, Univ of Cape Town, 1998
MS, Univ of Cape Town, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2006

Rissberger, Ed 2022, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Ritzheimer, Kara 2007, Associate Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Willamette University, 1997
MA, SUNY-Binghamton, 2000
PHD, SUNY-Binghamton, 2007

Rivers, James 2008, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 1997
MS, Kansas State University, 1999
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2008

Rivin, Carol 1984, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Rizk, Ziad 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, San Diego State University, 1981
MS, College of St Scholastica, 2018

Roach, Devin 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
MS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2018
PHD, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2021

Robbins, William G 1970, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Robe, Carol 1994, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Cornell University, 1977
MM, University of Oregon, 1978

Robelo, Lucia 2004, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Oregon State University, 2004
MS, Oregon State University, 2007

Roberson, Daniel 2010, Instructor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Cal State Univ-San Marcos, 2010
MPH, Oregon State University, 2014
MS, Oregon State University, 2014

Roberts, Cami 2007, Instructor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Lewis-Clark State College, 1997
MS, University of Idaho, 2001

Roberts, James 2005, Instructor, School of Communications
BS, Oregon State University, 2005
MA, Oregon State University, 2011

Roberts, Nicholas 2023, Associate Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BA, Georgia College State Univ, 2000
MS, Kennesaw State University, 2003
PHD, Clemson University, 2009

Roberts, Leilani 1989, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Roberts, Paul 1966, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Robertson, Bryson 2018, Associate Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BSME, University of Victoria, 2005
PHD, University of Guelph, 2013

Robinson, Matthew 2015, Faculty Research Assistant, North Willamette Exp Sta
BS, Oregon State University, 2022

Robinson, Matthew 2016, Associate Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Colorado State University, 2004
MS, Colorado State University, 2007
PHD, Colorado State University, 2011

Robinson, Neal 2017, Faculty Research Asst, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BS, Portland State University, 2017

Robinson, Seri 2013, Associate Professor, Wood Science/Engr
BS, Northern Michigan University, 2003
MS, Michigan Technological Univ, 2005
PHD, Michigan Technological Univ, 2010

Robinson, William 2002, Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Southern Illinois U-Carbondale, 1987
MS, Southern Illinois U-Carbondale, 1990
PHD, Univ of Illinois Central Offic, 1998

Robinson, Alan 1966, Emeritus, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr

Robinson, David 1977, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Robinson, Kay 1970, Emeritus, Admissions

Robison, Frederick 2020, Instructor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, University of Utah, 2010
MA, Oregon State University, 2022

Roche, Lauren 2016, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BS, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2008

Rochefort, Willie 1993, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Univ of Mass - Central Offices, 1976
MS, Northwestern University, 1978
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 1986

Rock, Betsy 2001, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Oregon State University, 1983
MBA, Oregon State University, 1990

Rockey, Daniel 1997, Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, University of Washington, 1981
MS, University of Wyoming, 1983
PHD, Oregon State University, 1989

Rockwell, Daniel 2004, Instructor, Mathematics
BSEE, Southern Oregon University, 2004
BS, Southern Oregon University, 2004
MS, Oregon State University, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2011

Rodgers, Lawrence 2008, Dean, Provost/Exec Vice Pres, Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, University of Oklahoma, 1982
MA, University of Iowa, 1984
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1989

Rodgers, Susan 2008, Associate Dean, Honors College, Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Bowdoin College, 1982
MFA, Bennington College, 2003
MA, Kansas State University, 1987

Rodriguez, Loretta 2021, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Trinity University, 2020
MA, Oregon State University, 2023

Rogers, Kim 2012, Instructor, School of Exercise/Sport
BA, Washington State University, 1985
MPH, Oregon State University, 2016
MS, Oregon State University, 2014
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Rogers, William 1980, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Rogge, David 1982, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Rohlman, Diana 2008, Associate Professor (Sr Res), School of Public Health
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Rohrmann, George 1979, Emeritus, Microbiology (Ag)

Rolston, Irene 2004, Senior Instructor II, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Oregon State University, 2001
MA, Oregon State University, 2006

Roman, Hilary 2024, Instructor, Career Development Ctr
BS, Black Hills State University, 2012
MS, South Dakota State University, 2017

Rondon, Silvia 2005, Director - OIPMC, Ag OR IPM Center, Professor, Hermiston Exp Sta
BS, Univ Nacional Agraria La Molin, 1995
MS, Univ Nacional Agraria La Molin, 1999
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2002

Roon, David 2015, Research Associate, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Lewis Clark College, 2005
MS, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2021

Root, Elizabeth 2008, Associate Professor, School of Communications
BA, Bethel University, 1992
MA, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1998
PHD, University of New Mexico, 2007

Root, Jon 1969, Emeritus, Educational Ventures

Roper, Larry 1995, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Rorrer, Gregory 1989, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1983
MS, Michigan State University, 1985
PHD, Michigan State University, 1989

Rorrer, Kristin 1998, Academic Advisor, School of VPDA
BA, Kalamazoo College, 1983
MS, Michigan State University, 1985

Rose, Charlotte 2018, Instructor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Oregon State University,
MS, Oregon State University, 2020

Rose, Jeremy 2007, Senior Instructor I, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2007
BA, University of Washington, 1998
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Rose, Pamela 1987, Emeritus, Ext 4-H Yth Dev On-Cmpus

Roseberg, Richard 1990, Associate Professor, Klamath Basin Res&ExtCtr
BS, Oregon State University, 1980
MS, Oregon State University, 1985
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1990

Rosen, Julia 2008, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BS, Stanford University, 2008
BS, Stanford University, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Rosenberger, Randall 2003, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Slippery Rock Univ of Penn, 1988
MA, Colorado State University, 1992
PHD, Colorado State University, 1996

Rosenberger, Nancy 1988, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Rosenfeld, Charles 1974, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Rosenkoetter, Sharon 1999, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Rosenlicht, Giovanna 2008, Senior Instructor I, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
DVM, Univ Degli Studi Di Perugia, 1992

Rosenzweig, Jesse 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BDO, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1998

Rosetta, Robin 1994, Emeritus, Horticulture

Ross, Andrew 1989, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Stockton University, 1986

Ross, Andrew 2001, Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BS, University of Sydney, 1985
PHD, University of New South Wales, 1995

Ross, Erin 2023, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Clark University, 2012

Ross, Tamara 2013, Instructor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Univ of California-Irvine, 1994
MA, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2000
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2002

Rossignol, Annette 1988, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Rosulek, Michael 2013, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Iowa State University, 2003
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2009

Rothenberg, Sarah 2017, Associate Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2000
MS, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2002
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2007

Rothman, Brenna 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Integrative Biology
BS, Oregon State University, 2022

Rothwell, David 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Pitzer College, 2001
MSW, Tulane University, 2003
PHD, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2008

Rougeux, Mike 2024, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Northern Vermont University, 2005

Roush, Stephanie 2009, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
MFA, Oregon State University, 2011

Rowe, Hannah 2020, Assistant Professor, Microbiology (Science)
BS, Michigan State University, 2009
PHD, Wayne State University, 2014

Rowe, Shawn 2004, Associate Professor, Sea Grant
BA, Georgia State University, 1990
MS, Florida State University, 1997
PHD, Washington University-St Louis, 2002

Rowe, Kenneth 1965, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

Roy-Faderman, Ina 2009, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
MA, Stanford University, 1993
PHD, Stanford University, 1999

Roybal, Roger 2021, Instructor, Mathematics
BS, Weber State University, 1998
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2005

Rubado, Annette 2022, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2012

Rubel, Deborah 2002, Professor, College of Education
BS, Utah State University, 1986
MS, Idaho State University, 1999
PHD, Idaho State University, 2002

Ruben, John 1975, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Rubert, Steven 1991, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Ruby, Carl 1996, Instructor, Vet Biomedical Science, Faculty Research Assistant, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Colorado State University, 1993
PHD, Oregon State University, 2002

Rudd, Walter 1985, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Rueck, Kerry 2016, Instructor, College of Education
BA, George Fox University, 1995

Rueck, Scott 2010, Head Coach-Women's Basketball, Intercolleg Athletics
MS, Oregon State University, 1992

Ruff, Matt 2023, Assistant Professor (Practice), Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2020
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2021

Ruff, Zachary 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011
MS, Iowa State University, 2016

Ruggiero, Peter 2006, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Lehigh University, 1991
MS, Oregon State University, 1993
PHD, Oregon State University, 1997

Rupp, David 1999, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Arizona, 1991
MS, Northern Arizona University, 1995
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005

Rush, Norm 2016, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, University of Utah, 1982

Russ-Eft, Darlene 2002, Emeritus, College of Education

Russell, Ashley 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Oregon State University, 2010
BS, Oregon State University, 2020
BS, Oregon State University, 2010

Russell, Duncan 2014, Associate Professor (Clinical), Vet Biomedical Science
BVSC, Univ of Glasgow, 2005

Russell, Michael 1998, Research Associate, Institute Natrl Res Dir
BS, Oregon State University, 2000
MS, Oregon State University, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Russell, Stephanie 2008, Senior Instructor I, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BS, Oregon State University, 2005

Russell, Sterling 1963, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Rust, Stephen 2003, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Idaho State University, 1999
MA, Oregon State University, 2006
PHD, University of Oregon, 2011

Rutledge, James 1994, Emeritus, College of Education

Ruyle, Shanna 1999, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
MA, Minneapolis College of Art And, 2015

Ryan, Adam 2005, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 1997

Ryan, Lawrence 1988, Emeritus, Sch of Psychological Sci

Rydrych, Donald 1965, Emeritus, Columbia Basin Exp Sta

Rykbost, Kenneth 1987, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science


Saeed, Faran 2019, Instructor, College of Education
BS, University of Memphis, 2012
MA, Louisiana State Univ System, 2015
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

SaenzRodriguez, Axel 2020, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
BS, Columbia University-NYC, 2011
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2016

Safonte, Danielle 2019, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Phoenix, 2007
MS, University of Phoenix, 2008

Sagili, Ramesh 2009, Professor, Horticulture
BS, Andhra Pradesh Agricultur Univ, 1994
MS, Andhra Pradesh Agricultur Univ, 1998
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2007

Sahakian, Victor 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
MS, Moscow State University, 1980
PHD, Moscow State University, 1986

Sahay, Gaurav 2014, Professor, Pharmacy
MS, Univ of Nebraska-Omaha, 2005
PHD, Univ of Nebraska-Omaha, 2009

Sahr, Robert 1984, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Saisubramanian, Sandhya 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Pondicherry University, 2011
MTMCS, National Univ of Singapore, 2014
PHD, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2022

Sakuma, Kari-Lyn 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, Univ of Southern California, 2000
MPH, Univ of Southern California, 2006
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2009

Sakurai, Patricia 1996, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Claremont McKenna College, 1987
PHD, SUNY-Stony Brook, 1995

Salchenberg, Kayleen 2008, Instructor, College of Business

Salimifard, Parichehr 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Foreign Institution, 2011
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2014
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus,

Sallee, Emily 2020, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Warner Pacific University, 2007
MS, George Fox University, 2009
PHD, Oregon State Higher Education, 2019
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019

Salway, Jacqueline 2023, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Syracuse University-Main Campu, 1992

Samelson, Roger 1995, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Stanford University, 1981
PHD, Oregon State University, 1987

Sampson, David 1990, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Samuel, Scott 1985, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Sanchez, Christopher 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Univ of Illinois-Chicago, 2001
MA, Univ of Illinois-Chicago, 2004
PHD, Univ of Illinois-Chicago, 2006

