Glossary & Catalog Definitions

The following terms are used throughout the Academic Catalog.

Academic Probation: Students who have completed two or more terms at OSU and have an OSU cumulative GPA below 2.0 will be placed on probation. Students who attain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better are removed from academic probation.

Academic Suspension: Students who are on probation and have a subsequent term GPA of less that 2.0 will be placed on suspension. A student who has been suspended from OSU is prohibited from enrolling in classes, and must fulfill specified criteria before being re-admitted to the university. Academic suspension is recorded on the student’s academic record. See Academic Regulation 22.

Academic Warning: Students with a term GPA below 2.0 will be placed on academic warning.

Academic Year: The time period containing the academic terms fall, winter, and spring (currently September through June). When summer term is considered as part of an academic year, or when it is considered as part of the Banner Student Information Systems (SIS), summer term is the first term of the academic year.

Add/Drop: Students may add or drop classes in accordance with the dates outlined in the Academic Calendar.

Advanced Placement: Advanced placement and/or credit may be granted to an entering student who has satisfactorily completed College Board Advanced Placement Examinations taken during high school.

Advanced Standing Report: A summary of courses and credits completed by a student at one postsecondary institution and accepted by another institution at the time of admission. The advanced standing report is used to determine the number of required and elective credits needed to complete degree requirements.

Advisor: A faculty member appointed by a program, department, school, or college to advise students during their college experience.

Baccalaureate Core: The university’s general education requirements consisting of skills courses; perspectives courses; difference, power and discrimination courses; synthesis courses; and writing intensive courses. A baccalaureate core course is designated with an *asterisk, a writing intensive course with a ^caret. See Earning a Degree in this Catalog.

Baccalaureate Degree: An approved academic award given for the satisfactory completion of an instructional program requiring at least four but not more than five years of full-time equivalent college-level academic work that includes the following:

  1. institutional general education requirements (i.e., baccalaureate core);
  2. major area of study requirements; and
  3. may include option, minor, supporting area, or elective requirements.

A minimum of 180 credits is required for most degree programs. Some majors may require more. The conditions and conferral of the award are governed by the faculty and ratified by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education.

BA Degree: The Bachelor of Arts degree is conferred for broad and liberal education in humanities, arts, social sciences, and sciences. College BA requirements provide:

  1. a breadth of preparation in these fields that is significantly greater than that required of all undergraduates through the baccalaureate core; and
  2. foreign language proficiency certified by the School of Language, Culture, and Society as equivalent to that attained at the end of the second year course in the language. Proficiency in American Sign Language equivalent to that attained at end of the second year also meets the BA language requirement.

BFA Degree: The bachelor of fine arts is a professional degree requiring a minimum of 105 credits in the visual arts.

BS Degree: The Bachelor of Science degree is conferred for focused curricula that emphasize scientific ways of knowing and quantitative approaches to understanding in the sciences and social sciences, and for curricula in professional fields.

Blanket-Numbered Courses: Reserved-number courses which may be taken for more than one term and repeated for credit. The credits granted vary according to the amount of work completed. See the Blanket Course policy.

401/501/601: Research and Scholarship
402/502/602: Independent Study
403/503/603: Thesis/Dissertation
404/504/604: Writing and Conference
405/505/605: Reading and Conference
406/506/606: Special Problems/Special Projects
407/507/607: Seminar
408/508/608: Workshop
409/509/609: Practicum/Clinical Experience
410/510/610: Internship/Work Experience

Certificate Program (undergraduate): A specified interdisciplinary program of study leading to an official certificate and notation on the transcript. A certificate program draws courses from more than one department, rather than a single department (as with most minors). An undergraduate certificate requires a minimum of 27 credits.

Certificate Program (postbaccalaureate): A specified program of study of undergraduate courses leading to an official certificate and notation on the transcript. A completed baccalaureate degree program from an accredited institution is required. A postbaccalaureate certificate program requires a minimum of 27 credits.

Certificate Program (graduate): A structured progression of graduate-level courses that constitute a coherent body of study with a specifically defined focus within a single discipline or a logical combination of disciplines. It is designed for students who have completed a baccalaureate degree and are in pursuit of advanced-level learning. A graduate certificate requires a minimum of 18 graduate credits.

Certificate Program (professional): A site-based training and professional development certificate that is not transcript visible.

College: A subdivision of the university offering degree programs within a specific subject area. For example, the College of Forestry offers degree programs in forest engineering, natural resources, forestry, and wood innovation for sustainability.

Commencement: A term used to refer to the graduation ceremony held in June.

Corequisite: A course that must be taken concurrently with another course.

Core Education: The Baccalaureate Core will be replaced with Core Education, the university’s general education requirements, in Summer 2025. Students admitted to an OSU undergraduate degree prior to Summer 2025 will continue to follow Baccalaureate Core requirements. Core Education courses are designated with a plus sign (+) in the title.

Course: An organized unit of instruction or research. Types include lectures, recitations, seminars, laboratories, discussions, internships, clerkships, reading and conference, independent study, and other categories of courses.

Course Numbering: State universities in Oregon follow this basic course numbering system:

0–99. Noncredit or credit courses of a remedial, terminal, or semiprofessional nature that are not applicable toward degree requirements
100–299. Undergraduate, lower-division courses
300–499. Undergraduate, upper-division courses
500–599. Graduate courses offered primarily in support of a master's degree but which are also available for doctoral-level credit. Undergraduates of superior scholastic achievement may be admitted on approval of the instructor and department head. An undergraduate student may apply to reserve these courses for later use on a graduate degree program
600–699. Graduate courses offered principally in support of doctoral-level instructional programs but also available for master's program credit
700–799. Professional or technical courses that may be applied toward a professional degree (such as DVM or PharmD) but not toward other graduate degrees (such as PhD)
800–899. In-service courses aimed at practicing professionals in the discipline. These courses may not be applied to graduate or professional degree programs
001NC–099NC. Non-credit courses offered through the INTO Oregon State University Intensive English program

Course Reference Number (CRN): A five-digit number used to select a specific course, lab, and/or recitation.

Common Course Numbers: Common course numbering (CCN) is a state-mandated numbering system for commonly transferred courses across Oregon’s public universities and community colleges. CCN courses align number, content and credits to assist with credit transfer and transfer pathways. CCN courses have a "Z" at the end of the number so they can be easily identified by students, staff, faculty, and other stakeholders. More information can be found on OSU's Common Course Numbering webpage.

Credit: Credits vary, depending upon the type of course and level at which it is offered. One credit is generally given for three hours per week of work in and out of class. For example, each hour of class lecture is generally expected to require two hours of work out of class. One credit would be given for a lecture course that met for one 50-minute period each week over a 10-week period; i.e., 10 contact hours between faculty and students. One credit is typically given for a laboratory course that meets for two to three hours per week for an entire term. Equivalent credits are given for recitations, discussions, and other types of courses. All credits given in the Academic Catalog refer to quarter credits. When transferring in course work from a semester system institution, multiply the number of credits by 1.5 to determine how many quarter credits will be transferred (3 semester hours x 1.5 = 4.5 quarter credits). If planning to transfer OSU credits out to a semester system institution, multiply the number of quarter credits by .67 to determine how many credits will transfer (4 quarter credits x .67 = 2.68 semester credits).

Curriculum: (plural curricula) An organized program of study and courses required for a specific degree or certificate program.

Degree: An academic award granted upon satisfactory completion of a set of collegiate-level educational requirements.

Discipline: A field of study in which a student may concentrate, such as sociology, anthropology, or mathematics.

Doctoral Degree: An approved academic award given as a sign of proficiency in scholarship and for the satisfactory completion of an instructional program requiring at least three years of full-time equivalent academic work beyond the baccalaureate degree, the completion of which signifies recognized competence, original research and/or the capacity to do independent advanced graduate-level analysis. A minimum of 108 credits is required beyond the baccalaureate degree, but the total number, above the minimum, will vary by degree program. The conditions and conferral of the award are governed by the faculty and ratified by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education.

Double Degrees: A student may earn multiple, different degrees simultaneously. Additional degrees may also be earned after your first degree was awarded. The degrees may be offered by the same college, or by different colleges. To earn a double degree, or for each additional degree, a student must complete a minimum of 32 credits above the minimum number of credits needed for one of the degrees. The Office of the Registrar and advisors complete a separate graduation audit for each of the degrees.

On the student’s academic record, each degree awarded will be recorded as a separate degree with its major (e.g., Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Bachelor of Arts in English). The student will also receive a separate diploma for each degree awarded.

Some double-degree programs — Innovation Management (BA, BS, HBA, HBS), Sustainability (BS, HBS), International Studies (BA, HBA) — require that a primary degree be completed in order for the secondary degree to be awarded. Double degrees may be earned concurrently or subsequently. See Academic Regulation 26.

Dual (or Multiple) Majors: A student may earn two or more majors within a single degree program. It is sometimes possible to complete two or more majors within the minimum number of credits required for a degree but usually a student must complete additional credits to complete requirements for all of their majors. The Office of the Registrar and advisor must complete one graduation audit that includes all of the majors. The student’s academic record will list one degree with two or more majors (e.g., Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Chemistry). The student receives one diploma. 