Sanchez, Dana 2007, Associate Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, University of Montana, 1998
MS, University of Arizona, 2002
PHD, University of Idaho, 2007

Sanchez, Nicole 2016, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Klamath Co Office
BS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2000
MS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2002

Sanchez, Alex 1998, Emeritus, College of Education

Sanchez-Aragon, Sharon 2016, Senior Instructor I, College of Education
BA, Western Oregon University, 1998
MS, Western Oregon University, 2002

Sand, Megan 1999, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Oregon State University, 2003
BS, Oregon State University, 2003
MA, University of Oregon, 2007

Sanders, Ashley 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Arizona State University, 2016
MS, Oregon State University, 2023

Sanders, Justin 2008, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Central Washington University, 2003
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Sanders, Steven 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Alabama Ag and Mechanical Univ, 2013
MCOUN, Alabama Ag and Mechanical Univ, 2016
PHD, Cleveland State University, 2022

SandersJr, Raymond 1967, Emeritus, Counseling Center

Sanderson, Donald 1968, Emeritus, Memorial Union

Sandler, Richard 2008, Instructor, Applied Economics
BA, Vanderbilt University, 1987
JD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1995

Sandness, Brea 2022, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Univ of N Dakota-Main Campus, 2011
DVM, Oregon State University, 2015

Sandor, Marjorie 1994, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Sangsupan, Hathai 2008, Instructor, Integrative Biology
BS, University of Florida, 2000
MS, University of Georgia, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Santala, Melissa 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2003
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2006
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2009

Santamaria, Luisa 2009, Professor, Ext No Willamette Co Off
BS, Foreign Institution, 1991
MS, University of Delaware, 1996
PHD, University of Delaware, 2007

Santelmann, Mary 1988, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1978
MS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1980
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1988

Sapon-White, Richard 1996, Emeritus, Library

Sarasohn, Lisa 1978, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Sarbacker, Stuart 2009, Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
MA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1999
MA, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1995
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001

Sargent, Jennifer 2005, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Biomedical Science
BS, Oregon State University, 2004
DVM, Oregon State University, 2011

Sarker, Mahfuzur 2000, Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, University of Dhaka, 1982
MS, University of Dhaka, 1985
PHD, Tokushima Bunri Univ, 1995

Sarma, Anita 2015, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
MS, Univ of California-Irvine, 2002
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2008

Sartori, Camilla 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Food Science and Techno
MS, Foreign Institution, 2022

Sasidharan, Salini 2022, Assistant Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BA, Mahatma Gandhi University, 2008
MA, University of East London, 2010
PHD, Flinders University, 2016

SathuvalliRajakalyan, Vidyasagar 2004, Associate Professor, Hermiston Exp Sta
BS, Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univ, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Saugen, John 1964, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Savage, Thomas 1982, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Savonen, Carol 1988, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Sawer, Barbara 1974, Emeritus, Extension 4-H Youth

Sayre, Henry 1983, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, School of VPDA

Scanlan, Michelle 2005, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
BS, Oregon State University, 2005

Scanlan, Michael 1981, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Scanlan, Richard 1964, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno, VP for Research

Schafer, Casey 2012, Instructor, Statistics (Science)

Schafer, Daniel 1982, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

Schaffer, Kay 1994, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin, Sch of Psychological Sci

Schauber, Ann 1978, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin

Schaup, Henry 1973, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Scheel, Ingrid 2006, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2015
BA, Oregon State University, 2009

Scheerer, Ann 2014, Instructor, Applied Economics
MPA, University of Washington, 2002
PHD, USE 004508 **, 2015

Scheirer, Ryan 2013, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Kutztown Univ of Pennsylvania, 2011
MS, Oregon State University, 2016

Schellman, Heidi 2015, Professor, Physics
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1984

Scherr, Melissa 2004, Research Associate, North Willamette Exp Sta
BS, Oregon State University, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Scheuering, Eric 2002, Climate Change Curriculum Coor, Outdoor School
BA, University of Montana, 1992
MS, Portland State University, 2009

Scheuermann, Thomas 1990, Instructor, Honors College
BS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1976
MA, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1979
JD, Catholic University of America, 1985

Schilpzand, Pauline 2011, Associate Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BBA, Emory University, 1999
MBA, University of Florida, 2004
PHD, University of Florida, 2008

Schimerlik, Michael 1978, Emeritus, Biochem/Biophysics

Schimleck, Laurence 2012, Professor, Wood Science/Engr
BA, Foreign Institution, 1993
PHD, Foreign Institution, 1997

Schindler, Jason 1999, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Oregon State University, 2002

Schley, Sara 2023, Professor, College of Education
BA, Reed College, 1985
MS, Northeastern University, 1987
PHD, Harvard University, 1994

Schmall, Vicki 1972, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Schmid, Charles 2020, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Horticulture, Instructor
BS, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006
MS, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008
PHD, Rutgers University, 2016

Schmidt, Andres 2009, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Univ of Bochum, 2006
MS, Univ of Bochum, 2002
PHD, Univ of Munster, 2009

Schmidt, Maximillian 2010, Faculty Research Assistant, Genome Research/Biocomp

Schmidt, Micah 2020, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Wildland Fire Progm
BS, Southern Oregon University, 2016

Schmidt, Thomas 1993, Professor, Mathematics
BA, New College of Florida, 1981
PHD, University of Pennsylvania, 1989

Schmisseur, Wilson 1971, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Schmittner, Andreas 2005, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Universitat Bremen, 1996
PHD, Univ of Bern, 1999

Schmokel, Christopher 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Oregon State University, 2022

Schneider, Gary 1964, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Schoenhals, Kate 2009, Instructor, Vet Clinical Sciences

Schoepflin, Tyson 2013, Faculty Research Assistant, Institute Natrl Res Dir

Schori, Richard 1978, Emeritus, Mathematics

Schreder, Peter 2000, Associate Professor, Ext Wallowa Co Office
BS, Oregon State University, 1991
MS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1999

Schrey, Peter 2021, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, San Francisco State University, 2002
DPT, Regis University, 2005

Schroeder, Elizabeth 2010, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
PHD, Georgetown University, 2010

Schroeder, Nicholas 2023, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
PHD, University of Kansas, 2016

Schroeder, Vanessa 2013, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Ext Harney County Office
BA, Washington University-St Louis, 2011

Schroeder, W Lee 1967, Emeritus, College of Engineering

Schuetz, Rachael 2015, Associate Professor (Practice), Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, University of Oregon, 2005
MED, University of Oregon, 2006
EDD, University of Oregon, 2016

Schultz, Adam 2003, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Brown University, 1979
MA, Univ of Cambridge St Edmunds H, 1995
PHD, University of Washington, 1985

Schultz, Robert 1962, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Schulze, Mark 2008, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Evergreen State College, 1992
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2003

SchunaJr, John 2014, Associate Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 2006
MS, North Dakota St U-Main Campus, 2009
PHD, North Dakota St U-Main Campus, 2012

Schuster, Cameron 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Hatfield Marine Sci Ctr

Schuster, Martin 2005, Professor, Microbiology (Ag)
BS, Univ of Gottingen, Sch of Medi, 1996
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2000

SchusterProvaznikova, Ludmila 2007, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MA, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2001
MA, Foreign Institution, 1999
PHD, University of Iowa, 2009

Schuyler, Michael 1980, Emeritus, Chemistry

Schwartz, Adam 2013, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Univ of California-Davis, 2003
MA, Stanford University, 2004
PHD, University of Arizona, 2009

Schwartz, Samuel 1996, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Oregon State University, 2001
MA, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2004
PHD, University of Arizona, 2010

Schwartz, Robert 1978, Emeritus, Sch of Writng Lit & Film

Scollan, Katherine 2007, Associate Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Arizona State University, 2002
DVM, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2006

Scott, Christine 2014, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Portland State University, 1996
MA, Unknown College, 2007

Scott, Hann 2018, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Fresno Pacific University, 2010
MA, Cal State Univ-Fresno, 2016

Scott, Inara 2012, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, Duke University, 1994
BA, Drake University, 1994
MS, SUNY College-Cortland, 1996
JD, Lewis Clark College, 2000

Scott, Jeness 2014, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Central Oregon Exp Sta
BS, Iowa State University, 1998
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2008

Scott, Michael 2004, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, North Carolina State Univ, 1998
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1999
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2004

Scott, Richard 2010, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Oregon State University, 2013

Scott, Nan 1972, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Scott, Shirley 1988, Emeritus, Library

Scovil, Randy 2021, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
MTMCS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo,

Scoville, Tamara 2013, Instructor, School of Public Health
BA, Gettysburg College, 1988
JD, Catholic University of America, 1993

Scribner, Keith 2000, Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Vassar College, 1984
MFA, University of Montana, 1991

Seal, Bruce 2014, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, University of Nevada-Reno, 1974
MS, University of Nevada-Reno, 1978
PHD, University of Nevada-Reno, 1986

Sears, Kelly 2021, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
PHD, Washington State University, 2021

Seavert, Clark 1989, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Seck, David 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Marquette University, 2013
PHD, Marquette University, 2015

Segerholt, Mattias 1998, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Oregon State University, 1998
MS, Rhode Island School of Design, 2001

Segerstrom, Suzanne 2020, Professor-Endowed Chair, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
MA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1992
MPH, University of Kentucky, 2017
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1997

Segura, Catalina 2013, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Foreign Institution, 1997
MS, University of Washington, 2003
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2008

Seiffert, Lauren 2016, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MFA, Pacific NW College of Art, 2014

Seim, Wayne 1968, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Seiter, Stefan 1999, Senior Instructor II, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Universitat Stuttgart, 1990
MS, Oregon State University, 1993
PHD, Oregon State University, 1997

Sekaran, Udayakumar 2022, Assistant Professor, Malheur Exp Sta

Sektnan, Michaella 2001, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BS, Oregon State University, 2003
MS, Oregon State University, 2008

Selivonchick, Daniel 1976, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Selker, John 1991, Univ Distinguished Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BA, Reed College, 1981
MS, Cornell University, 1989
PHD, Cornell University, 1991

Selman, Lane 2005, Assistant Professor (Practice), Horticulture Extension
BS, University of Florida, 1996
MS, University of Florida, 1998

Semevolos, Stacy 2002, Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences, Assc Dean Acad Affairs/GP, Veterinary Medicine
BA, Cornell University-Ithaca, 1989
MS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2000
DVM, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1994

Semprini, Lewis 1993, Univ Distinguished Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1974
MS, Stanford University, 1979
PHD, Stanford University, 1986

Senaratne, Galpottage Dilan 2017, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Univ of Moratuwa, 2015
MS, Oregon State University, 2020
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

Sencer, Burak 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Istanbul University, 2003
MS, University of British Columbia, 2005
PHD, University of British Columbia, 2009

Sengupta, Mayya 2018, Instructor, School of Public Policy
MA, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2002
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2010

Sepac, Jason 2020, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Mercyhurst College, 2007
MA, Boston College, 2009
MA, Oregon State University, 2022

Servias, David 2009, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BA, University of Idaho, 2001
MA, Washington State University, 2003

Sessions, John 1983, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Settersten, Richard 2006, Vice Provost-Faculty Affairs, Provost/Exec Vice Pres, Univ Distinguished Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Parkside, 1986
MS, Northwestern University, 1990
PHD, Northwestern University, 1992

Seville, Mary 1983, Emeritus, College of Business

Seyfried, Georgia 2023, Assistant Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, University of Washington, 2014
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2021

Shadbad, Forough 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Foreign Institution, 2008
MS, Foreign Institution, 2011
PHD, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 2021

Shangmao, AI 2016, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Share, Pieter-Ewald 2019, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Nelson Mandela Metro Univ, 2006
MS, University of the Witwatersran, 2012
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2018

Sharma, Deepak 2018, Research Associate, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Maharshi Dayanand Univ/Rohtak, 2013
MS, Indian Inst of Tech Patna, 2017

Sharman, Anne 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
MA, Univ of Southern California, 2023

Sharp, Kendra 2009, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1993
MENG, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1996
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2001

Sharpton, Thomas 2002, Associate Professor, Microbiology (Science)
BS, Oregon State University, 2003
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2009

Sharrow, Steven 1976, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Shaw, Jeremy 2019, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff

Shaw, Susan 1996, Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
MA, Southern Baptist Theo Seminary, 1983
PHD, Southern Baptist Theo Seminary, 1987

Shay, Alan 2008, Senior Instructor I, Horticulture
BS, Oregon State University, 1991
MS, Oregon State University, 2010

Shay, Kate 2004, Instructor, Biochem/Biophysics
BA, Scripps College, 1995
PHD, Washington State University, 2003

Shay, Steven 2004, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Montana State Univ, 1991
MA, Washington State University, 2000
PHD, Washington State University, 2008

Shay, Neil 2010, Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Shearman, R Kipp 1994, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Colorado System, 1993
PHD, Oregon State University, 2000

Sheets, Willis 1959, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Shelby, Bo 1976, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Sheldrick, Sarah 2000, Specialist 2-Instructional, College of Education
BS, Oregon State University, 2006
MED, Oregon State Higher Education,
MA, Oregon State University, 2009

Shell, Karen 2006, Professor (Practice), Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Harvey Mudd College, 1996
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 2004

Shellhammer, Thomas 2001, Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 1987
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 1989
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 1996

Shen, Xiangyou 2019, Assistant Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Central South University, 1996
MS, Sun Yat-Sen University, 1999
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2010
PHD, Penn State Univ-Central Office, 2010

Sherer, Grant 2012, Instructor, Physics
BS, Oregon State University, 2014
MS, Oregon State University, 2015
MS, Oregon State University, 2023

Sherman, Aurora 2007, Associate Professor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Pomona College, 1990
MA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1994
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1997

Sherman, Lorelle 2015, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Benton County Office
BS, University of Vermont, 2012
MS, Oregon State University, 2019

Sherr, Evelyn 1990, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Sherwood, Dawn 2007, Senior Instructor I, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Texas Tech University, 1994
MS, Texas Tech University, 1997
PHD, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007

Shibley, Gloria 1965, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Shiel, Alyssa 2014, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci, Instructor, Water Res Graduate Prgm
BS, University of Arizona, 2003
BS, Unknown College, 2003
PHD, University of British Columbia, 2010

Shin, Jun Bum 2015, Associate Professor, School of VPDA
BA, Purdue University Main Campus, 2008
MFA, Purdue University Main Campus, 2011

Shinderman, Matthew 2004, Senior Instructor II, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, James Madison University, 1995
MS, Utah State University, 1999
PHD, Colorado State University, 2003

Shindler, Bruce 1988, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Shirazi, Mehra 1997, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, Oregon State University, 1992
MS, Oregon State University, 1996
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005

Shirley, Robert 1967, Emeritus, College of Business-Adm

Shively, Stanley 1970, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Shock, Clinton 1984, Emeritus, Malheur Exp Sta

Short, Rebekah 2017, Instructor, General Agriculture

Showalter, Ralph 2003, Emeritus, Mathematics

Shrestha, Govinda 2019, Assistant Professor (Practice), Southern Oregon Exp Sta
BS, Foreign Institution, 2004
MS, Foreign Institution, 2011
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2015

Shrestha, Srijana 2024, Asst Professor-Practice, Ext Clackamas Co Office
BS, Agriculture and Forestry Univ, 2018
MS, Washington State University, 2022

Shrewsbury, James 2023, Instructor, College of Education
BA, University of New Mexico, 2001
MSW, Portland State University, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Shroyer, Emily 2004, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, 2000
PHD, Oregon State University, 2009

Shulzhenko, Natalia 2011, Associate Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
MS, Foreign Institution, 1995
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2002

Shumway, Sallyann 1963, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Sidlauskas, Brian 2009, Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, Cornell University, 1998
MS, University of Chicago, 2003
PHD, University of Chicago, 2006

Siegel, Jessica 2022, Associate Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
PHD, Oregon Health Science Univ, 2011

Siemens, Xavier 2019, Professor, Physics
BS, Univ of London Imperial Colleg, 1994
MS, Univ of London Imperial Colleg, 1995
PHD, Tufts University, 2002

Sikora, Aleksandra 2011, Professor, Pharmacy
MS, Foreign Institution, 1998
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2005

Siler, Cassandra 2017, Senior Instructor I, Chemistry
MA, Harvard University, 2014
MS, Harvard University, 2010
PHD, Harvard University, 2004

Siler, Nicholas 2017, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Harvard University, 2005
PHD, University of Washington, 2015

Sillars, David 2002, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Simko, Benedict 1978, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Simon, Cory 2017, Associate Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, University of Akron-Main, 2010
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2016

Simon-Brown, Viviane 1994, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Simonich, Michael 2001, Senior Research Associate I, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Green Bay, 1990
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Green Bay, 1992
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1996

Simonich, Staci 2001, Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic, Dean-CAS, Provost/Exec Vice Pres
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Green Bay, 1990
MBA, Oregon State University, 2020
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 1995

Simonsen, John 1990, Professor, Wood Science/Engr
BS, Univ of Missouri-Systems, 1969
PHD, Univ of Colorado System, 1975

Simpson, Chase 2016, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr, Faculty Research Assistant

Simpson, Emily 2013, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, University of North Texas, 2007
MA, University of North Texas, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2018

Sinclair, Rebekah 2021, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Cincinnati Christian Univ,
MA, Claremont Graduate University,

Sinex, Donal 2021, Instructor, Graduate School Admin
BA, Purdue University Main Campus, 1972
PHD, Washington University-St Louis, 1978

Singh, Jaspal 2022, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
PHD, University of Oregon, 1998

Singh, Ryan 2014, Instructor, School of Public Health
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2020

Sinha, Arijit 2004, Professor, Wood Science/Engr
BS, University of Delhi, 2003
MS, Oregon State University, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Sisley, Etsuko 2014, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Keio University, 1988
MA, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2003
MED, Oregon State University, 1991

Sisson, Carol 1975, Emeritus, College of Education

Sisson, David 2005, Emeritus, Vet Clinical Sciences

Sivasubramanian, Mahesh Kumar 2024, Instructor, Vet Biomedical Science

Sizemore, Ashleigh 2022, Instructor, School of VPDA

Skaar, Bryson 2013, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, Oregon State University, 2015

Skarbakka, Kerry 2014, Associate Professor, School of VPDA
BA, University of Washington, 1994
MFA, Columbia College Chicago, 2003

Skaugset, Arne 1986, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Skillman, Victoria 2010, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Hermiston Exp Sta
BS, Oregon State University, 2013

Skinkis, Patricia 2007, Professor, Horticulture Extension
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-River Falls, 2002
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2006

Skinner, Danielle 2023, Instructor, Physics
BS, University of Washington, 2017
MS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2018
PHD, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2023

Skubinna, Tammy 1983, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Skyllingstad, Eric 1996, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 1981
MS, Univ of Wisconsin System, 1983
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin System, 1986

Sleight, Arthur 1989, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Chemistry

Slocombe, Edmond 1986, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Slotta, Larry 1962, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Small, Lawrence 1961, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Smart, William 2012, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
MS, Brown University, 1996
PHD, Brown University, 2002

Smiley, Janice 1978, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Smiley, Richard 1985, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Smiley, William 1987, Emeritus, College of Education

Smit, Ellen 2008, Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Loma Linda University, 1986
MS, Loma Linda University, 1990
PHD, Johns Hopkins University, 1998

Smith, Brian 1999, Research Associate, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Washington State University, 1987
MS, Washington State University, 1990
PHD, Washington State University, 1995

Smith, Cleavon 2023, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film, School of VPDA
BS, United States Naval Academy, 1994
MA, Mills College, 2002

Smith, Eliza 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Science

Smith, Joseph 2023, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Western Washington University, 2018
PHD, University of Otago, 2023

Smith, Joseph 1999, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Oregon State University, 2002
BS, Oregon State University, 1996

Smith, Kathleen 2022, Instructor, School of VPDA
BS, Oregon State University, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2003

Smith, Kristina 2007, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 1997
PHD, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2003

Smith, Randal 2010, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, University of Washington, 1987
MBA, Oregon State University, 1994

Smith, Stacey 2008, Associate Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1998
MA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008

Smith, Travis 2010, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2011
MS, Oregon State University, 2012

Smith, Alvin 1980, Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine

Smith, Bradford 1983, Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine

Smith, Charles 1961, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Smith, Courtland 1969, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Smith, J 1965, Emeritus, Mathematics

Smith, Margaret 1977, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Smouse, Evan 1998, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
PHD, Oregon State University, 1979

Smucker, Benjamin 2016, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Oregon State University,
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

Smyth, Johanna 2010, Senior Instructor I, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, College of William Mary, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Smythe, Robert 1998, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

Snelling, Jacob 2012, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Horticulture
BS, Colorado State University, 2007
MS, Colorado State University, 2010

Snow, Christine 1990, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Snyder, Stanley 1985, Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine

Soeldner, Alfred 1966, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Soicher, Raechel 2016, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, University of Florida, 2007
MA, Univ of California-Davis, 2009

Solberg, Rorie 2002, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Washington University-St Louis, 1991
MA, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1995
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1997

Soleau, Carol 1977, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Soleimani, Farahnaz 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Sharif University of Technology, 2009
MS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2016
MENG, Tufts University, 2012
PHD, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2017

Sollins, Phillip 1976, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Sollitt, Charles 1972, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Solmon, Donald 1977, Emeritus, Mathematics

SoltauNelson, Camille 2011, Senior Instructor I, School of Public Policy
BS, Oregon State University, 1998
PHD, Washington State University, 2006

Sondreli, Kelsey 2015, Senior Research Associate I, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, North Dakota St U-Main Campus, 2008
MS, North Dakota St U-Main Campus, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Song, Charlotte 2023, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, Univ of Maryland-Baltimore, 1998
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2004

Song, Jingwei 2023, Research Associate, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
PHD, College of William Mary, 2020

Song, Yipeng 2017, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University,

Song, Yujuan 2005, Faculty Research Assistant, Pharmacy
BS, Lanzhou University, 1987
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 2000

Sorenson, Gary 1968, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Soule, B 1967, Emeritus, College of Business

Sousa, Francis 2016, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2009
MA, Columbia University-NYC, 2010
PHD, Cal Institute of Tech, 2016

Spalding, Ana 2015, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
MA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2008
MA, University of Miami, 2004
PHD, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 2011

Sparks, Peter 2013, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Michigan State University, 1990
MA, New York University, 1994
PHD, New York University, 1994

Spatafora, Joseph 1995, Department Head, Ag Botany/Plant Path, Univ Distinguished Professor
BS, Louisiana Tech University, 1986
PHD, Louisiana State Univ System, 1992