Electives: Courses students may select, either for general knowledge or for fulfilling specific degree requirements. They are generally chosen and used by students to supplement or enrich the required curriculum.

Endorsement: An endorsement is the subject matter (content area) or specialty in which an individual is licensed to teach. Endorsements can be part of an initial teaching license or can be added later.

First Professional Degree: An academic award granted for an instructional program the completion of which: (1) signifies completion of the academic requirements to begin practice in the profession; (2) requires at least two years of full-time equivalent college-level work prior to entrance; and (3) usually requires a total of at least five years of full-time equivalent academic work to complete the degree program, including prior required college-level work plus the length of the professional program itself (examples, DVM in veterinary medicine and PharmD in pharmacy). The conditions and conferral of the award are governed by the faculty and ratified by the state of Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

Freshman: A student who has completed 44 or fewer term credits toward an undergraduate degree.

Grade-point Average (GPA): Total number of grade points received for A, A–, B+, B, B–, C+, C, C–, D+, D, D– or F grades divided by total number of credits attempted. OSU uses a 4-point grade scale.

Grade Points: Quality points assigned for one term credit of each grade: A = 4.0; A– = 3.7; B+ = 3.3; B = 3; B– = 2.7; C+ = 2.3; C = 2.0; C– = 1.7; D+ = 1.3; D = 1; D– = .7; F = 0.0. Grades of I, P, N, S, U and W are not computed.

Grades: Letters used to indicate the quality of academic work completed in a given course: A, A–, B+, B, B–, C+, C, C–, D+, D, D–, F, I, S, U, P, N, W. See Academic Regulations 17 and 18.

Graduation Audit: An evaluation of a student’s academic record to determine if the graduation requirements set forth by the university, college, and major department have been fulfilled.

Graduate Area of Concentration: A graduate area of concentration is a subdivision of a major or minor in which a strong graduate program is available. Areas of concentration may be referenced on the student's program of study, but they are not listed on the student's transcript. "Areas of concentration" can only be used in association with graduate programs.

Graduate Major: A graduate major is the area of academic specialization, approved by the State Board of Higher Education, in which the student chooses to qualify for a graduate degree. Upon completion of a graduate degree, the degree awarded and the graduate major are listed on the student's transcript

Graduate Option: Options are for students of a specific major. An option is one of several distinct variants of course aggregations within a major that focus on an area of study designed to provide a student with specialized knowledge, competence, and skills while sharing a minimum core of courses.

A graduate option consists of a minimum of 12 designated quarter credits of related course work (excluding thesis credits), comprised of course work offered by the sponsoring unit as well as by other academic units. The option may be comprised of specific courses, completion of a designated number of credits from a longer list of alternative courses, or a combination of specific and alternative course lists. Approved options may be added to a graduate program of study, and approved by the faculty advisor(s) and the director of the sponsoring unit. On the program of study, there should be no overlap in course credits between options (the same course cannot be used to satisfy credit requirements in multiple options). When the unit submits the final examination card to validate awarding of the major to the Graduate School, the unit will also validate that the requirements of the option have been completed.

Hybrid Course: A hybrid course includes both regularly scheduled on-site classroom meetings and significant online, out-of-classroom components that replace regularly scheduled class meeting time. A substantial portion of the course learning activities are delivered online; face-to­ face meeting time is generally reduced by approximately 50% compared to a traditional on-campus course. See Hybrid Course FAQs.

Interdisciplinary: A course or program that integrates concepts, knowledge, or faculty from several fields of study.

Junior: A student who has completed at least 90 but not more than 134 term credits toward an undergraduate degree.

Lower-division Courses: Course offerings at a level of preparation usually associated with freshmen and sophomore students (e.g., 100- and 200-level courses).

Major (graduate): See Graduate major above.

Major (undergraduate): An extensive program of study in a designated subject area.

Master's Degree: An approved academic award given as a mark of proficiency in scholarship and for the satisfactory completion of an instructional program requiring at least one but not more than two years of full-time equivalent academic work beyond the baccalaureate degree. A minimum of 45 credits is required beyond the baccalaureate degree, but the total number, above the minimum, will vary by degree program. The conditions and conferral of the award are governed by the faculty and ratified by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education.

Minor (graduate): A graduate minor is an academic area that clearly supports the major. Master's program minors must include a minimum of 15 quarter credits of graduate course work; doctoral minors require a minimum of 18 credits. On a master's or doctoral program, a minor may be:

  1. an academic area available only as a minor,
  2. a different major,
  3. the same major with a different area of concentration, or
  4. an integrated minor.