Spencer, James 1963, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Spinrad, Richard 2010, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Spitsbergen, Jan 1995, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Microbiology (Ag)
BS, Michigan State University, 1976
DVM, Michigan State University, 1980
PHD, Cornell University, 1986

Spitz, Yvette 1995, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
MS, Florida State University, 1990
PHD, Old Dominion University, 1995

Sponaugle, Su 2013, Professor, Integrative Biology
BA, University of Chicago, 1986
MS, SUNY-Stony Brook, 1988
PHD, SUNY-Stony Brook, 1994

Spotts, Robert 1978, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Sredl, Henry 1983, Emeritus, College of Education

Sremba, Angela 2007, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BA, Kalamazoo College, 2007
BS, Kalamazoo College, 2007
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Sriboonyapirat, Pun 2021, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Biomedical Science
DVM, Kasetsart University, 2017

Sroufe, Matthew 2010, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2011

Stacey, Nathan 2024, Assistant Professor (Practice), Crop/Soil Sci Extension
BS, Truman State University, 2002
PHD, Washington State University, 2017

Stadsvold, Cyril 1963, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Stafford, Kate 1991, Associate Professor, Marine Mammal Institute
BA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1989
MS, Oregon State University, 1995
PHD, Oregon State University, 2001

Stamm, Elizabeth 2008, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Colby-Sawyer College, 2006
BA, Colby-Sawyer College, 2006

Standish, Julianne 2019, Instructor, College of Education
BS, Oregon State University, 1991
MED, City University of Seattle, 1993

Stang, Bernadette 1982, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Oregon State University, 1982
MS, Oregon State University, 1993

Stang, Jack 1976, Emeritus, Horticulture

StangerJr, Charles 1973, Emeritus, Malheur Exp Sta

Stanislaw, Jennifer 2020, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy

Stanley, Ben 2018, Instructor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Oberlin College, 2005
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2012

Stanley, Valerie 2017, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oberlin College, 2007
MS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2010

Starchvick, Robert 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BS, Oregon State University, 2023

Stark, Daniel 2019, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Clatsop Co Office
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1995
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2012

Starwalt, Shannon 2004, Instructor, Pharmacy
BS, Oregon State University, 2003
D PHAR, Oregon State University, 2007

Steel, Brent 1990, Univ Distinguished Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Eastern Washington University, 1979
MS, Washington State University, 1981
PHD, Washington State University, 1984

Steele, Logan 2018, Associate Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BA, Western Washington University, 2003
MBA, Western Washington University, 2004
PHD, University of Arizona, 2011

Steggell, Carmen 1998, Emeritus, College of Business

Stehr, Christian 1969, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Steinberg, Ben 2005, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, San Francisco State University, 1989
MA, Arizona State University, 1994
MS, Arizona State University, 1999

Steingrimsson, Baldur 2023, Instructor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, University of Iceland, 1996
MS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1998
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2001

Steinhauer, Nathalie 2024, Research Associate, Horticulture
MS, Univ of London Imperial Colleg, 2009
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2017

Stemper, David 1999, Senior Instructor I, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1998
MS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1997

Stenberg, Benjamin 2011, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Whitman College, 1997
MA, University of Washington, 2001
PHD, University of Washington, 2006

Stennett, Douglass 1974, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Stern, Sam 1981, Emeritus, College of Education

Sterner, Ruth 2007, Academic Advisor, College of Forestry Adm
BA, Colorado State Univ-Pueblo, 2002
EDM, Oregon State University, 2009

Sterns, James 2013, Associate Professor, Applied Economics
BS, Kansas State University, 1986
MS, Michigan State University, 1993
PHD, Michigan State University, 1997

Stetz, Albert 1976, Emeritus, Physics

Stevens, Jan 1995, Associate Dean for Academics, Pharmacy, Professor
MS, University of Groningen, 1988
PHD, University of Groningen, 1995

Stevens, Joe 1966, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Stewart, Josh 2014, Assistant Professor, General Agriculture
BS, Texas Tech University, 1999
MS, Texas Tech University, 2014
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Stewart, Joshua 2022, Assistant Professor, Marine Mammal Institute
BS, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2010
MS, San Diego State University, 2015
PHD, San Diego State University, 2018

StGermain, Justin 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, University of Arizona, 2004
MFA, University of Arizona, 2006

Stieger-Vanegas, Susanne 2008, Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
MS, Foreign Institution, 1995
DVM, Foreign Institution, 1998
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2007

Stiehl, Ruth 1972, Emeritus, College of Education

Still, Cara 2020, Instructor, Horticulture, Faculty Research Assistant
BS, Montana State Univ, 2016

Still, Christopher 2012, Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Colorado State University, 1993
PHD, Stanford University, 2000

StJacques, Jillian 2004, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Cal State Univ-Northridge, 1997
BFA, San Francisco Art Institute, 1992
MFA, Cal Institute of Arts, 1995

StJohn, Brandy 2017, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1996
MFA, Oregon State University, 2019

Stock, Timothy 2005, Senior Instructor II, Horticulture
MS, Univ of Reading, 1994

Stoll, Jonathan 2014, Instructor, College of Business

Stoltz, Michael 1979, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Stone, Daphne 2015, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BA, Evergreen State College, 1975
PHD, University of Oregon, 1986

Stone, David 1998, Assoc Dean International Prog, College of Ag Admin, Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1993
MS, University of North Texas, 1996
PHD, Oregon State University, 2001

Stone, Lucia 2013, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
MA, USE 004508 **, 2003

Stone, Robert 2009, Ex Dir-Impact Studio, Provost/Exec Vice Pres, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Missouri Univ of Sci Tech, 1992
MS, Missouri Univ of Sci Tech, 1995
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1997

Stone, Whitney 2022, Assistant Professor, General Agriculture

Stone, Alexandra 2000, Emeritus, Horticulture Extension

Stone, Solon 1957, Emeritus, College of Engineering, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Stoner, Joseph 2004, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Florida, 1987
MS, University of Florida, 1991
PHD, Univ du Quebec a Montreal, 1995

Storksdieck, Martin 2014, Professor, College of Education
MPA, Harvard University, 1993
MS, Foreign Institution, 1991
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2005

Stormshak, Fredrick 1968, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Stornelli, Jason 2015, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, University of Western Ontario, 2005
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2015

Stout, Christopher 2015, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Univ of California-Riverside, 2004
MA, Univ of California-Irvine, 2009
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2010

Stoven, Heather 2007, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Yamhill Co Office
BA, College of Saint Benedict, 1998
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 2003

Stowell, Michelle 2012, Faculty Research Assistant, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BA, Cal Poly Humboldt,

Strait, Nicholas 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, Shenandoah University,
MS, College of Charleston, 2020

Strandberg, Lee 1975, Emeritus, Pharmacy

Strauss, Steven 1985, Univ Distinguished Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BS, Cornell University, 1978
MS, Yale University, 1980
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1985

Streit, Kelly 2011, Senior Instructor I, Ext Clackamas Co Office
BS, Oregon State University, 1983
MS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1986

Streletskaya, Nadia 2016, Associate Professor, Applied Economics
BA, Foreign Institution, 2011
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2016

Strimbu, Bogdan 2014, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Transylvania University, 1992
MS, University of British Columbia, 2003
PHD, University of British Columbia, 2009

Strong, Nicole 2004, Regional Director, Extension Service Admin
BS, Purdue University Main Campus, 1997
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2003

Strub, Paul 1984, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Stubblefield, William 2002, Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Eastern Kentucky University, 1977
MS, University of Kentucky, 1979
PHD, University of Wyoming, 1987

Stuedlein, Armin 2009, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, SUNY Coll-Env Sci Forestry, 2000
MS, Syracuse University-Main Campu, 2003
PHD, University of Washington, 2008

Stueve, Joan 1995, Head Advisor, College of Engineering

Stump, Corey 2019, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BA, Arizona State University, 2010
MA, National University, 2013

Stylianou, Kyriakos 2019, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
PHD, Univ of Liverpool, 2011

Subbaraman, Harish 2022, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin,

Subramanian, Munirpallam 2006, EndwdChair/Univ Dist Professor, Chemistry
BS, University of Madras, 1974
MS, University of Madras, 1976
PHD, Indian Institute of Technology, 1982

Suchy, Natalea 2008, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy
BA, Univ of Southern California, 2002
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2006

Suffridge, Christopher 2017, Assistant Professor, Senior Re, Microbiology (Science)
MS, Univ of Southern California, 2011
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2017

Sugar, David 1978, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Sugg, Steven 2024, Instructor, College of Education

Sulikowski, James 2023, Professor, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
MS, Nova Southeastern Univ, 1996
MS, Art Inst Fort Lauderdale (U), 1996
MS, DePaul University, 1991
PHD, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 2003

Sullivan, Pamela 2019, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of British Columbia, 2005
PHD, Florida International Univ, 2011

Sullivan, Dan 1995, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Sullivan, David 1981, Emeritus, College of Business

Sullivan-Stack, Jenna 2013, Research Associate, Integrative Biology
BA, Dartmouth College, 2009
PHD, Oregon State University, 2019

Sullivan-Vance, Karen 2000, Administrator 2-Acad Programs, Liberal Arts Admin
BA, University of Puget Sound, 1985
MED, Oregon State University, 2002
EDD, Portland State University, 2018

Summers, Stacie 2020, Assistant Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Idaho State University, 2009
DVM, Washington State University, 2013

Summers, Stephen 2007, Instructor, College of Business
MA, University of Oregon, 2010
PHD, University of Oregon, 2014

Sun, Bo 2012, Associate Professor, Physics
BS, Tsinghua University, 2003
PHD, New York University, 2010

Sun, Conroy 2014, Associate Professor, Pharmacy
BS, University of Washington, 2008
PHD, University of Washington, 2003

Sunderland, Paul 1986, Emeritus, General Agriculture

SusaetaLarrain, Andres 2022, Assistant Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, Universidad de Chile, 1999
MS, Foreign Institution, 2005
PHD, University of Florida, 2009

Suttie, Sandra 1969, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Sutton, Wendy 1995, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Eastern Oregon University, 1993

Swan, Patricia 1978, Emeritus, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps

Swanson, Elizabeth 2011, Instructor, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Swanson, Mark 2023, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, University of Washington, 1999
PHD, University of Washington, 2007

Swanson, Lloyd 1970, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Sweeney, James 2014, Emeritus, College of Engineering

Swendsen, Peter 2022, Professor, School of VPDA
BM, Oberlin College, 1999
MFA, Mills College, 2022
PHD, University of Virginia, 2009

Swenson, L 1968, Emeritus, Physics

Swift, Michele 2007, Dir-Assessment & Accred, College of Business, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs, Associate School Head
BA, Univ of California-Irvine, 1988
MA, University of Oregon, 1997
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2007

Swisher, Holly 2006, Professor, Mathematics
BA, University of Oregon, 2000
MA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005

Sylvia, Gilbert 1988, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Szesciorka, Angela 2022, Research Associate, Marine Mammal Institute
MS, San Jose State University, 2015
MS, Univ of California-San Diego, 2018
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 2021


Tadepalli, Prasad 1989, Dir Artificial Intel Grad Pgrm, College of Engineering, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Engineering College, 1979
MS, Madras Christian College, 1981
PHD, Rutgers University, 1989

Taggart, Allen 2022, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Washington Co Office
BS, Brigham Young University Main, 2015
MS, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2017

Takata, Yumie 2015, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BS, Nara Women's University, 2000
MS, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2002
PHD, University of Washington, 2010

Talbot, Samuel 2015, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BS, Oregon State University, 2018
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Talcott, Patricia 2020, Instructor, Vet Biomedical Science
DVM, Washington State University, 1988
PHD, University of Idaho, 1989

Tan, Yaoyu 2022, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, San Jose State University, 2020
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Tang, Shin Shin 2023, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1993
MS, New Mexico Highlands Universit, 1999
PHD, University of Oregon, 2009

Tanguay, Robyn 2003, Univ Distinguished Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BA, Cal State Univ-San Bernardino, 1988
PHD, Univ of California-Riverside, 1995

Tanis, Brian 2013, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Susquehanna University, 2010
MS, Fort Hays State University,

Tanner, Christy 2018, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Linn County Office
BS, Linfield University, 2012
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2017

Taplin, James 2022, Instructor, College of Business
BS, Portland State University, 2009
MA, San Francisco State University, 2014

Tappeiner, John 1980, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Taratula, Oleh 2011, Professor, Pharmacy
MS, Foreign Institution, 2002
PHD, Rutgers University-Newark, 2008

Taratula, Olena 2011, Associate Professor, Pharmacy
MS, Unknown College 10, 2002
MS, Ivan-Franko Nat'l Univ L'viv, 2002
PHD, Rutgers University, 2008
PHD, Rutgers University-Newark, 2008

Tate, Janet 1989, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Physics

Tattersall, Mason 2008, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, University of British Columbia, 2005
MA, University of British Columbia, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Tattitch, Brian 2024, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Washington University-St Louis, 2004
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2012

Taylor, Barbara 1991, Instructor, Honors College, Emeritus, Integrative Biology
BA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1974
PHD, Univ of California-San Diego, 1988

Taylor, Edward 1966, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Tebeau, Mary 2011, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Linfield University, 1989
MED, Linfield University, 1996

Temes, Gabor 1990, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of Budapest, 1952
BS, Forest Institute of Profession, 1955
PHD, University of Ottawa, 1961

Temple, Jen 2021, Instructor, College of Education
BS, Oregon State University,
MAT, Oregon State Higher Education,
MA, Oregon State University, 2008

TepleyIII, Frank 2005, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Cal State Univ-Northridge, 1991
BA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1983
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1999

Terhes, Amanda 2004, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Oregon State University, 1993
MS, Oregon State University, 2007

Terhorst, John 2023, Instructor, Chemistry
BS, University of Redlands, 2006
MS, Yale University, 2008
PHD, Yale University, 2011

Termehchy, Arash 2012, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 1998
MS, Foreign Institution, 2000
PHD, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2012

TerryNovak, Rebecca 2011, Associate Professor, Integrative Biology
BA, Macalester College, 2001
PHD, University of Chicago, 2008

Tesch, Steven 1981, Emeritus, College of Forestry Adm

Tevis, Tenisha 2016, Associate Professor, College of Education
EDD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2007

Tewksbury, Graham 2021, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
PHD, Unknown College, 2002

Thatcher, Evan 2017, Senior Instructor I, Physics
PHD, University of Florida, 2015

Thatcher, Jim 2022, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Pomona College, 2003
MA, University of Chicago, 2008
PHD, Clark University, 2014

Thaung, Toby 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2023

Thies, Richard 1968, Emeritus, Chemistry

Thomann, Enrique 1987, Professor, Mathematics
BS, National University of Cordoba, 1977
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1985

Thomas, Duncan 1992, Instructor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Univ College of Wales, 1971
PHD, Univ College of Wales, 1976

Thomas, William 2006, Research Associate, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Arizona State University, 2003
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Thomas, David 1967, Emeritus, Statistics (Science)

Thompson, Allen 2011, Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Evergreen State College, 1992
MA, University of Washington, 1995
PHD, University of Washington, 2005

Thompson, Ashley 2018, Assistant Professor, Ext Wasco County Office
PHD, Virginia Tech, 2016

Thompson, Daniel 2014, Faculty Research Assistant, Hermiston Exp Sta
BS, Eastern Oregon University, 2013
BA, Eastern Oregon University, 2013

Thompson, Elizabeth 1997, Academic Advisor, College of Forestry Adm
BA, Oregon State University, 1994
MED, Oregon State University, 1997

Thompson, Karen 2012, Associate Professor, College of Education
BA, Brown University, 1996
MA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2002
PHD, Stanford University, 2012

Thompson, Paul 2014, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, The College of Wooster, 2009
PHD, Michigan State University, 2014

Thompson, Robert 1998, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Cal State Univ-Los Angeles, 1979
MA, Cal State Univ-Los Angeles, 1986
MA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1992
PHD, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1997

Thompson, Sarah 2011, Instructor, Pharmacy
BS, Oregon State University, 2012
MS, Oregon State University, 2015
D PHAR, Oregon State University, 2019

Thompson, Gregory 1996, Emeritus, General Agriculture

Thompson, James 1989, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sci Extn

Thorburn, Sheryl 2002, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Thorstenson, Candice 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014
MS, Universitat Bremen, 2016
MS, Jacobs University, 2016
PHD, Jacobs University, 2021
PHD, Jacobs University, 2020

Thurber, Andrew 2011, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Hawaii Pacific University, 2001
MS, Unknown College, 2005
PHD, Scripps Research Institute, 2010

Tidwell, Lane 2009, Research Associate, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Oregon State University, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2016

Tiffany, Carmen 2016, Instructor, School of Communications
BFA, Minnesota State Univ-Mankato, 2005
MFA, University of South Florida, 2010

Tillson, Gregory 1970, Emeritus, Extension Service Admin

Tilt, Bryan 2005, Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Utah State University, 1998
MA, University of Washington, 2001
PHD, University of Washington, 2004

Tilt, Jenna 2007, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Utah State University, 1998
MS, University of Washington, 2001
PHD, University of Washington, 2007

Tilton, Susan 2000, Associate Professor, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BS, Duke University, 1997
MS, Univ of Mississippi-Main Campu, 2000
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005

Timm, Karen 1983, Emeritus, Veterinary Medicine

Tinsley, Ian 1957, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Tisker, Lucia 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Titus, Mathew 2010, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Willamette University, 2009
MS, Oregon State University, 2013
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Tobey, Lauren 2006, Associate Professor (Practice), EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps
BS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1997
MS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 2005

Todd, Rodney 1974, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Todorovic, Sinisa 2008, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Univ of Belgrade, 1994
MS, University of Florida, 2002
PHD, University of Florida, 2005

Tomasek, Abigail 2021, Assistant Professor, Crop/Soil Sci Extension
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2010
MS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2017
MS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 2013
PHD, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2017

Tomasino, Elizabeth 2012, Associate Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 2004
MS, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2006
PHD, Lincoln University, 2012

Tominey, Shauna 1999, Associate Professor, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci
BA, University of Washington, 2001
MS, Kansas State University, 2003
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Topitzhofer, Ellen 2011, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Horticulture
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2011
MS, Oregon State University, 2014

Torbett, Joy 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1999
DPT, Univ of Southern California, 1993

Tornquist, Susan 1996, Dean, Provost/Exec Vice Pres, Professor, Vet Biomedical Science
BS, University of New Mexico, 1980
BA, Michigan State University, 1975
MS, University of New Mexico, 1987
DVM, Colorado State University, 1985
PHD, Washington State University, 1996

Torres, Leigh 2014, Associate Professor, Marine Mammal Institute
BA, American University, 1997
MS, Duke University, 2001
PHD, Duke University, 2007

Torres, Marta 1996, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Towne, Silas 2017, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, George Fox University, 2003
MS, University of Oregon, 2005
MED, Grand Canyon University, 2011

Townley, Jeremy 2019, Instructor, Honors College
BA, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 1998
MA, Univ of Oxford University Coll, 2003
MFA, University of British Columbia, 2012

Townsend, Katy 2014, Associate Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BVSC, Foreign Institution, 2004
MS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2012

Townsend, Kimberly 2005, Senior Instructor I, Crop and Soil Science
BA, Johns Hopkins University, 2004
MS, Oregon State University, 2013

Townsend, Michael 1998, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Crop and Soil Science
BS, Montana State Univ, 1988
MS, Montana State Univ, 1990
PHD, New Mexico St Univ-Main, 1998

Traber, Maret 1998, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Traini, Haley 2016, Assistant Professor, General Agriculture
BS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2010
MS, Cal State Univ-Chico, 2014

Trangucci, Robert 2023, Assistant Professor, Statistics (Science)
BA, Bucknell University, 2009
MA, Columbia University-NYC, 2014
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2023

Trehu, Anne 1987, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Trejo, David 2009, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1991
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1993
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1997

Tremblay, Victor 1990, Instructor, School of Public Policy, Emeritus
BA, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1973
MA, Cal State Univ-Northridge, 1977
PHD, Washington State University, 1983

Tremblay, Carol 1990, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Trempy, Janine 1989, Emeritus, Microbiology (Science)

Trevathan, Michael 2018, Instructor, School of Public Policy
MA, University of West Florida, 2012
PHD, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 2018

Triburgo, Lorenzo 2013, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
BA, New York University, 2002
MFA, School of Visual Arts, 2005

Tricker, Raymond 1989, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Trinidad, Omar 2016, Instructor, College of Business
BS, Southern Illinois U-Carbondale, 2005
MED, Southern Illinois U-Carbondale, 2008

Tripathi, Sanjai 2000, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Oregon State University, 2011
MS, Oregon State University, 2006
MBA, Oregon State University, 2010

Troth, Jennifer 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1992
MA, University of San Francisco, 1996
PHD, University of Montana, 2017

Trow, Clifford 1970, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Trow, Jo Anne 1965, Emeritus, College of Education, Vice Provost Emeritus, Vice Prov/Student Aff

Trujillo, Juan 1997, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Truong, Lisa 2004, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Enviro/Molecular Toxic
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Tu, Xiaolei 2020, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
PHD, University of Utah,

Tubb, Richard 1975, Emeritus, Fisheries and Wildlife

Tuck, Brian 1983, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Tucker, Julie 2013, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Missouri Univ of Sci Tech, 2003
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008

Tucker, Kendall 2019, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy
MS, Univ of S Carolina-Columbia, 2017
D PHAR, Univ of S Carolina-Columbia, 2017

TuckerSerniak, Linda 2015, Instructor, Graduate School Admin
BS, Keystone College, 2013
MS, Bloomsburg-Univ of Penn, 2015
PHD, Oregon State University, 2021

Tuinstra, Naomi 2004, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Oregon State University, 2008
BS, Oregon State University, 2008
MA, Loyola Marymount University, 2010

Tullos, Desiree 2005, Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2000
MENG, North Carolina State Univ, 2002
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2005

Tumblin, Rebecka 2019, Instructor, Physics
BS, University of Oregon, 2014
MS, University of Oregon, 2016

Tumer, Irem 2006, VP for Research and Innov, Office of the President, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1991
MS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1995
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1998

Tumer, Kagan 2006, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, George Mason University, 1989
MS, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1992
PHD, Univ of Texas-Austin, 1996

Turkan, Yelda 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Foreign Institution, 2005
MS, Foreign Institution, 2006
PHD, University of Waterloo, 2012

Turner, Russell 2004, Professor, School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1970
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1973
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1975

Turner, Harley 1974, Emeritus, EOARC - Burns Exp Sta

Tuttle, Adam 2023, Senior Research Associate 1, Pharmacy
BA, Rice University, 2007
BS, Rice University, 2007
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2014