An integrated minor consists of a series of cognate courses from two or more areas. These courses must be outside the major area of concentration, with most of the courses being outside the major department. The graduate faculty member representing the integrated minor must be from outside the major department. Graduate minors are listed on the student's transcript.

Minor (undergraduate): A secondary field of specialized study that may be offered by an academic unit for its own majors and/or majors from other academic units. Minors require at least 27 credits, 12 of which must be at the upper-division level. An approved minor is placed on the student's transcript.

Option (undergraduate): Options are for students of a specific major. Options consist of at least 21 designated credits of course work, 15 of which must be at the upper-division level. If all requirements have been met, the option may be listed on a student's transcript.

Perspectives Courses: Baccalaureate core courses that integrate fundamental knowledge from science and liberal arts disciplines to develop cultural, historic, and scientific perspectives.

Postbaccalaureate Student: A student holding a baccalaureate degree who is admitted to work toward a second baccalaureate degree or undergraduate certificate is classified as a postbaccalaureate student. See Academic Regulation 4.

Pre-professional Program: Curriculum generally offered at the freshman and sophomore levels. A pre-professional program is designed to ensure students have the aptitude, motivation, and discipline to successfully complete advanced course work as well as achieve the standards for a chosen career field.

Prerequisites: Requirements that must be completed before enrollment in a particular course. The instructor may waive a prerequisite.

Professional Program: Curriculum generally offered at the junior and senior level, designed to prepare students for a professional career within a specific field (e.g., engineering, pharmacy). Admission to professional programs, often based on prior coursework and/or work experience, is competitive.

Program: Academic studies that comprise the core, required and elective courses that lead to a degree or qualification. At OSU, this includes majors, minors, options and certificates.

Reading and Conference: A course focused on reading assignments to be completed in conferences with the instructor.

Reserved Numbered Courses: See Blanket-Numbered Courses above.

Senior: A student who has completed 135 or more term credits toward an undergraduate degree.

Sequence: Two, three, or four closely related courses that are usually taken in a specific order across more than one term.

Skills Courses: Baccalaureate core courses designed to give the student fundamental mathematical, communication, and fitness competence.

Sophomore: A student who has completed at least 45 but not more than 89 term credits toward an undergraduate degree.

Special Topics Courses (X99): Courses which may be repeated for credit, as specified by the academic unit responsible for the course offering. It is implied that the course content is different each time the student takes the course. In the schedule of classes, section titles are listed as "ST/" followed by the topic covered in the section.

Student Enrollment Levels: The levels below establish undergraduate enrollment levels for federal financial aid eligibility and the deferment of student loans. Summer enrollment levels are the same as other terms.

  • Full Time: 12 or more credits in a term
  • Three Quarter Time: 9 to 11 credits in a term
  • Half Time: 6 to 8 credits in a term

Subject Code (Course Designator): An abbreviation representing the department, college, or program offering the course. Example: MB indicates that the course is offered through the Department of Microbiology.

Syllabus: A list of course objectives, lecture topics, assigned reading, exams, etc., prepared and distributed by a professor at the beginning of the term.

Synthesis Courses: Baccalaureate core upper-division courses that emphasize interdisciplinary, critical thinking approaches to global, technological, and societal issues.

TBA: Commonly used abbreviation for "to be arranged"; time, place, or credit of a course is to be arranged with the instructor.

Term: Usually one-third of the school year. Terms at OSU are divided into fall, winter, and spring terms (also referred to as "quarters"). Summer term is generally an 8- or 11-week session during the summer.

Transfer Student: An individual who has completed 24 or more transferable term credits at another institution and will resume their college course work at a second institution.

U-Engage: First-year seminar designed to assist the transition of new students to college.

University: An assembly of colleges, each specializing in a different field.

Upper-Division Courses: Advanced course offerings at a level usually associated with junior or senior students. Upper-division courses are numbered in the 300s and 400s.

Waive: This term refers to decisions of advisors to "waive" a course or courses in a student's program. Typical reasons include transfer credit for equivalent courses, equivalent experience in the profession or discipline, and petitioning for and successfully completing an examination. Waiving courses usually does not decrease the total credits required for completion of the degree or program; students should discuss this with their advisor.

Withdraw: To voluntarily leave a course or the term without academic penalty. A W letter grade will be placed on the student's transcript for each course attempted.

Workshop: A brief intensive course for a small group which emphasizes problem solving.

Writing Intensive Curriculum (WIC): Designated upper-division courses in the major discipline that use student writing as a significant approach to learning. WIC courses must meet a variety of requirements, as do other courses in the baccalaureate core. WIC courses have a ^carat in front of the title.