Tweten, Abigail 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife

Tynon, Joanne 1997, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society


Udell, Chet 2016, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Biol & Ecol Engineering
BA, Stetson University, 2005
BS, Stetson University, 2005
MA, University of Florida, 2008
MS, University of Florida, 2008
PHD, University of Florida, 2012

Udell, Monique 2013, Associate Professor, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BS, Stetson University, 2005
MS, University of Florida, 2008
PHD, University of Florida, 2011

Uehling, Jessie 2019, Assistant Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2010
PHD, Duke University, 2017

Ulbrich, Alexander 2023, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Univ Catholique de Louvain, 2012
MS, Univ Catholique de Louvain, 2014

Ullman, David 1984, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

UmmaReddy, Doshna 2017, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Jawaharlal Nehru T U Hyderabad, 2011
MS, Oregon State University, 2020

Unsworth, Michael 1992, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

UrbinaGonzalez, Jenny 2013, Research Associate, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Univ of Antioquia, 2003
MS, Univ of Amsterdam, 2009
PHD, Oregon State University, 2017

Uzgalis, William 1981, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel


Vache, Kellie 1998, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), College of Engineering
BS, University of Washington, 1994
PHD, Oregon State University, 2003

Vakalis, Ignatios 2022, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, Western Michigan University,

Valdivia, Roberto 2011, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Applied Economics
BS, Foreign Institution, 1996
MS, Montana State Univ, 2002
PHD, Wageningen University Research, 2016

Valentine, Beth 1998, Emeritus, Vet Biomedical Science

Valley, Lucilla 2008, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Univ of Santo Tomas, 1985
MBA, Univ of Santo Tomas, 1991

Valls, Andrew 2003, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988
MA, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 1990
PHD, Univ of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 1995

VanBreemen, Richard 2017, Professor, Pharmacy
BA, Oberlin College, 1980
PHD, Johns Hopkins University, 1985

VanBuskirk, Philip 1984, Emeritus, Horticulture

VanDenHoek, Jamon 2015, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012

VanderLinden, Danielle 2022, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Concordia University, 2005
MS, Western Oregon University, 2011

VandeWater, John 1976, Emeritus, OSU Global Opportunities

Vanegas, Jorge 2009, Associate Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 2005
DVM, Universidad La Salle, 2007

Vanegas, Juan 2002, Associate Professor, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Oregon State University, 2005
MS, Oregon State University, 2007
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2022

VanLonden, Pam 2001, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Western Oregon University, 1983
MAIS, Western Oregon University, 1988

VanOrder, Mark 2014, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 1983
MBA, University of Oregon, 1989

Vanvechten, James 1985, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

VanVliet, Antone 1959, Emeritus, Career Development Ctr

VanZee, Karen 1992, Senior Instructor II, Biochem/Biophysics
BA, Princeton University, 1987
PHD, Ludwig-Maximillians Universita, 1992

Varadharajan, Leela 2013, Instructor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BS, Sathyabama Inst of Sci Tech, 1995
MBA, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2007
MS, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2001

Variansyah, Ilham 2021, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2014
MS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2017
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2020

VarsJr, R 1966, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Vasquez, Valentino 2017, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Univ of Northern Colorado, 1997
MA, Univ of Northern Colorado, 1998

Vaughn, Ashley 2019, Instructor, School of Public Health
BS, Idaho State University, 2013

Vaughn, Stacey 1999, Instructor, Mathematics
MS, Oregon State University, 2020

Vave, Walker 2010, Instructor, School of Communications
BA, Oregon State University, 2010
MA, Oregon State University, 2018

Vavra, Martin 1971, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Vawter, Faith 1998, Asst Dir - Leadership Academy, General Agriculture
BS, Oregon State University, 2006
MPH, Oregon State University, 2008

VegaThurber, Rebecca 2011, Professor, Microbiology (Science)
BA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1999
MS, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1999
PHD, Stanford University, 2005

Vejlupkova, Zuzana 1997, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BA, Lewis Clark College, 1994

VelaZambrano, Maria 2021, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Velez, Jonathan 2008, Department Head, General Agriculture, Professor
BS, Oregon State University, 2000
MAT, Oregon State University, 2001
PHD, The Ohio State Univ Main, 2008

Veltri, Anthony 1985, Associate Professor, School of Public Health
BA, Salem State University, 1972
BS, Salem State University, 1972
MS, West Virginia University, 1975
EDD, West Virginia University, 1985

Vereen, Linwood 2017, Associate Professor (Clinical), College of Education

VergaraArteaga, Hector 2001, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Foreign Institution, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2005
PHD, Univ of Arkansas-Fayetteville, 2012

Verhoeven, Elizabeth 2002, Instructor, Crop and Soil Science
BA, Oberlin College, 2007
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 2012
PHD, Miscellaneous Institution, 2018

VerWey, Brian 2013, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2013

Verzasconi, Ray 1967, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Vester, Adam 2015, Instructor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BA, University of Utah, 2003
DAH, University of Utah, 2013

Vierra, Kimberly 2015, Instructor, College of Business
BS, Lewis Clark College, 1994
MS, Portland State University, 1999

Villalobos, Jennifer 2007, Instructor, College of Business
BBA, Oregon State University, 2009
BED, Oregon State University, 2009
MBA, Oregon State University, 2012

Vining, Kelly 2009, Associate Professor, Horticulture
BA, University of Southern Maine, 1996
MS, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 1999
PHD, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 2007

Vinson, Ted 1976, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Viti, Taylor 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
MS, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa,

Vogel, Eric 2020, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BSME, Oregon State University, 1978

Vojnovich, Sarah 2011, Faculty Research Assistant, Pharmacy
BS, Oregon State University, 2013
MS, Oregon State University, 2021

Volk, Veril 1966, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

VonBlon, Emily 2020, Faculty Research Assistant, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BS, University of Florida,
MS, Oregon State University, 2022

Vondracek, Ruth 2001, Emeritus, Library

Vong, Richard 1989, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

vonGermeten, J Nicole 2003, Associate Dean, Liberal Arts Admin, Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
MA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1999
MA, Univ of Auckland, 1997
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2003

Vuchinich, Samuel 1988, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci


Wade, Nadine 1992, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, San Diego State University, 1989

Wagener, Joseph 1969, Emeritus, Counseling Center

Wager, John 1984, Emeritus, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci

Waite-Cusic, Joy 2001, Associate Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Oregon State University, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2004
PHD, Oregon State University, 2007

Walczak, Maureen 2006, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Washington, 2004
MS, University of Washington, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2011

Walczak, Paul 2001, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2003
MS, Oregon State University, 2005

Waldbusser, George 2009, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, St John's Univ-New York, 1999
MS, University of Connecticut, 2002
PHD, Univ of Maryland-Baltimore, 2008

Walenta, Darrin 1992, Associate Professor, Ext Union County Office
BS, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 1992
MS, Washington State University, 2001

Walker, Gregg 1987, Professor, School of Communications
BA, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 1974
MA, University of Kansas, 1982
PHD, University of Kansas, 1983

Wallace, Amy 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst

Walsh, Kenneth 2000, Senior Instructor II, Physics
BS, Oregon State University, 2003
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Walsh, Kuuipo 1999, Senior Instructor I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Cal Poly State-San Luis Obispo, 1993
MS, Oregon State University, 2002

Walstad, John 1980, Emeritus, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt

Walton, Vaughn 2006, Professor, Horticulture Extension
BS, Univ of Stellenbosch, 1992
MS, Univ of Stellenbosch, 1998
PHD, Univ of Stellenbosch, 2003

Wampler-Kuhn, Meredith 2020, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 1997
BA, Westminster Theological Semina, 1994
DPT, San Francisco State University, 2005

Wang, Bing 2024, Faculty Research Assistant, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
PHD, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2009

Wang, Haizhong 2012, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Foreign Institution, 2003
MS, Foreign Institution, 2006
PHD, Univ of Mass-Amherst, 2010

Wang, Huazheng 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 2015
PHD, University of Virginia,

Wang, Qingyang 2023, Assistant Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Ocean University of Qingdao, 2012
MS, Drexel University, 2014
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2019

Wang, Ruying 2019, Research Associate, Horticulture
BS, Michigan State University, 2011
MS, Rutgers University-New Brunswi, 2015
PHD, Rutgers University-New Brunswi, 2019

Wang, Wenjia 2023, Assistant Professor, Wood Science/Engr
PHD, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2022

Wang, Xisheng 2013, Faculty Research Assistant, Vet Biomedical Science
DVM, Foreign Institution, 1997
PHD, Virginia Tech, 2006

Wanke, Paul 1999, Senior Instructor II, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Western Washington University, 1983
MA, University of Idaho, 1992

Wapelhorst, Chloe 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Enviro/Molecular Toxic
BA, Mt Holyoke College, 2022

Ward, Adam 2022, Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
PHD, Penn State Univ-Central Office,

Ward, Corrina 2010, Senior Instructor I, School of Communications
MAIS, Oregon State University, 2014

Ward, Josef 2023, Instructor, School of VPDA
BA, University of Oregon, 2017
MA, University of Oregon, 2023

Ward, Megan 2014, Associate Professor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Lawrence University, 1997
MA, Univ of Oxford University Coll, 2001
PHD, Rutgers University-New Brunswi, 2008

Ward, Chris 1986, Emeritus, College of Education

Waring, Richard 1963, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Warneke, Brent 2015, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, North Willamette Exp Sta
BS, Colorado State University, 2015

Warner, Rebecca 1990, Emeritus, School of Public Policy

Warnes, William 1986, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Warnock, Debera 1997, Associate Professor, Ext Wallowa Co Office
BA, Oregon State University, 1995
MA, Concordia University, St. Paul, 2001

Warnock, Jennifer 2008, Associate Professor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1997
DVM, Univ of California-Davis, 2001

Warren, Ana 2006, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Oregon, 2004
MA, University of Oregon, 2006

Warren, Dana 2009, Associate Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Skidmore College, 1998
MA, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2002
PHD, Cornell University-Ithaca, 2008

Warren, Timothy 2001, Assistant Professor, Horticulture
PHD, Univ of Cal-San Francisco, 2012

WarrenJr, William 1991, Emeritus, Physics

Warrick, Douglas 2004, Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1982
MS, University of Oregon, 1992
PHD, University of Montana, 1997

Wasala, Wasala Mudiyanselage Sulochana 2014, Instructor, Integrative Biology
BS, University of Peradeniya, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2020

Waterman, Cassandra 2020, Instructor, General Agriculture
BS, Oregon State University,

Waterston, Ellen 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, Harvard University, 1968
MS, University of Antananarivo, 1969

Watkins, Danielle 2023, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Arizona State University, 2008
MS, Seattle Pacific University, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2022

Watkins, Patti 1993, Emeritus, Sch of Psychological Sci

Watrous, Barbara 1981, Emeritus, Vet Clinical Sciences

Watson, James 2017, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 2001
MS, Foreign Institution, 2004
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2011

Watson, Philip 1984, Emeritus, Chemistry

Wax, Darold 1963, Emeritus, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel

Waymire, Edward 1979, Emeritus, Mathematics

Weaver, Brian 2015, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2015
MS, Oregon State University, 2017
PHD, University of Nottingham, 2023

Weaver, Damien 2021, Instructor, Sch of Writng Lit & Film
BA, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2006
MFA, The New School, 2009
MA, New York University, 2011

Webb, Kyle 2003, Senior Instructor II, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Dartmouth College, 1997
MS, Oregon State University, 2005
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Colorado Spr, 2013

Webb, Rebecca 2002, Senior Instructor I, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BS, University of Rhode Island, 1998
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2000
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005

Webber, John 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, Horticulture
BS, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 2016

Weber, Edward 2012, Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Colorado State University, 1978
MA, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996

Weber, Nathaniel 2018, Instructor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Westminster College, 2008
MA, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2010
PHD, Texas AM Univ-College Station, 2016

Weber, Sarah 2024, Instructor, Faculty/Staff Fitness
BA, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2009

Weber, Bruce 1974, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Weber, Dale 1976, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Weber, Leonard 1957, Emeritus, College of Engineering

Webster, Janet 1989, Emeritus, Library

Wegis, Heidi 2002, Associate Professor (Clinical), School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Cal State Univ-Bakersfield, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 2008

Weinman, Richard 1967, Emeritus, School of Communications

Weis, Virginia 1996, Univ Distinguished Professor, Integrative Biology
BS, Yale University, 1984
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1990

Weisberg, Alexandra 2015, Assistant Professor, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Virginia Tech, 2009
PHD, Virginia Tech, 2014

Weiser, Conrad 1971, Dean Emeritus, College of Ag Admin, Emeritus, Horticulture

Weiss, Aaron 2008, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2010

Weiss, Paula 2010, Senior Instructor II, Chemistry
BS, Radford University, 2004
MS, Virginia Tech, 2007

Weiss, William 2015, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BA, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1995
MS, Northwestern University, 1997
PHD, Northwestern University, 1999

Weisshaar, Andreas 1986, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Universitat Stuttgart, 1981
MS, Oregon State University, 1986
MS, Universitat Stuttgart, 1987
PHD, Oregon State University, 1991

Welhouse, Zach 2019, Assistant Professor, Library
BA, Cornell College, 2007
MLS, University of Washington, 2013
MA, Kansas State University, 2010

Weller, Thomas 2018, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1988
MS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1991
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 1995

Wells, Elissa 1993, Associate Professor, Ext Coos County Office
BS, Oregon State University, 1999
MS, Oregon State University, 2002

Welty, James 1958, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Wendt, Jillian 2021, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MA, Southern Oregon University, 2011

Wendt, Kathleen 2021, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2013
MS, Univ of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2015
PHD, Univ of Innsbruck, 2018

Wengrove, Meagan 2017, Assistant Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 2010
MS, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 2012
PHD, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 2018

West, Thomas 1976, Emeritus, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr

Westall, John 1980, Emeritus, Chemistry

Westberry, Toby 2005, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 1996
MS, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2001
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2008

Westfall, Derek 2023, Instructor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2020

Wettstein, Justin 2012, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Oklahoma, 1997
MS, Stanford University, 1998
MPA, University of Washington, 2007
MS, University of Washington, 2003
PHD, University of Washington, 2007

Whanger, Philip 1966, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Wheatcroft, Robert 1998, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Wheeler, Jeff Marcus 2020, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
BA, Metropolitan State Univ-Denver, 2010
MA, University of Denver, 2013
MFA, Saint Mary's College of Calif, 2015

Wheeler, Patricia 1982, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

White, Constance 2019, Instructor, Vet Biomedical Science
DVM, Oregon State University, 1997
PHD, Oregon State University, 1995

White, Daniel 2023, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MS, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2022

White, Seth 1997, Associate Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife
BS, Oregon State University, 1999
MS, University of Wyoming, 2002

White, Will 2017, Associate Professor, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BS, Davidson College, 2000
PHD, Univ of Cal-Santa Barbara, 2007

White, David 1998, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Whitebear, Luhui 1998, Assistant Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BS, Oregon State University, 2003
BS, Oregon State University, 2013

Whitefield, Jonathan 2016, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 2003
MS, Foreign Institution, 2004
MS, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, 2016

Whitler, William 1992, Assistant Professor (Clinical), Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, University of Florida, 1980
DVM, University of Florida, 1985

Whitney, James 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, Univ of California-Davis, 2014

Whitten, John 2015, Instructor, School of VPDA
BFA, Watkins College of Art, 2007
MFA, University of Oregon, 2014

Wick, Alexander 2017, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2012

Widicus, Wilbur 1964, Emeritus, College of Business

Wiegand, Zachary 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Food Science and Techno
BS, Oregon State University, 2009

Wiesinger, Susan 2023, Instructor, General Agriculture
BA, Southern Oregon University, 1987
MA, Purdue University Main Campus, 2002
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 2005

Wilby, Jennifer 2017, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BA, Univ of California-Riverside, 1996
MPH, Univ of Leeds, 2000
PHD, Univ of Hull, 2008

Wilcox, Anthony 1987, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Wildenschild, Dorthe 2002, Specialist 1-Tenured Admin, College of Engineering, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
MS, Denmark Technical College, 1991
PHD, Denmark Technical College, 1996

Wildrick, Daniel 2019, Faculty Research Assistant, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2023

Wilkins, Bill 1961, Emeritus, Liberal Arts Admin, School of Public Policy

WillardArgyres, Peter 1999, Instructor, Mathematics
BS, Northeastern University, 1989
MS, Oregon State University, 1997

Willette, Alison 2022, Faculty Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Science

Williams, Clay 2020, Instructor, School of Communications
BS, Oregon State University, 2019

Williams, Craig 2006, Professor (Clinical), Pharmacy
BS, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 1990
D PHAR, Univ of Cal-San Francisco, 1994

Williams, Janaleen 2010, Instructor, Ext Clackamas Co Office
BS, Western Oregon University, 1981

Williams, Kurt 2022, Professor, Veterinary Medicine
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 2001

Williams, Matt 2016, Instructor, School of VPDA
BFA, University of Oregon, 2013
MA, University of Iowa, 2015
MFA, University of Iowa, 2016

Williams, Trevor 2021, Faculty Research Assistant, Fisheries and Wildlife

Williams, David 1986, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Williams, John 1986, Emeritus, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences

Williamson, Kenneth 1972, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Willis, David 1962, Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Willis, Patrick 2008, Emeritus, Sch of Human Dev&FamSci

Wilson, Ashley 2009, Instructor, College of Business
BA, Oregon State University,
MA, Bowling Green State University,

Wilson, Cristina 2022, Assistant Professor (Sr Res), Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Pacific University, 2012
MS, Washington State University, 2014
PHD, Washington State University, 2018

Wilson, Gregory 2006, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Victoria,
MS, Oregon State University, 2009
PHD, Oregon State University, 2013

Wilson, Laurie 2003, Coordinator-Resident Director, OSU Global Opportunities
BA, Univ of California-Santa Cruz, 1993
MA, University of Oregon, 1996
PHD, University of Oregon, 2001

Wilson, Tracy 2015, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Warm Springs
BS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2006
MS, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 2011
PHD, Oklahoma State Univ-Main, 2014

Wilson, Howard 1973, Emeritus, Mathematics

Wilson, James 1973, Emeritus, Wood Science/Engr

Wilson, Mark 1983, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Wilson-Haley, Leah 2023, Instructor, School of VPDA
MA, San Francisco Art Institute, 2003

Wiman, Nik 2012, Associate Professor, North Willamette Exp Sta
BS, Montana State Univ, 1998
MS, Montana State Univ, 2001
PHD, Washington State University, 2011

Wing, David 2002, Senior Instructor II, Mathematics
BS, Oregon State University, 2002
BS, Portland State University, 2002
MS, Oregon State University, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 2011

Wing, Michael 1991, Associate Professor, Forest Eng/Resourcs/Mgmt
BA, University of Oregon, 1988
MS, University of Oregon, 1991
PHD, Oregon State University, 1998

Wingard, Christopher 1997, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, University of Oregon, 1993
MS, University of Oregon, 1996

Wingard, Nobuko 2014, Senior Instructor I, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Oregon, 2004
MA, University of Oregon, 2007
MA, Columbia University-NYC, 2012

Winograd, Kenneth 1990, Emeritus, College of Education

Winters, Breezy 2017, Instructor, Acad Prog/Student Aff
MFA, Brooks Inst of Photography (u), 2014

Winters, Kirsten 2006, Senior Instructor I, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Concordia College-Moorhead, 1997
MPP, Oregon State University, 2011
PHD, Oregon State University, 2015

Wiprud, Theodore 1964, Emeritus, School of VPDA

Wirth, Donald 1971, Emeritus, Conference Services

Wirz, Richard 2022, Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Virginia Tech,
DENG, Cal Institute of Tech,

Withrow-Robinson, Bradford 1991, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

Witt, James 1966, Emeritus, Enviro/Molecular Toxic

Witters, Robert 1977, Emeritus, College of Ag Admin

Woekel, Erica 2007, Associate Professor (Clinical), School of Exercise/Sport
BS, Trinity Western University, 2002
MA, University of British Columbia, 2005
PHD, Oregon State University, 2011

Wogaman, Mariol 1968, Emeritus, Library

Wohner, Patricia 2020, Research Associate, Fisheries and Wildlife
BA, University of New Brunswick, 1999
MA, Louisiana State Univ System, 2008
PHD, University of Georgia, 2013

Wojcinski, Louis 2018, Senior Instructor I, Chemistry
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1999

Wolf, Aaron 1998, Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, San Francisco State University, 1985
MS, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1990
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992

Wolford, Justin 2009, Senior Instructor II, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BA, Lewis Clark College, 2006
MS, Oregon State University, 2012

Wollstein, Katherine 2015, Assistant Professor (Practice), Ext Wildland Fire Progm
BS, Washington State University, 2011
MS, Oregon State University, 2017

Wolpert, Thomas 1989, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Wolsko, Christopher 2009, Associate Professor, Acad Prog/Student Aff, Sch of Psychological Sci
BS, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Cha, 1994
MA, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 1998
PHD, Univ of Colorado-Boulder, 2001

Wolters, Erika 2007, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Univ of California-Davis, 1996
MA, Cal State Univ-Sacramento, 2000
PHD, Oregon State University, 2012

Wong, Carmen 2006, Research Associate, School of Public Health
BS, U of Minnesota-Central Offices, 1993
PHD, Stanford University, 1999

Wong, Lilian 2022, Instructor, Vet Clinical Sciences
BS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2003
MS, Univ of California-Davis, 2007
DVM, Univ of California-Davis, 2014

Wong, Siew Sun 2011, Professor, EXT Fam/CommHlth OnCmps, Interim Dir-Moore Family Ctr, Public Hlth/HumanSci Adm
BS, Utah State University, 1996
MS, Utah State University, 1999
PHD, Utah State University, 2005

Wong, Weng-Keen 2005, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, University of British Columbia, 1997
MS, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001
PHD, Carnegie Mellon University, 2004

Wong, Sally 1973, Emeritus, Counseling Center

Woo, Heesung 2023, Assistant Professor, Forest Ecosyst & Society
MS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2015
PHD, University of Tasmania, 2020

Wood, Brian 2001, Professor, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Washington State University, 1988
MS, Washington State University, 1990
PHD, Univ of California-Davis, 1999

Wood, Daisy 2018, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Columbia Basin Exp Sta
BS, Oregon State University, 2015

Wood, Jeffrey 2009, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Oregon State University, 2011

Wood, Guy 1985, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Wood, Terence 1985, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Woodard, Ernest 1974, Emeritus, Extension Service Prgram

Woodburn, Margy 1969, Emeritus, School of Exercise/Sport

Woodill, A 2019, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, San Diego State University, 2013
MA, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2015
PHD, Univ of Hawaii at Manoa, 2018

Woodruff, Karrie 2016, Instructor, College of Business
EDM, Oregon State University, 2006
PHD, Oregon State University, 2023

Woods, Brian 2003, Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr, School Head
BS, University of Virginia, 1988
MS, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 1999
PHD, Univ of Maryland-College Park, 2001

Woods, Vance 2017, Faculty Research Assistant, Library
BA, Southwest Baptist University, 2003
MA, Baylor University, 2009

Woodside, Gail 2006, Instructor, General Agriculture
BS, Oregon State University, 2008
MS, Oregon State University, 2010
PHD, Oregon State University, 2022

Wooster, David 2001, Associate Professor, Hermiston Exp Sta
BS, University of Nevada-Reno, 1988
MS, Kansas State University, 1990
PHD, University of Kentucky, 1997

Woothtakewahbitty, Wendy 2001, Faculty Research Assistant, Sch of Chem/Bio/Envr Eng
BS, Oregon State University, 2003

Worley, June 2001, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Oregon State University, 2001
PHD, Oregon State University, 2020

Wrathall, David 2016, Associate Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Brigham Young University Main, 2002
MPA, University of Georgia, 2005
PHD, Foreign Institution, 2011

Wright, Maria 2001, Research Program Coordinator, College of Engineering
BA, Carleton College, 1993
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1996

Wright, Sara 2007, Senior Instructor I, College of Education
BS, Oregon State University, 1993
MAT, Oregon State University, 1994

Wright, Scott 2001, Sr. Instructor I, Biol & Ecol Engineering
BS, Oregon State University, 1993
MS, Oregon State University, 2001

Wrolstad, Ronald 1965, Univ Dist Professor Emeritus, Food Science and Techno

Wu, Chih-Feng 2016, Research Associate, Ag Botany/Plant Path
BS, China Inst of Medical Tech, 2003
MS, Natl Taiwan Univ of Sci Tech, 2005
PHD, Natl Taiwan Univ of Sci Tech, 2012

Wu, Qiao 1998, Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
BS, Tsinghua University, 1983
MS, Tsinghua University, 1985
PHD, Purdue University Main Campus, 1995

Wu, Zhaohui 2003, Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BA, Xian Foreign Language Univ, 1990
MBA, Bowling Green State University, 1997
PHD, Arizona State University, 2003

Wuhs, Steve 2022, Associate Professor, School of Public Policy
BA, Macalester College, 1994
MA, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 1997
PHD, Univ of N Carolina-Chapel Hill, 2002

Wysocki, Donald 1985, Associate Professor (Practice), Ext Umatilla Co Office
BS, Univ of Wisconsin-Stevens Pt, 1974
MS, Washington State University, 1977
PHD, Iowa State University, 1983


Xu, Donghua 2016, Associate Professor, Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
BS, Jilin University, 1998
MS, Cal Institute of Tech, 2002
PHD, Cal Institute of Tech, 2015

Xu, Jiayu 2022, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Foreign Institution, 2013
MS, Univ of California-Irvine, 2015
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine,

Xue, Lan 2005, Professor, Statistics (Science), Interim Department Head
BS, Univ of Sci Tech of China, 2000
PHD, Michigan State University, 2005

Xue, Lei 2011, Associate Professor, School of VPDA
BA, Beijing Normal University, 1996
MA, Columbia University-NYC, 2003
PHD, Columbia University-NYC, 2009


Yalcin, Kaplan 2006, Senior Instructor II, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 1998
MS, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 1999
PHD, Univ of New Hampshire-Durham, 2005

Yalcin, Rebecca 2006, Instructor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Juniata College, 1999
MS, University of Maine, 2001

Yamamoto, Keiko 2023, Faculty Research Assistant, Library
BA, Portland State University, 2009
MA, University of Washington, 2021

Yang, Haori 2013, Associate Professor, Sch Nuclear Sci & Engr
MS, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2006
MS, Tsinghua University, 2003
PHD, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor, 2009

Yang, Jimmy 2003, Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
BA, National Chung Hsing Univ, 1993
MBA, Saint Louis University-Main, 1997
PHD, Univ of Cincinnati Main, 2003

Yang, Liping 2007, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Chemistry
MS, Nankai University, 2002
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Yang, Sean 2016, Assistant Professor, Sch of Fin/Acctg/BIS
MA, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2005
PHD, University at Buffalo, SUNY, 2016

Yang, Wei 2001, Professor, Ext No Willamette Co Off
BS, Northwestern University, 1986
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1995
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 1999

Yates, Tom 1963, Emeritus, Univ Information & Techn

Yates-Doerr, Emily 2017, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Stanford University, 2001
MA, Stanford University, 2002
PHD, New York University, 2011

Yax, Kristen 2004, Senior Instructor I, Sch of Psychological Sci
PHD, University of Houston, 2010

Ye, Terrance 2003, Research Associate, Forest Ecosyst & Society
BA, Nanjing Forestry University, 1983
MS, Nanjing Forestry University, 1986
PHD, University of Alberta, 2003

Yeats, Mark 2024, Faculty Research Assistant, COMES - Newport Exp Sta
BA, Louisiana State Univ System, 2021

Yeh, Harry 2003, Emeritus, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr

Yilma, Solomon 1995, Senior Faculty Research AsstII, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Alemaya University of Agricult, 1981
MS, Alemaya University of Agricult, 1984

Yim, Solomon 1987, Professor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr
BS, Rice University, 1976
MA, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1981
MS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1977
PHD, Univ of California-Berkeley, 1983

Yost, Melvin 1962, Emeritus, Univ Information & Techn

Youmans, Russell 1966, Emeritus, Applied Economics

Young, John 1972, Emeritus, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc

Young, William 1977, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Youngberg, Harold 1960, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Younger, Kathryn 2013, Senior Instructor I, Animal & Rnglnd Sciences
BA, Oregon State University,
MS, Oregon State University, 2016

Yourdkhani, Samaneh 2020, Instructor, Mathematics
BS, Foreign Institution, 2002
MS, Foreign Institution, 2006
PHD, Univ of Alaska Fairbanks, 2020

Yu, Larry 2009, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, University of Kansas, 1989
MA, Brown University, 1999
PHD, Brown University, 1999

Yu, Shiao-Ling 1987, Associate Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Caldwell University, 1958
MA, University of Kansas, 1977
MS, Boston College, 1961
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983

Yu, Xueying 2023, Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Yu, Zhen 1999, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Biochem/Biophysics
BS, Nankai University, 1994
MS, Oregon State University, 2002
PHD, Oregon State University, 2005


Zabriskie, T Mark 1992, Dean Emeritus, Pharmacy, Emeritus

Zaerr, Joe 1965, Emeritus, Forest Ecosyst & Society

ZamoraRe, Maria 2021, Assistant Professor, Biol & Ecol Engineering
PHD, University of Florida, 2019

Zaneveld, J Ronald 1971, Emeritus, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Zapata, Joel 2020, Assistant Professor, Sch of Hist Phil & Rel
BA, Univ of Texas-El Paso, 2012
MA, Southern Methodist University, 2014
PHD, Southern Methodist University, 2019

Zaron, Edward 2003, Associate Professor (Sr Res), Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BS, Harvey Mudd College, 1988
PHD, Oregon State University, 1995

Zeman, Samantha 2016, Senior Faculty Research Asst I, Coop Inst Marine Ecosyst
BS, Univ of California-Berkeley, 2008
MS, University of Oregon, 2015

Zemetra, Robert 2002, Emeritus, Crop and Soil Science

Zemskova, Varvara 2021, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci

Zeoli, Katie 2023, Instructor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
BA, Cal State Univ-Fullerton, 2002
MS, Cal State Univ-Fullerton, 2009
MA, Cal State Univ-Fullerton, 2011

Zepeda, Elizabeth 2021, Faculty Research Asst, Ctr Excellnce Genome Res
BS, Brigham Young University Main, 2001
MS, Cal Poly Humboldt, 2018

Zhang, Eugene 2004, Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
MS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1994
MS, The Ohio State Univ Main, 1995
PHD, Georgia Institute of Technolog, 2004

Zhang, Hui 2013, Associate Professor, Library
PHD, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2013

Zhang, Jie 2004, Instructor, Chemistry
BS, Zhejiang University, 2004
PHD, Oregon State University, 2010

Zhang, Luyao 2015, Instructor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Zhejiang University, 2009
MS, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2010
PHD, Univ of Southern California, 2015

Zhang, Qi 2021, Assistant Professor, Sch of Entr/Mgmt/Logstcs
BS, Foreign Institution, 2012
MS, Peking University, 2015
PHD, University of Iowa, 2021

Zhang, Shaozeng 2016, Assistant Professor, Sch Lang, Culture & Soc
PHD, Univ of California-Irvine, 2014

Zhang, Yakun 2023, Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Science
BS, Sun Yat-Sen University, 2014
MS, McGill University, 2016
PHD, Univ of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019

Zhang, Yanli 2001, Financial Services Manager, VP for Research
BS, Northeast Forestry University, 1985
MS, Northeast Forestry University, 1988

Zhang, Yue 2009, Associate Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
BS, Univ of Tennessee-Knoxville, 1992
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 1997

Zhao, Ken 2022, Research Associate, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
PHD, Univ of California-Los Angeles, 2021

Zhao, Yanyun 1998, Administrator 1-Assoc Dean, College of Ag Admin, Univ Distinguished Professor, Food Science and Techno
BS, Shanghai Inst of Mech Engr, 1982
MS, Shanghai Inst of Mech Engr, 1987
PHD, Louisiana State Univ System, 1993

Zhou, Jing 2023, Assistant Professor, Crop and Soil Science
PHD, Univ of Missouri-Columbia, 2021

Zhu, Bin 2011, Associate Professor, Sch of Mktg/Desn/Analytc
BS, Beihang University, 1989
MS, University of Arizona, 1997
PHD, University of Arizona, 2002

Zhu, Minjie 2009, Instructor, Sch of Civil/Constr Engr, Research Associate
BS, Yangzhou University, 2005
MS, Southeast University, 2008
PHD, Oregon State University, 2014

Zhu, Xiangqi 2023, Assistant Professor, Sch Elect Engr/Comp Sci
PHD, North Carolina State Univ, 2017

Zielke, Nicola 1999, Senior Instructor I, School of VPDA
MMED, Wichita State University, 1991

Zielke, Steven 1999, Professor, School of VPDA
BS, Friends University, 1988
MS, Florida State University, 1993
PHD, Florida State University, 1996

Zimmerman, Whitney 2019, Instructor, Sch of Psychological Sci
MED, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2012
MS, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2011
PHD, Penn State Univ-Main Campus, 2015

Zinn, Thomas 1962, Emeritus, Extension Service Admin

Zippel, Seth 2022, Assistant Professor, Earth, Ocean & Atmo Sci
BA, Whitman College, 2009
MS, University of Washington, 2014
PHD, University of Washington, 2017

Ziriax, Dan 2017, Instructor, College of Business
BS, Evangel University, 1989
MS, Oral Roberts University, 2011

Zobel, Donald 1968, Emeritus, Ag Botany/Plant Path

Zuehlsdorff, Tim 2020, Assistant Professor, Chemistry
BS, Univ of London Imperial Colleg, 2010
MS, Univ of London Imperial Colleg, 2011
PHD, Univ of London Imperial Colleg, 2015

Zupin, Kevin 2022, Instructor, College of Education
BA, Univ of Michigan-Ann Arbor,
MA, Ball State University,